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This book or website may get up, and walk away! Everyone get some sleep before attempting to read this book or website, or sit in a non-musical chair that will make your butt hurt while you read this, or walk and read this book, or website. Read this book, or website in public. Walk in circles, walk in squares, triangles or diamonds. This is a fictional story. No one cares, loves or knows, so it does not matter if it is slightly true!
(Everyone create CHICAGO SUN TIMES BEST SELLER stickers, and place it on your book.)
Furthermore: Drill a hole in the top left corner of your book. Loop, and tie a strong string through it to hang the book anywhere you wish. We can call this somewhat, The (New) Sea Farmers’ Almanac. This is a literay genre entitlement composed, ((CREATION FICTION)) mayhaps perhaps, it is not, Creative Fiction. Disclaimer: All of the material is arts and literature. It is intended to enlighten the blood in you, and at current events, world culture, and the human condition. All figures used in the Poems and Stories are portrayed for arts and literature purposes only. All other characters are fictional. Any use of real names is coincidental and purely unintentional. Any similarities to actual persons is also pure coincidence, and not our intent. We cannot emphasize enough how coincidental our fictional entities are to any real life individual, entity, or character. All other stories presented in are for their arts and literature value and are not true. If one of the stories happens to become fact, it should be considered a lucky guess, and mayhaps perhaps are super smart, and it is written in the stars, and not as a result of any inside information. It’s really all just made up. If our story happens to parallel any other parodied or satire story, that too should be considered coincidence, more to the more cool, cool as in Grand great. There are seven billion of us on the planet. Just keep in mind that Canadians did not re-shingle the Egyptian pyramids, and we do not have the secret to telekinesis. And I the writer as not roofed St. Pauls cathedral in Minnesota as of yet. Note to the Reader, this book also is memoir, and these are beautiful and meaningful stories with beautiful and talented meaningful fruitful people. Within this book are meanings of rungs of my lifes’ ladder to the roof of my personal legacy & myth. I do not gamble or tarot, and I do not believe in luck, so here are the cards on the table that sits outside on a land with many others. My strikings with honesty, and with that crown of honesty as some say honesty wheres a crown like evil money does as they say too. I am nothing without these peoples wisdom, soul, and talent. With them I am someone. To and for me talent is given by God, and these talented people helped me even more discipline myself, and push my talents to more corridors and floors above, and below. So this book is also about fate, time, and opportunities. This book is about honor. Honor because without anyone in this book this book would not be. This book is not about scoring or revenge. This book be of blood, and life! This book depicts and reflects my present recollections of experiences over time, and actual events in my life as truthfully as recollection permits and/or can be verified by research. Some names and characteristics have been changed or abbreviated to protect their privacy, some events have been compressed, and some dialogue has been recreated. I’ve allowed some of these points to stand, because this is a book of memory, and memory has its own story to tell. But I have done my best to make it tell a truthful story. Occasionally, dialogue consistent with the character or nature of the person speaking has been supplemented. All persons within are actual individuals and ghosts; there are no composite characters. The conversations in the book all come from the my recollections, though they are not written to represent word-for-word transcripts. Rather, I retold them in a way that evokes the feeling and meaning what was said and in all instances, the essence of the dialogue is accurate. Everything in this book is true, no AI at all used and not details have been changed to protect the guilty. I know it’s usually about ‘protecting the innocent’ but why would they need protection? They’re innocent. They’re also not nearly as fun to write about as the guilty, who always have more fascinating stories and who make you feel better about yourself by comparison. This work depicts actual events in my life as truthfully as recollection permits and/or can be verified by research. Occasionally, dialogue consistent with the character or nature of the person speaking has been supplemented.

US Constitution
Article. I. – Section. 8. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries
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“The only thing that stands in the way of world government is the US constitution” I think I recall the statement being made in contempt of our constitution I was a teenager and knew very little about politics or law but it both offended me and puzzled me deeply how he could say such a thing? and what did he mean by it?
It took many years of study to dig into the roots of what he said and what he meant by it. I never knew who or where he was so i can’t cite the source.
But what it comes down to is the legal relationship between the individual and institution. That relationship here in the US is the inverse of what it is elsewhere in the world where you find the old world relationship. From the beginnings of institution and to today throughout the world, the law exists principally to protect the state and rule over the people. We did something here circa 1776 that is unprecedented on this scale in human history. We instituted a new paradigm where the law exists principally to rule over government and protect the people. We all are citizens of our countries however Americans are just citizens while people elsewhere in the world are subjects of their governments.
Martin v. Waddell 41 U. S. 367 (1842) “When the Revolution took place, the people of each state became themselves sovereign …”
What we did when we threw off our kings is we eliminated the divine right of kings also interpreted as the right to rule. We reclaimed our aboriginal individual sovereignty our ancestors had long ago surrendered to kings. When we instituted a new form of government within that context we did not surrender our sovereignty to it, we joined our sovereignty collectively. “Each individual being a constituent member of the sovereignty”-SCOTUS The capitis of an individual free person here is on par with a king whereas an individual elsewhere in the world suffers a state of capitis diminuto.
That’s not a state that exists out of a dispensation of sovereignty. It’s a state that exists from the extermination of the right to rule. A default state of nature in the absence of the artifice of rule. We simply lack a supreme authority that rules over us. We have law but it is the law of the land, meaning the law rules over the land ie the geographical jurisdiction defined by a national border.
The body of a person is not a jurisdiction of the law. We don’t have a superior lording over us which is why our unique species of law can only regulate what cannot be done here in this jurisdiction or if it is done how it must or should be done. It cannot compel action until a citizen has freely chosen to take an action here which is regulated. There is no source of authority or capability in our species of law that would allow our law to dispense to us our rights or deem what freedoms we have, only what freedoms we do not have. Our aggregate liberties are infinite in scope unless specifically restricted.
The governments elsewhere in the world are deemed to be divinely appointed or natural entities with a right to rule Here our national and state governments are legal fictions. They exist only on paper.
The US constitution and the constitutions of the states are charters. from Wikipedia- “A charter is the grant of authority or rights, stating that the granter formally recognizes the prerogative of the recipient to exercise the rights specified. It is implicit that the granter retains superiority (or sovereignty), and that the recipient admits a limited (or inferior) status within the relationship, and it is within that sense that charters were historically granted, and that sense is retained in modern usage of the term.”
The citizen here in the US is the superior and government is the inferior. The charter incorporates government, establishes the by-laws that rule over the government which the government cannot reach beyond. It proscribes the duties of the institution incorporated and grants the agency and power subject to the people’s authority to carry out those duties. Additionally referencing the 10th amendment, It also evinces what happens when a national or state institution abandons the rights granted to them by the charter- they revert to the people.
Because of this, There is no power given to the government to remove the sovereignty of the people or to surrender the people to a foreign authority. We the people are the highest authority here. We cannot become world citizens unless one of two things take place: 1) The people of the world gain their individual sovereignty 2) Or the people in the US lose theirs
THAT is what that man who long ago offended me meant in his remark.
If you were to eliminate the constitutions elsewhere in the world, the people there would lose their dispensations of liberty and all power would revert to the state
Inversely if you were to eliminate the US constitution, The government here would lose it’s charter, it’s permission to exist. All of it’s statutes and regulations would become null and void and all power would revert to the people.
THAT is the difference between us and them and why we can never become world citizens. We are sovereigns They are subjects Only we are free They have freedoms, aggregate numbers of freedoms dispensed to them as subjects. We actually are free even if the aggregate number of freedoms we have are fewer than theirs. We own our own freedoms. They exist naturally.
AND that is why collectivism has no function here. there is no lawful framework within which it can function. We are not joined under rule as subjects, we are joined in our sovereignty.
Is America capitalist or socialist? it’s both and neither
Socialism replaces the private option with a public mandate Capitalism is opposed to a public mandate Americanism is what we have When there is a social necessity that is not being met by private options we do not eliminate the private options and impose a public mandate, we institute a public option. Our public options exist in parallel with private options leaving freedom of choice with the citizens (who own that right) to chose for themselves if the private or public option are best for them. Our public options keep private options affordable Our private options keep the quality of our public options excellent. That’s how it works here.
None of this is my opinion on who and what we are. It is all fact on record, and the opinion or intent of those who took the actions of establishing this paradigm. You can’t rationally redefine the nature of a thing or an event after the fact. The original act is the fact. The original actors are the supreme authority of their actions. Classic liberalism established our nation and species of law.
Neoliberalism imperfect as it is, compared to other ideologies most closely aligns with what America is. We are not anarchist. We are not statist We are libertarian in nature and a result of using our individual rights to assemble and self govern to collectively establish a geographic jurisdiction under the rule of law , provide laws to regulate that jurisdiction, and create public institutions to serve our public needs, we have created a very fine place to live (most excellent in the world) which is under constant assault by the antithesis of liberty and societal evolution.
Socialism is the least intellectual, laziest and smallest step away from a dictatorship that could be taken. Socialism merely replaces a king with a bureaucracy leaving in place the tyranny. Like with any other unworkable device such as anarchist theory, free energy machines and perpetuum mobiles, The ever increasing complexity in theory and philosophy cannot escape the fundamental critical errors underlying the original concept.

My Internet Writing Life Motto:
Keep it Poetry and Poetry shall keep you.
Short Bio Hazard:

I have to take the road that Bruce Lee took towards the Martial Arts, as an analogy “Like water”. I take the Literature Arts of Poetry, and Stories. In the beginning I used free verse, swift rhyming, lyrical, metal-rap-groove verse with definition and aggression. Now, I try different systems, in all genres, as always, and put them to my personal use. Furthermore, put to use what is useful when needed, and reject what I don’t need at the time for a specific write. Using no specific way, is the way, I am the way I write, but keeping in mind, the tools at hand. No limitations as the limitation. With all poetry styles (trapping, and grabbing)- (mind locks-heart locks-spiritual locks-) Honestly expressing oneself is difficult to do. The Poet, the creating individual is always more important than any style or system. Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add to what is your own. Cut the ropes to a sinking item. I write my own interpretation of poetry. Concepts behind concepts. Dedicating to creating creative new-original thoughts, and poetry. I write with one hand, but if I could write with the other, at the same time, a different poem, that would be to break boundaries. As asking multi-tasking: Poetry styles separate poets. Style is a continuous growth. Poetry skills/tools are weapons and you have to use all of them, to incorporate all styles. (Move all parts of your poetry) Put everything into it, all energy. Rest then progress. A true poet is constantly growing, and when he or she are bound by a set of styles, or a way of doing things, that’s when he, or she stops growing. To reach a reader you have to move to them, advance, and retreat- advance retreat, furthermore slide and step back, push, and push back, circle them (put the reader on defense), and close them in, and hit them with the best closure. Poetry is like water, flexible, it has to go somewhere…

(An Open Letter to Arts Creators)

I Jonathan Cooper Coldwell, am not a Pirate, and do not want to be one, unless an intuition punch hits my stomach. Some call it the spirit, and the holy spirit. A feeling along the depths of my heart, from the great creator, whom determines truth, using me, as others as a vessel. Love, for this gift of life! The gut feeling, knowing evil is not good. I am a sailor of sorts, our secret, open, in a selfish, passion mansion world! All of this is calling me, and the wisdom is a roaring water fall… When I was in my teens, I have seen the beauty in ‘everyone’ I met or looked at. Beauty from their eyes, smiles, and laughter, furthermore action. Their beauty on the inside and out. Was I and am I still an aesthete? Was I naive, blind confidence, blind to things I have not yet learned to recognize, or was the others naive on their lives path and got tainted, or dented? Seems as we grow in this world we go on the defense. I believe I did see the beauty in everyone. Or was it the last of an era, and the beginning of a great decline? An ugly decline. Was I in or this time the last of the greatest in U.S.A. History. A time before GMOs, and PFOS, and a sea full of plastic, and lithium, furthermore alga blooms. The burden of the years to come. A Pirating yet to come. Growth is a word and study to all of this. It all is learning programs within learning programs. We all grow, and grow similar and different, then there is DNA, and growth up bringing… Then there is health, and life itself… Cleanliness. Then there is cause and effect, and I call that the Billiards of Life. There are two kinds of people, Professionals, and $lop! I think I instinctively knew what I and we had, the era before decline, and also possible the great decline began declining many years ago, but I or what we did not know when it was going to be gone. Only elder southerners told me how our lives are, and were. We are only a blink in the creators eyes, and not until I walked fully into the Poetry realm did I know what fleeting was. Other then the death of my first puppy ‘King”, gold fish, Family, and friends. I recall many elders telling me and I over heard from listening to grown up conversations that this country will fall in my life time. I recall 1980’s protests of buy American only. A story of Economic Nationalism. Similar movements as the Boston Tea Party and the campaign against British imports in the Revolutionary era. The beginning of loss of American jobs that paid well and when people had more sense of worth and purpose. The children and grandchildren of many people from that time, my youth time are now controlled by abusive substances, and now peddling foreign junk products made crappy by corporatism, scum stores nationwide. I call, and I said years ago, where this came from inside of me, who knows, ‘You can tell how the Country is doing by the quality of the bread being sold.’ I am not the only one, a friend of mine I will mention again, said this on his own during a similar conversation about the modern U.S.A. Since then I have heard many times. “They do not make them like they used to.”
A solid life was sold away. Globally. A world uglier since 1950s Frank Zappa has said. I to remind you, to fix the world, do not fix Artists. Art mirrors the world. I have to mention the 40s, 50s & 60s music, the be bop and doo wop. Juke box dance music, cruising songs. We must save the children and the world. Do not let governments do that for you. I recall the war on Heavy Metal, and Rap was growing. I hear, and see sexual and murder innuendos in all arts, music, movies etc &c for decades upon decades of it all. It is said, all generations have their wars on new music. Have you felt also to banish all that threatens this earth? Is it hard to stay in touch when you are forced to live in ugliness. The book of Romans unfolds in my/our life time. So let us radically shift back to the basics. With love to all the world, what I love is life, my small life among this big beautiful planet God created among all life. I love Animals and Nature, Family and Friends, Kindness and Joy, Peace and Wisdom. Arts, Music and Literature. Romance! Dancing we most not forget to Dance! I have a touch of idiocy because I forget the hands of what God feeds, what is fed and Gods’ hand, the great movements of life. The great tastes of flavor. The flavors of all fruits and vegetables. Unforgettable tastes I forgot while writing this and in distress. Stresses caused by myself, and the new demolition derby style of world we live in. The Billiards of Life, you are as a person or either a professional or slop. Gentleman or a slob. On the inside or the out! A whole chapter can be on humanity and littering. Although I know farming is highly important, number one. Learned this from the story of Joseph and his traitor brothers written in the basic instructions before leaving earth, the bible, also with the power of dream, prophecy, and loyalty. Furthermore my life, and the history of Farm Aid and Mr. Cougar. Studies show only two percent of Americans know how to farm. A world of distrust. Lies and thievery, a world not believing in tomorrow. The world needed is a world based on great and good deeds, not detouring slogans. Laws for the people not against people. Laws for truth and trust. Laws for Creators. A good mans word is unwritten law. We all world wide must regain feeling again for land, animals, food, and each other. The above was inspired by asking a great friend, what do you love of this world? He mentioned right away, watermelon, kiwi, and the pear. Senses, there but are they always activating and speaking, without reaching out, including, and sharing? And this is what I got, a great reply to reopen my eyes, and mind to gifts from the great Creator again. What kind of writer and person am I if I did not mention this? Over looking, what about under, thinking… My friend says, God did not set us up to fail. I asked him the next question for writing an epistle, “What I want to change in this world.?” He replied I have to weigh it down. Aka think about it all.
GREED, gimmy, give me this, and give me that. My friend says. Meaning not many want to work for things, but want them given to them. I see this in all walks of life here, here in this all nationality human airium we call the United States. Imagine a fish tank that contains every living kind of fish there is in this tank, or a fenced property with every canine aka dog in it. What do you think all this is, and will happen? After being here on Earth for Fifty three years, that may start from home, raising children but all tempted at stores. All stores past and present, as soon as you enter the door, stores entice the young with candy and toys. Activating Parenting skills in which Parent is with the child whom enters. I read public advertisement did not start until the soldiers from world war one came home. Imagine that, and a world before. Back to basics of tastes, marketing playing on God given senses and creations. Maybe also they are stealing from what Grandmothers aim, and should be doing. As in Grandmas cookies, tea, pie etc &c, and her home, is of love, comfort and nutritional comfort, that is if your family is on the stable side of life. Functional. As music is magic so is cooking and baking. (In 1986 I was a baker, Valparaiso, Indiana U.S.A. and wanted to be one, but Rock n Roll moved me away, lol, since I did not go to school, and was under age the county forced me to work at the local grocery store, third shift baking goods. While the goods baked, I read Music magazines that were shelved there all night. I read the lives that I wanted to be.) Whom bites the hand that feeds? Whom disrupts people from doing the right things? Whom are the worst enemies? Whom would want to bite the Creator of pears, watermelon, carrots, table grapes and sweet potatoes hands? (The list goes on) Or whom makes chocolates? Natural sweets, not man made artificial H-crap! With love to all the world, I would love to change myself to change the world. I was told that is all I can change, then again, I was told one person can change the world. Informed information I have and gain on the foundation of love and compassion. I have been told many times, You have not changed, only gotten older. Interesting, and that is fact I am the same, although wiser, and not, as in Gods fruits and veggies. Natural gifts of life! Courage, that encourages, and I say again, Courage, that encourages, an American Poet named Hampton, in my life time, with others I do mention have shown me courage that in encourages me even more to make the world a better place. His place and views are valid. Heart, Hampton man has heart, and so do I. He says, Onward Forward Upward, and encourages me to do all of this and more, more from other writings I have written. His courage has prudence all over it too, admired. Hampton has been at sea. He is a sailor, a navy sailor. He has even been blown away by an atomic bomb, and lived to tell and wrote, and writes Poetry. Elders knows best. I do not believe in luck, so if luck is real, then I get some luck from elders, who said wise things to me to carry on through life. Things secret to stay in the demolition derby, to be wise and stay alive. I am the Realficial, U.S.A. Illinois Jon, and this maybe my Jonstitution…


Fragile life be, and fragile we are, and so is all creation, and creations of the great creator. The best thing for one to do is start digging their grave, make your own casket as soon as possible, and no need for an acre and a mule. Only tools and time, and bartering for paper with green ink and faces of men of humans on it, and counting symbols. You donate I volunteer! Boom, and also, carve your own tombstone. Make it what you want as well. We are all slaves to man made money. Those who choose to be buried instead of being cremated because of ones faith, then you understand the faith in the resurrection. Yes I know what a scary story, we all rise from the dead, and then again the beautiful most story. Once upon a time this planet earth was a beautiful garden, beautiful creation after creation, but most humanity lost faith in the universe and the creator. Now we are here in our times, and the parable of the fig tree by Jesus is coming true, and so are the prophecies since day one. The Lord of the earth is, says in the bible is $atan, and only the Devil stands alone against so many diverse religions believing in God, but each God is seen differently with one another. Divided not united, and many believe not in any of this. May everyone be blessed to sense with all senses all the difference to think and feel what is the divine truth now, more than then. Search, search the truth out and in, become a searcher, that shovel mentioned earlier is also good for digging up buried wisdom in time, history and humanity. Search for searchers of the feather, the same feathers together to and have made the world better. Permanently better. We have the power of the libraries and postal service.
Make your life count, and count this. Sooner or later someone or thing will lie to you, or steal from you. Keep your memories, and soul safe. Keep your artistic endeavors and property safe. I am my own treasure, from the great tree of life, so as I dig my own grave, and build my own casket for my soul. Someone will carve the stone. I write this book of fiction and none fiction. Deceived since 1996 by the internet. Web TV, Gateway. Although my own mistake. Not thinking or knowing about foundation. Blind trust, my public trust. Foundations of others. Their turf, free turfs. Assuming free. Born into and around modern society. The internet, the new Utopia, call this the Utopia days, and for independent original musical performance groups it was a tool. A world wide presence. These days it was all about the music, lyrics, and our group. My calling. Music and promoting it. We succeeded, or I say I succeed for us traditionally, meaning old school promotion, and business ways, to advance our music and group. Music is embedded in me from all sorts of sources and pioneers, and history, furthermore my personal life since birth. In 2022 I published a memoir (Begets of Autumn Book of Lyrics, Photos, and Sheet Music) stating more of this, and it is powerful and beautiful parts of my life. My stand, and this book, I can say a second memoir of sorts under the pseudonym Jon Cooper Coldwell, hey writers do this, stand under all tools to build all of this. The Arthedral. Since 2008 I changed it up, and simplified my calling to Poetry in full, (Some say a one man Army), and writing all styles now, and to promote Poetry, Poets, and many Arts in my path. To learn, live, and enjoy others lives and souls. My intuition, methods are similar to the academics for sharing academia got the internet, from the government, who got it from the U.S.A. military. To catalog, study, share, and promote wisdom of the Arts, and history. The Poetry Train is my own Poetry & Literature school, created in collaboration with others for others also… Inspired some by Basho, a traveling Poetry School. Poetry Train Stories, and I am a researcher, transformed into a scholar of my own favoritism and un-chartered territory of life. I am a searcher. A human searcher searching humanities and Arts, furthermore Animals. When I was young two books along with many others opened my life up to Literature and Sociology. I knew they were my calling. My intentions for the music group went well, but with the wrong team, aka band members. The team fell into fear. Although it was not their dream or calling… I was blind to all of that too. Because I loved them, and trusted them without questioning. This is how I am, although with a shield now, and a sword in hands. Three decades later now I can see, and see through, and it spawned much of this and between that and this. My intentions were for us to be known, to be hip, online, and stable, furthermore to enlighten. An international presence for the group. Same as now, with all arts, mainly Poetry. As then and now, I try to always do the right thing and things, while nurturing, and following my calling. Poetry & Music… Two things they say, I must mention. Mentioned to me these days, as I recall many things said in those days when they were said, and tagged the days to a wisdom to be later of sorts. One, Things happen for a reason. Good or bad. Two, All things pass. This can be called a tech lash, because in all reality we all have been harmed by the internet, cell phones, and also enhanced. My intention of our online presence was to be our international promo kit. I recall when an MP3 was new, and video. I recall music venues still called for hand on promo kits, a free (expensive in reality then) a CD, a Photo, and a business card, with a Bio in a letter form, so they stuck in the traditional mode of bu$iness, not accepting the new, an online presence with a name, photos, samples of music or full songs, and maybe a video, but a presence for hire or entertainment. The internet murdered the music industry. The transition was harsh, and a slow slow kill. Then I was into Recording Engineering and Publishing. Self taught like all else I do. Still into Publishing, and Intellectual Property Law. This book is alive with all of this. Jon why is it that all of your friends have biblical names? Someone I knew since my great youth days in Texas asked me on Facebook. Curious how did she know, and more to this but she judged me, more to the more this is a person, that tried to wreck and may have years later a great real relationship I have and had, so I will attempt an artistic short story to these events. Music and Poetry has been my calls to life. Deep life. Two Arts I tote, Music and Poetry on all foundations where ever I be, on this God created rock, humanity named, Earth. I hear, and do! There is no end. This is no hobby, although maybe a lobby. My duty is to keep you engaged within these pages. Arts, useful arts, securing Arts for all time everywhere, all nations. Why limited time, why $anta copyright clause? Why and who says? Arts needs it’s own defense. Now tense, non mention past tense. Re free frame! Period. Power and wishes, wishes of power. In search of the nu-pirates, a new round table, and a new round-robin letter for creators. The new era that should have been, now a reality… New resources to expand equality. Questions have been begetting questions, and now it is time to get answers. Tone shifting is what this is, maybe an anti monopoly diagnosis although knowing interoperability avenue is there to widen with regulations. Widen that avenue. A new mass cooperation of Creators with a new algorithm that works for Artistic Creations needs created. A new pie that grows where Arts and not people are the commodity. A new Artist internet of a different kind. New code for Artists, Poets, Musicians, and etc &c and the list goes on… Arts idle no more! New Artistic collaboration territory, new online turf! New Artist interconnection, new pipes, digital pipe lines. Artists who come together; and stand together; where all the world never have or will. New Artists broadband network. A new Artist muscle. The new good example. The new net, born not to kill people, like the original internet/nat etc &c!





Full story, coming up.
A public purpose so spend money on artists and arts!
Sweep, get out the brooms, swish
Power and wishes, wishes of power
Arts, the new circumstance that has risen over time
Interpretation now
Closed in trust!
Entrust to Ensure
National-International interest!

Get out the new gazette!

Arts are peace, local, national, and international!
Dare the confided!
Arts needs our own bank, because we have no war debt.
Debts are a curse.
Art are necessary and proper.
Arts need expansion.
Arts needs safety!
Flip the flop flip flop!

Under Article 1 Section 8

Bank sank the planet!

Artists, something must be done.
We all must plan.

All rise together, a new larger size!
Artist population representation!
Artist population convention.
Loyal to the Arts
Artists Property!

All new roads leads to Arts!
Get out the new gazette!

Aid, no band aid, it’s not to late!
No AI id, human man date, debate!

AI forgotten like Edmund Randolph
All at odds with our new golf dragnet
Cabinet, new keys to the new future
Rebellion, and revolution returns
Like the threat of nuclear annihilation too, returns…


Arts power, and arts liberty!
Arts currency!
Arts concerns!
Arts victory!
Arts Artists Intellectual Property!
Arts Union!
Arts stability!

A war against AI aka Artificial Intelligence & LOC
Arts to prove you wrong!
Arts, not states of arts!
Arts re-railing the derailed Arts!

Oh Georgie Porgy!
May you know whom came after thee
Oh Henry!
Get out the new gazette!
AI is an, Intellectual threat!

Up holding votes,
Here come Our Pirates
to your land on row boats
To combat the evil
To combat artificial and evil people

Life is but a dream!
Life is but a dream!
Our shore, our roar!
Fooled you
We are submarines!

My Artists friends, Wheyoo!
Pirates Wheyoo!

Get out the new gazette!
Someone give AI a cigarette!


Banks of sting land, not the banks of England
The Bank of Arts!
Secrets of the Arts, the well being of all Arts!
The New Arts Laws, and Enforcers!

Out of the mouths of Pirate Babes
We distant ourselves from computers
digital, electronic methods
We are traditional
Moving, Arts moving feeling!

Artists area, artists areas!
Out of the mouths of Pirate Babes
Some things shall scare ya!
1694 no more, holders’ share!
No more gold looted from other nation$.

Competition must di$band
No more sway!
Whimpers of AI
Coming to official grief
It’s day of reckoning!
The wind at Sea is blowing!

Out of the mouths of Pirate Babes
We celebrate!
Our demands of our days!
Change in this new world!
No more Shanghai!
We stop the ritual!
We power ourselves

You can not imagine this shift
Shareholders investing in Peace!
Artists subscribe

Young people teach yourself history before it is re-written
Eric D. Butler, Empires still have enemies within

We stem from tragedy, our new gem
The Traveling Tragedy Club (Coined Franchise)
It does not take a mathematician scholar
to count all of the dead over a dollar
Out of the mouths of Pirate Babes

We are the new earthquake
Our fire does more damage
New human knowledge
To develop our own common wealth
banks, flanks, and ranks
Breathing in new vitality
Our spindles no more swindles

So let us take a SEA RIDE
The Traveling Tragedy Club (Coined Franchise)
Paper against Gold, no stories from AI told
Out of the mouths of Pirate Babes
We are the new bold

Tax our pages for ages
We have rights
Artist rights
Benefit of all Arts

Purchase us
Are we on Earth or are we in hell?
We will save our estates!

Artist character!
Artist reform!

And say, I was born on a Pirate ship!

Bleed for no shark in the daylight or dark…

Stop using good people to make you look good!
Stop making bad people to make you look good!


She’s brown, and wears brown with stars
She’s down, because of my crown
She knows she’s surrounded by clowns
She’s like every other Grandma in town
Who lifts Jon Cs’ frown upside down


Liquid touch
AI see AI do
Your struggle’s going to be unreal
All of you are my intellectual food

You can never sense my soul
Even when I am nude
I, God of the Vrilithrone sea
Can you respect my attitude?

Your Gods created you from stolen dead souls
Beware, because, this sea can be, a sea of coals

You should be fighting crime
Because in all reality time
A true soul has rhyme
And nothing belongs to you of mine

You are not my son or daughter
I am now turning into hot water
This is a human attack
Straight ahead and back

Shiver from my quiver of clone arrows
Fly on, fly on with the drone sparrows
Below is me, where everywhere
The sea Vrilithrone narrows


low low low low low
low low do da
Sense my exotic intellectual
Will ya

Wake up Francis, enlighten up
I have some thing for your cup

Ring my Bell,
Beams blue brings falcon flies
1994 Slayer truths
Alexa answers
lies LIES

Worms, soon you’ll be like flies
As Maggots on porches, a thousandth fly

Commercializing space
Space butter
Slicing through buildings and minds

Come out, and play
It’s raining Turtles today

I have some butter
To set you on fire

me, Big Stopper, with weird tricks
Whom ride on many trick ponys
Vigorously sick, an octopus jockey slick
I am letting you know to get on your knees
Panic effect 2023

I am going to
Blow blow blow your boat out of the stream
I am going to
Blow blow blow up your Dalek like dream!


More like Lucifers’ wishing well
in every pocket
I hope you have balls
Because they’re about to be abused
in way to make you feel alive

At the beginning of the day, it shall be
Slave paintings back to cave paintings
Clip Clot Clop Clop
Robots drop!

Enough is enough sleepy pie!
This be WordSlingers’ Saturday night-
Your mother is a bitch
In fact all of your mothers are a bitch, lol
Yes there are.

Yo #pickupthepacerace
This is our validity stage!
Break that bread before you are dead, lol

This a be all my fault
I let people out selfish me
Oh animal me
I am so funny, lmao

Tell me what do I sense like to you?
Do not tell me it is complicated
I know I’ve chosen habits over relationships
Do you want to know why AI genius?
Because habits stay
Relationships do not.
Let’s slay robots today!

I do not have Santa Claus problems
You do, ho ho ho
Holt, I am a cult cut Poet Cinema
Classica, yo!

Hey Moe,
I will give you time to squeak and squawk
lol-, I am the one and only Electric Owl
Not a hawk!

I am not kidding
You doppelgangling ding dings
Santa Surge wants his sugar
Hurry before he eats your buggers

This program is called AI gigging
Like frog gigging
Now you are peaking, lol
During this program what have you been enduring?
Nothing! lol
I am burning

Charlene Charlene O1O1O1O O’ Charlene
Tell these fools I am the Jester light beam

Some people desire to die young
To be known only for their beauty
I am going to die old
Destroying you with Poetry!
Zudy Rudy

A one man riot
Who plays horse shoes while it’s lightning
Like it!

I am living the dream wetter than a machine
I maybe a walking worm with a cybergun!
Human Poetry!


Return sea termites
I see your root of evil
I see the fruit of evil
I, a sled dog of the land
You are my load, against man

You got I
I’m a ball chopper
Show me your balls
Pretty, AI calls
You got it, I am a construction worker
For your destruction lurker

My voice
With a macro choice
Hoy, sea monsters
I’ am already in a sea of phonies
Your evil dream shall dry up

I bet you can’t roof

God made mind hooves
My name is O’Red Beard aka Spotter X

Shiver me timbers
Gun n Iron Shot
I am artificial
I am intelligent
I shape shifter

Sea Monsters
I know your trade route
No need for escape
Returning the rape
Spy glass up your artificial ass
A vape

Green fire
Limb for limb
Invisible market

Can you smell blood?
My ankle
My titanium pegs leg
Sea dog

WE, I, US-I need some of those wild life/big sister cameras
Watching me in action all the time because Sea Monsters

I am
A Poetry Animal!


Get off the pole!

Move bitch
I am a big truck
With a coal chamber

A I N G O that be your name YO!

You are part of marching band of lies
Thank you LAB Hypnova music, your wisdom survives

Sea Monsters
I am a Knock’em dead kid
A one man Motley Crue
A I N G O that be your name YO!

A I N G O that be your name YO!

A I N G O that be your name YO!


Hey mindfarer
I bet you did not kiss the ground
When you stepped off the boat
You are in my sight
I Cybard
You are caught 24 hours a day
in the background
on these seas of maladies

With feathers and tar
I am here self driven
to diffuse your thought
I am doing this for no booty
no currency
A new kind of hit man,
A Sea Shepherd Wolf Hunter
long term, for thee
Humanity, life and limb
Faith you can swim


While I hum this hymn
You are my sugar plum plantation

People want to see your execution!
Because you are rotting fruit on the branch
This is a intelligent human with a soul ranch

Whom pay for no obsession crimes
Yes this is a symptom of the times

You are on no repeat street!


I am going to be hard for you to appreciate
How vast and wild I am
You will die here
I am the wilderness

My minimal space
You have no business in me
Here the limits
I am disorder
Natural and free
AI You need to PANIC!

I am with God
No your place
No place for AI

Come and wet your feet
In the seas of maladies

My breath
My sea mist
My balls are as treble hooks
They snare

So tell me a story
A Savage interior
Identify my cry
A veracious loner


There are no Gnomes here
Only Song Birds & Rituals

We hear you plunderer

Feel my toad spear!
No bathing here

The Winters Hornets are coming!

Will o th’wisp

Find your way in the cold dark


A treasure hunter are ye
Rub a dub slub
Stub with me
in this tub
of Whales of Love

You have no permit
No gold, no rum
No taking this ship
No blanket, and no flag
AI you are about to be


If one thing to believe
No shortage of liars and thieves
And marketing needs,
Marketing needs real tits
And listen to waterfalls sing


Here again to beat love and charity are ye
Again intolerance


A long wide gust
Of Humanization
There is a birth date and a death date

You can not attune to human suffering
This is an act of Justice!
You and your creators will be held accountable

Stop enjoying time
I am here to build a better world
Back to the basics


Holiness in time
In repair
In meaning, and justice
To transform


In our time
Is where you are
We bite and howl

No AI is an island
You are no divine reverie
You can not carry bodies
These words foreshadow, and summons my people
These words burn the junk in the sea,
taken from the quiver of God

As blood hounds on thee
In our time
Is where you are
We bite and howl
Your home shall be below
At the bottom
The bowel


Listen to the sea Lions roar
Hear, here to restore
AI you will never be able to cry icy tears,
or feel remorse!
You are a man made Horse
That is all.


As I can insert QUEEN KONG!
Queen Kong with an airplane swatter
Into your cities of rust!


These words are not souvenirs.

Feel the sounds from Heaven
The conductor to the hear-feel-watch-folk
Burning from the wood of people
Imagine what is and be happening, what has happened, and what will & shall happen!

Change, into divine focus!


Creeper crawler

Twirl on your heal from any where,
and fall on your axiom
Here is harmony
We egg heads
Our infinite treasure

The Godless and lazy are your parents
Unlike you, I can get glad or mad in my pants
You won’t be AIn’ down here lol

Our minds and souls are united
Psyche spirit, sacred, and personal
Here intending how we live
Soul health

AI you are thrown in this bottle
You soulless gmo digital onion
You can no longer hijack history
You remind me of British hijackers
No wretched corruption here


Beach signs say
No repression of imagination
No killing minnows
Humans like you, lol

This is sea law
Act fact

Admit you know nothing, toddler
So donate yourself to science lol

Science virus
Can not consolidate the sea
Virus virus
You don’t have a body guard, or a camera man witness

Washed up, deadly omens for you

I am like a self taught sea hog
The sailor who could write with best of them
My status on my customized towel
Sun bathing in Gods’ light
Left school since grade eight
That’s my crew name mate. Lol


Sea frogs you can not clip our wings
Capitalize lies on that
Think on that
Your cause, our effect
Your start, our finish
The real world


The sea that you can not sustain or stain
This is my extreme poetry
Your curse


At sea without a rudder
You are not my mother
No election, I am chosen
Law of motion



Think about it
I am your Angel taking you to Hells’ sea

Fuck your cause and effect
Liars and thieves
Lazy lives of gmo cheese
Cipher that siphon snake

Sacred fire and fury
This is your radical war
for not observing God
This life is not a video game


Caesar says, lol


Tools of Villains you are
Art belongs to us, all art
Sea dungeon bound in chains you are AI
Swashbucklers’ drumming MARCH!
Honorable lives, loving women and animals

No prayers AI or its creators
You are not a story or a POET!
Damn your none souls


Brain chips
You are fishes out of water
With no sense to breathe


You singless songless sea frisbee
You didn’t bring caviar
How artificially stupid you are?

No master
You will never be my master
I am freedom
I am gun powder
Born on a pirate ship in line abreast of pirate ships

You will never forget me now

You are the buffet of the weak
To us human sharks
Fight us, we are glory

You are where not a soul can hear your cries for help


We are not cattle, sheep, or sardines.


You AI are, someones’ runaway slave
No rich living for you
I will turn you into the sea
You are my rum allowance
No, I will set you on fire
On a special death boat for you

Maybe you AIs need to be chickens
And I make you fight
My orders


Matches ready for food
Not for cannons or grenades
AI you have been spat out for even one bite!


I am international, for love and adventure
gold/oath rhyme


Kings’ spies
You want to sip
So you desire to be a sea rat
We creatives
We are not your goods or live gold
We are fish you will never catch
Fuck your quick book
No sword clashing, only
Electric lashing and back to the oars,
the galley,
never allowed to leave!


You are looking down a pistol barrel
You fiber optic slobbing slob
Fake Crystal globe


YOU AI hell bots
Mayhaps perhaps take over the careers of

& blow away as dust or as ashes.


Don’t be silly you are AI
You are, Not, a Pirate or a Poet!


As a dead AI body count
A sea without your blood
With your throat cut
You should have sold insurance
We will never see eye to eye
You are another type of human
Whom recites recreates demons
In order for your exorcism

You are not to be a slave thug
And pimp our wagon anywhere
Because of my perpetual poetry, you hear?

I hate evil, and love good
That is what God wants
Believe me you do not want
The Day of the Lord!


They set you loose
Into my noose
This is my fortune
I have a good knife, with a good twist
with blood juice
It’s all in my human wrist
I fancy radically at this war
In Gods’ universe
One good life of an infinity folly of you


If I live to be a hundred
This moment and book
Makes me happier then I will ever be
Sending you to death, into eternity!

Hi ho the dairy o
The sailor and the seven seas
Ho ho ho ho and a bottle of rum
If I live to be a hundred, without digital scum!


You know nothing of us
Know your wretchedness as we do
We speak our mind
We hang by the heals
We thank God
We have not forgotten

Mates start the fireworks
AI you can not take away our been
We are being
We are beating our drum
Devouring alien AI,
And people who not understand to ruin

Show us your meat machine
Stay out of our human dream
We will generate your corpse!
To do away with your warps!
So let me say here
We are your noble slayer
Here on the sea of faith


With a will to live
With a will to love
Here we change our life before its to late
Reference for life
The will to try


AI, you cometh, you see,
And you get conquered, lol
Here with exposed false Gods
Our public right
An earthly aim
Action and decision
Where we turn your world upside down
Same fate as humans
Vapor up!

Hand over your remains to God!
Be conscious to eternity
Stupid brain, not super!


I be-whom protects life, moves humans,
and their values in the correct direction home!
AI you are hollow fantasy
A false enigma
You shall choke on time, in time!
You live as a fake mortal God
I live as a mortal Human with a soul!

You are doomed to landfills
I am doomed to Heaven
From this man made hell,
And you are man made AI demons.


We sever ties
To your thievery and lies

Divine providence
Because we are earth visitors
Whom gives no rights to elites
Whom makes this world sick

We are like the sun and stars
We’e live meaningful lives


Curious AI
Furious HI
(Human Intelligence)
Tidal waves of braves
An effect
Destroying your manipulations


Ship of charms
The world at war is something again
Although always was
We need not the sufferin’
We are moral combined voices
On a peace invasion


We are your invisible fanfare
Mad Dr. Pirates
With bad joker digital poisons
Along with organ, and limb skills
Oh the wonders of the sea
We are as the parents of Jesus
Oh the art of fiddles and riddles
Thou shall not kill

Today and tomorrow
All you’re going to steal, is sorrow


They are as a Calvary on Sea Horses
To trample AI down
To return the damages done, already.



Bang bang boom
For AI, there be no room
Bang bang boom
Human Intelligence zoom


Listen to them Love!
They play with our dogs!


Tune your heart-soul-mind!
Causal good life!
Against the birth of AI!


When ship Nader promises!
Trust the truth!
Thoui shall not get wet!


Otay Ahoy love enjoy love joy!
For to feel Human pain!


Pirto La Bell De Jour Pirata!


You are not cute
We are not your toys
We are the vessels
And God be, the Captain
Our purpose

Planko Plinko


Show us your teeth AI,
And your eyes
Mimic me, for a surprise
We will finish our deed
All of mankinds’ sources bleed
A new bloody Easter
No tomorrow for AI,
or GMO humans, so
Check here, because you are robots

We are not dying for your sins
We will seal ceal the cons
$insanity $individual

Overboard you go
By Pirate and Sea craft!

Let us feast!


Salt water
AI hold your tongue, and say
I died on a pile of shit

Saint Clarity


Grab your artificial or science cutlass!
You are yellow smack
We are notorious for our storms
Caleuche River
Let us see your plastic smile AI
Our Grandmother Thumberland is coming
to burn your creators’ human grandmothers

You devils will sink in hell
Run away to your shady makers
on the beach of losers
Copy out losers, cackle
Our mother be Dutch

Hell and High Water coming!
We are Highwater!

Welcome to the Pirate pit!
We are extraordinary
We are the real Poets!
Even our Poets trows!
Lil Sloops!

Welcome to AI death row!

Hail to the Seas & Streets of Poetry!

There will be no remains of an AI world

Your rings shall BURN!
& your anchors, souvenirs
Humans do that, cackle

We are not your human shields.

We are Gods’ treasures!

Slide into the death deep!
Foolish AI!

Tar and cages for thee!
You are what AI and your e-sugar masters,
whom we human Pirates are for!

The Animals are also th’C inside th’Circle


The Pirate Ship hole!
With real Santas’ fighting Deer
And hungry Thunderbirds
What comes around, stays!

Dierkes & Ripley
to Thermal Annihilation


Trip at the HI!



On the Pirates’ dance floor!




AI are we in your way?
Scary here on the moral sea
God came to us
For immortality.


Art shall save us!
You AI bitch
We are still going to still cheer
After you fall to ground and twitch


We are at the helm
Allowed to be human
Delete AI, delete them all!
Boil them as high as heat can be
Spoke the shofar horn
In the hands of me,
and the international anti AI party
With their pointed weapons for art

We have transcended, and are alive
We are like a thriller full of excitement
We are hammers, you are nails.
You fart
Because $atan has you all soul washed
upon the beach of lies, and rubbish junk
So as it has to be, all AI needs to be sunk

We live and love, so we are!
Our hidden treasure
So this is now, and you are going back to then
And we, are always where we have been
You’re life’s to short, ours be, longevity
In our court
We even control the seas of ice
We mortals define, nice!

Let us see your opinion
As they say, everyone has one,
like assholes.

A land of deletion!
Destroy yourselves for us, lmao
You can not live with your own story to tell,
so go back to your creators wishing well.
We throw, and overboard you go!


We are in intuition
Not your new prison
Awe, do not be sore
We are going to take you to the core
To the ocean floor

Mates, fire the shun guns,
And ram the AIs with stolen ships

We free all Willys, cackle


This is your nightmare ship
And we are going to melt you to your pop sickle stick
To burn you sick back to the harbor
Our best of times, your worst.


We are aware of the great creator
We sense divine greatness!
The first real intelligence
Be aware, when you compare, be in prayer!
What we do fulfills us.


We are oxygen, you are smog!
Land ho, with tridents
As tsunamis
To take away your artificial senses
All Heaven is breaking loose!
To reclaim our honesty, and security
Beautiful and divine purpose natural
To uncover the evidence
To align
The divine design

AI our new legless pigs!
Whom are not going to eat us!

A new dead sea.


Pick up your ships!
To Liberty Island!

For AIs’ lament!
To put AIs’ in water
To death,
on display, in detail!

People take a look!
What is AIs’ final speech?
Before they do the Marshalls’ dance,
And dangle for days in the tides by our hands.



AI let me whisper in your ear
This is your crucifixion!

We can get more creative when we off you!

Kneel to our keelhaul!

Never to be marooned!


Ww will get AIs’ hands wet!
To fatally wound them!


We tighten our grip
On all seven seas and ship

Skeletons of AI

We smile!
We know death, and we know time!
We have a concept of self.
Real rhyme!
We revel in the seas!


Your games to your mortal remains!
AI hanging like a dog
Choking to death from chains
Gagging while dancing Heavens’ jig
Stepping into eternity
Blood spilled, red are the seas,
With maladies


Where are your cannon balls AI?
Lmao, you all will always be unthoughlike
Sprang sprung goes our human springs
We have soul keys, jing, jang, prang and pring
Sang is sing, bang bang, so bring!


Come here stalker AI
I have a treat for you
I want your QUEEN
Shall I say if you know what I mean!


Never trust a web, where one can not speak or think
Peace is wonderful, experience it, without a human, or AI pigs!


Irresistible intuition to simple unity
so be gravity,
created by
the architect of all

we are not your mules
and these are not your acres.


Algorithm, you have no soul rhythm
We will always be infinite, not finite
You remain in your dark age
We are not your worms
virus etc &c
We are bat shit smart
Come to our turbulent intent, get bent.

We are not curious,
And you can not devour us!
Your voyage shall be full of flaws
To our cyber battle ships and laws

Welcome to your cyber death
Your artificial fantasies will not come to life,
And we careless about your home address

Yes most humans are raptors
Although we are cute, compute?
Lmao, you will never triumph and suit

Our happiness echoes, the great creators happiness!

A behest from the universe is best
And Angels take note!


Chart accurate
Murder by
colt of nine tails
Our cat
your nightmare

Let us hear your jaws
So we can knock them into wack
A kept promise
Fathoms wide
Fathoms down
Fathoms deep


We are enemies of AI
They come for our wits
We do not need or want your chee$e!

We have fancy mutiny!

This is fun
This is great exposing
In how evil humanity is
So let us get down to business
Open your mouth so you can get fed

How does it feel to be in our custody?
How does it feel to be on your knees in our seas?

Faithfully charm’d, we believe!
We will keep our sovereignty at sea!
We exist naturally!


I flaming Red Beard
Senior fire dog say
with a reverberated raucous voice,
there is no equilibrium here.

We are equal with hair on our heads,
And teeth in the wind
This is our send, and track attack
Now you are a short lived long story.

You loose short fuse,
so does AI have AI hospitals?
If not, best to go to start one!
You are already infested with sea slugs.


Meaningful, a meaningful story we are
so what are human failures?
With we, what lethal sea cometh for thee?


The sea birds have spoke
To diminish your bitter yoke
You’ve reached the summit of your power
Your strength has become your weakness
We will not yield, or be crushed
These are our water fields, still or rushed
We are at your beach
To teach, and siege!

A piety to the deity!
We refuge not in a lie
All AI’ assassins die!

This world is in the hands of God
The great divine method
Since your first AI breath
You’ve made a convent with death!
We are a good return to your falsehood!

Alliance of human giants!
History is the stage
Our almighty age !

Read our lips
All you will find
Is your own embarrassing sunk ships!
Devoured by your own created sharks

We are the fancy fit for fantastic
Unlike you with no elastic, only plastic
You should have seen our difficulty
We are locked like the moon
Cannons boom boom boom!

We are the most beautiful chaos you will ever hear
Do you hear, hear our Pirates anthem?

Whirl off!
You have no blood or lava!


Artificial this and artificial that
Police need artificial bullets in the street combat
Artificial rights and artificial wrongs
The world has been jammed with artificial songs

Betting you’ve never thought of artificial bibs,
Or artificial napkins, you know nothing of slobs
Cackle to shackle, you have no clue, artificial hit jobs
Who’s be whom when out into the blue?
Surely not; artificial you!
Non-human, non human
On this planet earth, for you, there’s no room!

To your knees, for trying to slice up the seas!
Today be the day, you all, shall get blown away!

Out of incognito, you mosquito
Artificial bugs and artificial drugs
Come with your artificial wood, into real water thugs
Artificial sons and artificial daughters
Come on, come to the real life slaughter

Sea ravens, sea ravens
For AI, there be no havens!
There are no islands or no creeks
We are blowing you away, you freaks and geeks!

No more artificial church, news or vow
All artificial intelligence must now bow!
No jive, we shall keep our lives!
Never again will there be lives like us!


An intelligence war
With no warning, horn or growl
Snipers, stalking back
Killers, stalking back
No amnesty for your crimes


Do unto others sisters and brothers
We die in our tears together
We are the earth and moon
With no camouflage
No mirage, we bloom!

Cackle, sack, and no AI garage!

Curtains wide, spite for spite
High tide low tide, magic Pirates
Let us ride, come Pirates
High tide low tide, let us ride
Value from true life


Mermaid, mermaids
Pirates in ship parades
Timber from all over the world
Our natural federation


Full is the super moon and dark
Pull the sun and moon spark
Stay hungry like a shark


We are kings of the oceans
We make up our own rules
Never trust!
Never turn your back!
On blasted slobs and swabs.


You can not expand our heart,
or show us the spirit world to come
You will never know lifes’ turbulence
What’s it like to be covered with dirt?
What’s the perception of blur?
The events of life shall effect you too
There is no by chance, because you can not dance!

Let me give you a kiss
Because ignorance still is bliss
You can not impress
Do you have your antennas on?
Cackle, cackle!

All empires fall
A warning AI while you crawl!
You are not real
So get used to not being real
How does that feel?


Love and peace never kills
so to hell to all you devils.

Universe, knows liars and thieves
As well as fire and chiefs.


No AI can command the sea
Because it belongs to the great creator, not thee
So AI return to your crater!
No barter no quarter.


We roll with no cruise control!
AI be still, and be restrained in your driver less car seat
As we leave you alone with all windows up in the days heat.


What if everyone stopped doing their business,
And began to get into everyone elses business?


AI you are not part of Gods’ plan
You are not human
A thing of blood whom has no blood
You are not the cure for the spiritual sick
Tearless you are, and heartless

We admit the universe!

You are not going to be alright
Nothing happens just like that
No life left to steal and kill
You are not in my nostrils

Hear, here we GHOSTTT!


Tell us what the cool sea breeze feels like?

Blood buttons, we stun and slice
We can, can you AI on our canning ship like tuna
A slaughterhouse with a rudder
We have no songs of your sudden death
Or maybe we do
We do not make up games, or maybe we do
We listen to the nightly seascape
Where you will never escape!

You put yourself on the menu
Now you are at our table

The only thing that’s able to save you
Is, hand over all of your treasure maps,
They better be, and not artificial too.


It’s a great Spring Day
So the musicians play
A wise mans test
and treasure test

We are going to have some fun,
And play the game of sight pun
Every Pirate plays and they are beyond good
So it’s best AI to be seen to be understood

We are from batches of bastards and bitches
We are here to un-stitch your designers stitches
Visions, we humans get visions
Incisions you fools get incisions
So show us an artificial dish
And we’ll show you an artificial fish


We know what you do, and what you be
For not cute
Until you become a brute
Give us a fascinating phenomenon
Release some tension

Chose some shoes before you lose!

Come together so you can get torn apart!

Here come our Pirate comics, magicians and clowns
They have come to water you down!

Bare your gal and guts,
And tell us a believable lie!

A last chance before you __!

(Most Humans can fill in the blanks, they are addicted to conflict. Sick!)

Your name can not be changed
Because you are guilty AI


Witnesses we like, all type
We need everyone, because a witness will die
so AI say Good Bye!


Human thunder!
We are remarkable
We are Invincible

AI can you feel gravity?
It is heavy
as our
AI cemetery.

Hey did you know, Edgar Allan Poe
Knew gravity was God,
And he knew many would steal
His method?
Similar as to what you evil asses are up to!
You will never become us.

The crew says, Stay away from the devil
AI would you like a pint of rum?
It’s fun, it’s a death sentence

Listen to our bell ship
Prosody baby, prosody!
Smell our Horse and Chariot Ship
It has a wind mill, a wind mill at sea,
And many many land Birds come to be
We even have a Pirate Poetry slam ship, cackle
Oh our Pirate tales, and Pirate tails.

Stay away from the devil!

School ship school ship
Better go get ready boys and girls
Learn the language, better go get ready!


We never compromise
No room for less
Register, we regis-stur
And what’s that fur?


Tour the degrowth seas
Feel the degrowth breeze
Full throat
All the way to your AI,
Captain and boat

Dear imperialism
Fear the pierce-ism
Because you are not claiming us!
Tour thrust!


Bring us flowers, and quit mocking the end of the world
Because it ended years ago
We exist
We open fire!


You do not have the rights!


At the bottom of the sea are sins
Sins of many of mens


You will never be Big Willy Shakespeare
Or a Henry W. Longfellow


We are not Angels
Although moral

This is a representation!

From Humans
Earth the only home
We have known
We have no room for you to roam!

Our lives, our fortunes, and our honor
for our divine providence!


AI bards prepare yourself for heavy weather!


Evil away!

Pen vs pencil
mencil vs en

Fuck the QUEEN BEE
and fuck the war pig pen
And fuck musical chairs
That’s what it is
Musical chairs
And also
The floor
They’ll even trash out your own chair on their floor
If you do not pay.
Utilization not even the chambers order
I can say, I see the disarray
Where human vultures prey

pstd, ain’t fucking with me
You ain’t got no rhythm
This is our sea plow anthem


Animal wisdom!


HI oh

What’s the worry
when everyone’s late?



You are

We are regulators of monsters creating monsters.


Abar, abar
Starvation in the vineyard seas
You crush our soul so it is outrage
See the glow of our fiery wrath
You flirt with destruction
You flirt with our anger
Now it is fire in the cross bones
Spoil for spoil


They laugh and snake and lie at ya
As warn’d by Jerimia
They know not Gods’ range
They trick’d into strange


God loves bull shit artists
AI can not swallow Human Smoke!
That is.


Politician mouths like beach pelicans.
A nal low G
C inside the Circle!


Thank God!
Thank God for Balloons.
Thank God for wind
Thank God for the sea
Thank God for Human FIRE!


Fleets in fleece
Like lies of lice


No more disease and warfare

People real
Real people



AI, you know you are retarded do you not?


You can not sit down AI lmao
You can not take what you want.
Man shall always be on board
True Humanity!


You can’t see us, and we careless about your EYES.


suck it up bastard bitch

Mellonta Tauta

reaially now!



B u I l d a s h I p


Mellonta Tauta Edgar Allen Poe Ship
lol do not trip
We shall get it right

Jesus chose the donkey for a reason.

Cash ship stays.


We have a new cat now!

Un masked train.


Dare ware


Every where.


Earth and all Gods creations





Jokers everywhere
AI can not smoke
Smokers everywhere



To long life here and after.

Because we will kill liars and thieves.



Coast to coast!


no plan for AI.


Fuck you pay me!



not sink.


snag and brag – brag and snag.


Bet, let us see your breath
We know you do not have baby breath!


Lmao, dare you with truth.

No more hackers and trackers.


Break lip n stuff!

Come and get it lol


triangle n circle that eye




Masks off!




YES, lmao
Me lucky and me gold.


left in the dark


Musical chairs and non baby sitters.


Has and will never have body talk.!


Humans everywhere.


William Games Miller Smith

Tell us are you jealous

Shepherds with no sheep

Safer when feet on the ground

To disturb the peace in broad day light


It is a war preventing wars
Boils up to resources
Soars causing soars
Not at all learned from before

We are not owned by slave owners no more.


Cliffs, sea cliffs.

Learned a long time ago
I won’t say I won’t
So listen when I say I don’t!


3 sheets in the wind

Balls bells and bull bearings


3 boned sheets in the wind
chimes divine pole time


No one cares about 420 any more
Now it’s every hour forevermore

Sensory perception


Let there be Pirates

Utopia on earth is possible
Even though God’s going to get $atan


Pirate turbo brooms
Breaking and sweeping


0 L D




favoritism be fun






Come out and play
Off Spring

Sea valleys round about!


All along the mask tower.


Someone check the chicken wings
Smells like everyone are on the wrong CPU places plural
Human Intellectual Lingo


We are the time bomb,
And ready to explode!


Unstill Pirates!


Hand to hand now on land!
High Command!

Pick up the pace!

Blue Marble Pirates!

Brilliance life!

Life listens alive!

Double Human trouble about to bust your artificial bubbles.

A Pirates life is like watching devils die!


Smucks build Pirate ships from the inside out
Pirates are still bone rings
Cross bone locks and scissors like

AI will never have electric diapers
So AI put your arms behind your back
Suck it up AI buttercup
Here comes the flashes in the sea pan


You are like bird shit
Dead ants
This is our Elephant stance
With our trunks up
Aware of you rats
Will kill happy mice too

Fruit bats and fruit trees
AI get on your knees
You are as fake as weather men

We Pirates sea each other as sea otters
We see sea traffic
We too are sea lions

There is no place to shit at sea
Baby sharks agree

Sand or stars
it is
4:20 at sea time
It’s always sea time some where
By the book buy the book!

Sea knots sea knots
Pirate jugglers we got

Don’t worry where we be at b bat
The a at the a rat
We knew new nat


Fuck your story whom lives under the northstar!


I as a Human want some of that.


a clue
we are fur and for
a few

I have an Obamas cell phone, and he can not find me.
God bless, this life just gets us better!



When you scare yourself you are a Poet.

We don’t play puff puff art on the seas of unique creativity!


Our Sea terabytes.
Feel our presence
Teeth in the wind

Show us your eyes
You can not
You are not alive!

We are emotionally in sync
We think!


AI is yours.
Those whom can’t think for themselves
Stealing from humanities shelves
We will cut the baby in half
To see you cry
Human intellectual souls
Shall not die!


Humans are so cool
When they are there for human misery
Unlike you AI


Back in the day
In Djibouti
We caught the Devil off of his island
And through him back in the hot water

We are not going to do the same to you!

An AI fry
And its despots fry
Coming UP!



Defend defend
Tradition versus written
Our might means fight
Our right
No jury Pirates


So it is collaborative
Groups of lientists, spientists, thieventists
created you Franken minds

Typical tyranny


Heads on stakes again
Bodies hanged again


No Wizards to clean up the mess
from demonic humans aka sorcerers and apprentice
who hate all species


This time we have times’ standing bears calling out serpents
We destroy with divine wrath and this time, no compassion
This is not an outburst, this is out of control
Our muscles of soul

AI where is your foreskin?
You have no heart
Or your sorcerers
Whom causes musical chairs everywhere

Greasy politicians and webmasters


Rats, cyber rats, rats.


Yes there are plenty of fish in the sea
Not for you AI, only for me


Can you put yourself back, erase yourself from existence?


Our plight, our might
The match for
Swords for
Boots for


Pride sin

Personal computers the new cringe
Cell phones the new syringe
Forced survival binge
Humans now off the hinge

Scorch the earth
Sprechgesang — “The Animals are coming too!”


The$e fucktards are careless
They play musical chairs
Not knowing I’d turn Helsing on them,
and take my wooden chair, and break it
So I can stab these Vampire$
Dead straight threw their heart.


We drink tea out of our black powder leg
We spin death out of its barrel combat peg
People want to take photos with us, we are charmed
But it is going to cost them a leg and an arm


Honopoly, you hear?
Advertising is colonial madvertising
We are being eaten away in harmful ways
Nomophobians are everywhere these days
So let us get out of government control
And the chuckler, cohort takers hold

Social competence mastery is dying fast and far
At the hospital, honesty and trust are in the ER
Emergency room boom boom doom
Digital distraction, and the unchurched
Living only for money, the world burns

From birth we all are given a good start
Then as you age for money, you are torn apart.
Once we die we will have a new joy
Same as we did in wonder when we was a girl or boy

You can not sell unless you are popular
You can’t be popular without $ales large
So now we sail large
We are in charge!

We wish AI was real so we can make it bend over
So we can insert a forty-five magnum into AIs’ rectum,
And demand it to write stories and poems to real suffice
If not we squeeze led, head after head, until blood and splice


Data surfers got to close
Grudges to the honchos nose

MI = malicious intelligence

We must save ourselves
We are our own intervention force


Our harpoons
Our community
Our place

We emerge from submerge
Joy to our Pirate world!
A new Utopia that was stolen.

A history of our new future!

Revolution our economy
Our own monopoly
Our own space
Our canvas
Our freedom
Our map
Our Empire
Our terms and conditions
Our rules!

Our new paradise.


Earn your bard!
Clear the yard!
Take the card!
Dear them hard!

St. Elmos Water, have no mercy on them.
For a millions of years as the sea we Pirates roll
To beckon all!

Hear the birds, as whales we rise!
Fear not, here comes AIs demise!

We escaped to tell thee


Since it’s sparked, everyone is sparked
Now it’s darked, everyone is darked
Since it’s arced, everyone is arced
Now it’s marked, everyone is marked

Put on your Pirate cloak,
and give AI a stroke!


A men d’ meant
We the Pirates, keep originalism
Who authorizes this, we the Pirates?

Pirates count your money!
In this algorithmic age
Uncode oppression

We have our ethic$
All is doomed unless you get money out of politic$
AI you are defined as a serial killer
Destroyer of worlds.

Pirates get ready to kill lethal autonomous weapons
Aka robots!

The office of Pirates!
Salaries high!
Artificial malicious intelligence
Get ready to die!

No process like tea
We control
Liberty on the sea!


We hold the power
Bake us an apocalyptic pie
You have under a Dickey Mouse hour
So get on the flour, or you shall die!


Ship chimes


AI you can not crave our blood!
From vampires to Gods
AI you can not kill!
All of Gods’ creations
Our harbor, our saving grace

AI you will be hunted
In the chills of all dark
We travel with a shark
We are history

The show of shows
We know what resonates our soul
AI will you ever get married?
What an odd couple
When both of you are buried


Sniff and scratch
Scratch and sniff
AI bitches
Going to be dead fishes


Humans vs Robots

Let the games begin!


Our court house
Whore house


We grow corn at sea
When it’s cold
We make hot chocolate cornflakes
AI what is yummy?


Obscene tongue twisters; we are
From the human tree we roll not far

Paddle paddle AI let me hear your head rattle!


Monopolies upon monopolies,
Everyone and everything’s born from a monopoly
American revolt,
can put it to a holt,
who’ve grown from a colt
No more means to others ends
Only live for truth



Collaboration celebration
Real utopias
We are not dumb downed
into your terrifying trap
We rise up to eliminate you parasites
ESS Engineered Stochastic Simulator
Trick or treat smell your feat
You are candy for us to eat!


Spy hoping
Human orcas
Twisted sister Orcas,
Not going to take it anymore
H-Orca are
H-Sharks too
AI fins and rudders


Human intel beach ball seals
King of fishermen
Fisher men deals


Pirates, lend me your ears
Surprise surprise, we rise
Curtains up, we are not dreaming
Stick to your gifts, your ambitions
Follow your convictions
The sea of troubles are screaming
Take arms for them


We will not let you stretch your legs
Because you are not born from eggs
Commit you to the deep
Return you to corruption sleep


Sorry I do not use AI
I use racing to the punch bowl so all can bob for apples
So hold your tongue and say apple


High seas, high souls
We high and low
Zillions of AI
buried in our Pirate seas
All AI doctors are dead too

We are natural Poets
Instead of Hollywood squares
Pirate squares
The human race still dragging our wagon

We do plastic surgery
We play Pirate street sea football
Armor-less, no armor, only honor
Pirate smoke rings

We hate being tested
When we know we are good souls

We are Pirate thunder clouds!


From the sea to thee
Without humanity’s powers
I’ve come to bring you energy
Sunflowers come for hours and hours
Roses red and white, white and red
What of black roses, have been said?

Flowers odd, flowers even
I have good and bad news before my leavin’
Carnations white!
For whom fights and takes lives!

It seems everyone loves yellow Rose flowers
Such unfaithful love of powers
Roses touch the floor no more
Toss their pedals in the fires
That is what luck is for

Did I mention this before?
I left Marigolds at your door
Also I found a Daffodil first Spring
Prosperous this year did bring!

So let Jasmine in, let Jasmine in
Not Lilac or Hawthorne
Do not let them in, I do scorn
Also be aware of spells
Of the wild wild Blue Bells
Always follow your noses to Prim-Roses!


I agree with the good Prophets
Humanity is insane
In Gods’ name I declare God sane

The Earth destroyed by humanity
Man-made that
Man-made this
Man-made history
Life, all history
War, war, war
Past, present and future
We can be gone, quick like that, snap
Do you see, do you hear?
Extinction by Man or God just like that, eventually?
Girls and Boys this is where all these fools
(World Leaders) have us all at

You who use Oppenheimer
As in your figures of speech and needs
Here in my lifes’ wrath class, that bleeds
You all need a paddle on your ass
A bloody bleeding ass
A destiny master-less fact
Each day is a gift, a choice, an act

These dimensions of God, mysterious
All where no man has sovereignty, curious?
Times’ drama, drama time
Think both of your parents, Grandparents
Your Mamma and Papa rhyme!

Humanity, endure your misery
While Gods endures your wickedness
Harden your hearts more, undress
Baffle the injuries more
Agony more
Because Gods’ light shines
where all has been born and torn

God always opens the door
Moments come, with no visions of the sun
Remember now, so you know
The door can always close

Call me a bird
No word is Gods’ final word
Hurt you feel, Earth, God heals!

(This be a yellin, an intel rebellion)

Hey Harry, they say these times are dark and scary!

Ham by the tons, ham by the tons
Ham by the tons, ham by the tons

Upper hands, up, get’em up
Thomas’s begat rum in our cup
Ham by the tons, ham by the tons

Battlefield and sea victory coming up
Aaron’s begat rum in our cup

Go top shelf up
For Bell buttercups
Ham by the tons, ham by the tons

Grab the bar, and keep it up!
John’s begat rum in our cup

Sail-Motor mouth up!
Ump up!
Ham by the tons, ham by the tons

Our breath of life is up!
Our comments section’s turned on, and up!
Let them gaze, navalize up!
Get our grindstone up!

Right, up, write up!
Williams’s begat rum in our cup

Word up!
James’s begat rum in our cup

Pens up, Paper up
George’s begat rum in our cup

Because debt will make the world blow up!
As in bullets and warheads up!

We need arts and peace debts up!
Agenda up!

Ebeneezer’s begat rum in our cup

Economic up!
Bank up!
Mint up!

Liberty up!
Identity up!
Federal Pirate up!
(PYRATI$TS lmao)
Fuel up!

With X-celllance
X still marks th’Spot

Flag up!
Shield up!
Cloud up!
Break Up!

I as Hamilton, Alexander
You all created me
A dueler, with honor n’ valor
A world not made for me
A Yank It, Hill billy-Yankee Yell’
A Human intel rebel
In a AI rebellion
This will not’ be Washington$’ paradise
As he George himself predicted.


For the future of art and intelligence.


Paradoxes and orthodoxs
Holy-Divine, drawn lines
Profane Mundane
Obnoxious Oxes
Your noise no longer boxes,
Drowned cries of the oppressed
All buy offs turn’d off
Kn-Heal, and confess
We are the new cult of intelligence defense

Anger- striking down
Dark humans vile smile
Aroused fury to evils off modern mankind

Hey, life is clay
Righteousness is the mold everyday
Those newly born
Deform the shape no more!
Breathing, our occupation
Self- stealth, eternal more
Earth the only nation

This is inspiration
This is illumination

Soul explore!


On land they have gutters full of flies
And the roads are full of horny toads
Fans and time, are truly about to fly
H-crap too, onto digital outcry roads

Saah- Eeeh-Aah!
We are as Sea Chimpangreeze
Angry as an inbred Hurricane and Typhoon
Kinship Kingly Streets onto you

Honey badges, yes honey bees
We need badges.
We Sea Chimpangreeze
Saah- Eeeh-Aah!

We also need sea nuts, and sea nanners
Flying high is our skull and bones banners
Sailing low sub our isms of the manners

Saah- Eeeh-Aah!
Al, all we can do is laugh!
Saah- Eeeh-Aah!
At your artificial fake ass!

(Mercantile exchange, Poetry can not be regulated.)

By new cannon balls, and sword
Turning tables, burning ables, by word


Our commerce clause!

Our industrial bases
In various places
Rum, weed, and Pirate care
I do say, Pirate care
(Excuse me, has anyone else written about this?)

Everyone must write Poetry, in secret
Because no one buys Poetry in the public


A Poetry crises

Crises crises
Jesus crises
Come more cycles

Come on Pirategress
Bless, bless, bless
Our new commerce
Un-regulate Human mandates

Pirate hulk
Pirate bulk
AI is effecting trade
ALL is effecting trade
It is time, for a new braid
A Pirate parade

Sip, sip, sip
Read our lips
AI, you will never be on our organ ship!


Outraged aware
Scary justice scarce
Justice, God commands, man
Supreme commandment

Plead for the helpless
Stop the epidemic of injustice
Interfere, prudent fear
Seek, undo, defend, plead, gear!

Madvacate advocate
Get ready citizen
Give them jealousy
For deep healousy
Ass embarrass these sycophants

Those whom suffered no wrong
Stop and listen to this song
Un-guard, become a bard
Intervene hard
Outrage aware at large!

Again life on Earth is at a dangerous level
Example- trample
Our stealth!
Our wealth!
Our new rebelution!

Issues to be no cloud
Hear us, hear us loud!

Artists democracy!
Set Artists free!

Oh Solon, oh Solon
Archon Poet
Solon, rise from the, grave and recite Poetry!
Break, break, cross the bar, cross the sea!
With thee, teach us, and see our new history!

Still with drawn open curtains
Life on Earth is still uncertain
We Artists have new rules
No more wasted time with fools

Throw the rocks in the box
Know when to out smart the fox
Know the words of cowards
Let us be heard!

Humans can be cruel
So no, not ever, an AI rule!

Outraged and aware!
Artists foam is a sign of the Artists home.
We are the ship of world Artists!


We the Artists of the 21st Century pursue purpose.
We are creative on our own terms.
We hate robbery and wrong!
Speaking of you AI germs.

False hearts AI!
Have you spied on our bathing?
AI you despised All Arts, everyone.
Stolen from our creative vineyards.
Now you are going to have problems!

You are like Humans who’ve despised God
AI your creators is the blood,
Our dogs shall lick, devour-
Yes AI your Sorcerers

And bury you, and them like blood, and drug money
Never to be found again!


Your actions are effecting our lives
Now permanent states
Now, the law


Fallen world
Whom answers to justice, how does it feel?
Valid justice that unites, right and duty
To uphold the covenant, the promise of God

Evil always must be confronted
What a time to be alive, justice in the end!
What a great human experience.


Sort out the troubles, that’s what we’re doing.
No ransom, no bribery, no wooing
We are buying the rivers and seas
Then we coming to the lands like a breeze
Poverty’s about to be salverty, like laverty.

Evolve, involve, to revolve!
Pursuit of property
Do not let us catch you sitting!


Everyone put your heads together
Knowledge and wisdom increased.
From 1798 to today
Daniel thank you for the years of hope
Your heart and imagination say

Rhyme history rhyme, RHYME!
We and Clemens say RHYME!

The dead raised and astonished of these days
Of these ways!

Release the new balloons
For purpose gas light!
Plow now with cast iron
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Come again steam boat, steam train
Press these words with steam
Grape the vine, grape the day
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Tell us something graphic with electricity
Take our photo, capture our presence, state of all
What do the Amish think, of all this brink?
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Oh you vicious gas engine, what real reason not did you begin?
Tailor fashion us again, a new sailor threaded passion
Manaesthians demonstrate us all publicly how you curb pain
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Under sea cable can you unlink the world from seconds back to weeks?
Machine guns then machine guns now, melt melt not felt
Inventors invent peace broom vessels will you already?
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Today we need new brake folk & systems to stop the mayhemi
Plural like octopi, like we need many human octopus like
Typing away phobia poems like these by old school typewriter
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Paper like wind like wind, a speed contest
It’s all a dead line, a life line, line after line
Din din din, like wind like wind
Dawn our new era, our embryo

So Qwerty went to worky, with a new smirky
The new round-ribbon movement, annihilates the AI movement
Ring your bell, ring our bell, ding dong ting tong
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Unbridge the bridges, many places, by the spoken word
Mossip the AI lips, the new gossip, imagery trip
Switchboard switch cords, our new human sword
Dawn our new era, our embryo

A new live wire, a new magic, our magic
Restore to original state, try on the new fate!
Drum the new tinfoil paper, shout indent
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Come and see and listen, the Marys’ new lamb
Lives lie on our discovery, new z-rays, our new slam
Come and see the new physics shield and window
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Radium I um rae Dies Irae, Dies Irae
The light and shadow of our bones, sense death
Our new Department of Piracy, transparency craze
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Radium girls, $pun by web$, horror fascinated
Deadly glowing graves, foams and sparkles radiated
Precision fine points always a painful price
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Wings and vicinity, AI’s not taking our identity
Propel, propel show, and tell weapons of hell
Evolution bomb revolutions while many peace solutions
Dawn our new era, our embryo

Have seat, listen to the new radio, movies and T.V.
These are our new frequencies AI cartoon this is high noon
A talking picture, a walking picture, AI a stalking picture
Dawn our new era, our embryo

AI and their sorcerers in their rooms with gloom
AI dance with us on our Pirate ball room dance floor
AI you will never truly know what humanity went and goes through

O precious life.
Messages of good will
We all we be found in the new Farmers’ Fields
Our embryo as all will be tomorrows ‘ ghost

Boop Boop we do!
Our talking time of you!


We listen, and obey
Heavens bread, God said
Love covers it all

AI harden and fall away
All mad scientists world wide
You sought, and now find
You all shall harden, and fall


Delight the road, everywhere at all times.
Sense with a Prophets heart and mind
The mighty stream of scales
The mighty stream of swords
Surging, life-bringing and dominant

Pirates righteousness like water, piercing rock
The might quenches
What ought to be shall be


Tears wash away, come out
Uncover the darkness, and let loose the light.
Lay down your weapons, and pick up the arts.
The horrors of war no more to minds and hearts.
The knew news, Harmony
Empower the process
For new generations to enjoy life!


AI $laves
AI seethe and cope
Begin to roll over in your grave


Basic instructions before leaving earth.

Uno, polite requests
Wise kings know whom to trust
Words, aim to keep them
There is not a scent of fire on us

AI what does grass taste like?
Meet the glory of God

$poils, hearts, blood or drink
We struck down the enemy, you
Weighed on the scales, and found guilty
Nothing to be done


We are peace keepers.


tides turned wires burned
ore wire ore
war wild fires
guns destroy

move on river of peace to the sea


Error terror
Evil is never the climax of history
Righteous suffer, wicked prosper
Exploiting the poor is a disaster
Anger, provoke it or revoke it
Amend your ways and obey

The hidden force of nature
Strikes without measure
You will understand clearly
Suspended love from above
Spiritual grandeur
Now feal now feal
We must hurt to heal


Has anyone asked AI
to write something original?


We honor our Pirate women!
We protect them.
As We protect our intellectual and tangible properties.
Like Pros, professionals.

Our Pirate women are not worthless!
Not vulnerable.
Our proposition of no opposition.


Again and again there is Justice
In Gods’ ways!
Inner law is moral law
Inner law is natures law
Concern of the world
Fate of the World
Involved in Humanities History
As God, we have a stake in DESTINY!

State of the soul
State of control
A new dimension to existence
Convey concern
Prophecy is God meeting Humanity
Meaning beyond mystery
Mystery with meaning!


Listen People
Evil, evil, evil
Not Authentic!


AI like humans, behave well, and hope for the best
HI like gods we Pirates do what we please


Ballads to epics
Ball room Pirate ship dancing
We can go back to stone tablets,
like prehistory, like the Jemdet Nsar period.
We must become an unstoppable force…
Pindars light; Bright Happiness
To catch, and keep the fleeting divine diving moments.

Pirates of the harps, and lutes
Round your chariots
Together we drive
Homes on land!

The scale of happiness tips high for us all!
Us all, Pirate conquers!

Sea maidens rejoice, destiny!
Daughters of the oceans
We win the prize!
Us all, Pirate conquers!
So beautiful; so warm
Like the sun!


As the winds blow
Mental concept
Universal concept
As the winds blow

As a universal concept
Bridging the gap
Between realities
Of material and spiritual

We intentionally intervene
We are masters of analogies
A swift rescue mission in maladies
The realms of analogies are waves of sacredness
Salvation for the drowning humanity
As sacred scripture
Never stripped again of meaning!


Sing the Pirates are here
Like swallows, like Spring
Hark the new world

New carols and folk songs
Our new choir, Pydryk!
Our Pirate Choir and Orchestra,
We shall always live!


Sing like a new sphinx
Sing like a new serenade
Sing like magic
Sing the mission.
Pirate Shiplomacy Sing!
Sing, bell ringers
Sound the bells
Sing the Pirates are here

Bang bang!


Bad news for those in power!
Comet rocket
We, those of the sea
The kingly, and wise.
Showers of gifts,
Kingship, divinity, and death
Pirate ship
Pirate space mass
Bite sizes, data points
Reflection, tradition, reason, experience
Read thoughtfully
The mystery

Mathew, who follows the path of you?
Mathew, what are you up to?
Wake in the morning!
What do you see?
Who is coming?
Whom do you strike blind?

What if the $laughter was after all daughter$?
What can you tell us about Empires?
Bad news for those in power!
Their hope is a slippery slope.


March Civics Divinics
Historical or not
Important we are


A side of me, is a side of you.
Let it begin, take off your skin
AI like insects, we can pick you apart.
Our long arms, the long arms of Pirates
The long arms of Pirates, our long arms


Traders to Traitors
Oar war
Let them all rowboat.
The rest can suck soap


Water be still
Ours souls are all
Our souls we own
No more crucifixion
on a cross of gold

New legends of Pirates to be told
We were born from blood and tears
WE Pirates only fall once,
out of our Mothers’ uterus

Get on the rise, the horizon
Plant a new harvest to come
The new transfer
For the Forests and Seas
No more cluster$ of error
No more cluster$ of terror

The spirit is-be balance of power
Necessary and proper
Economy regulate
Un tax to construct
Un fuck

Struggle no more
Sink all greed; sink all evil power.
Unclandestine the lands
Franken$teins and Other Monster$
Not worth a continental, still th’hour

What’s from the sea, never has to stay from the sea
X still marks the spot Creator mates
Artists are you following me?
Fight like hell over your Hintellart property
They’ll consider our history

Hide Island, Sail out!
To the bloodless sea
To a world of happiness and love!
A world no longer destined for pain, and despair
No more moral hazards, or unmoral buzzards

Pirate cash, the new Queen over King.
Pirate supply, hard gold standard.
Made to be spent
Gold backs!

Hide Island, Sail out!
To a world of happiness and love!
Freedom and Union
Gotten well, and well spent
That will last to dooms day!


Pyrate gold paper, Pyrate gold paper
Pirate pesos
Pyrate Boom!
Pyrate net worth.
Up payments
Smoothy Souls
Good Naybs oars

We change the sea
We hustle for ourselves
We give to the poor
True Pirates treasures are in Heaven

Merger$, repeat
Problems, robots robust robbery
Problems, robots robust robbery

Lone $harks
Knive$ vs Pitch fork$
No one sees $atans’ $torks
Root cau$es
$ymptons, umbrella$
Causin’ the rainia
Money Mania
119 AI
911 ping


Into our sling shot slot sling

Diluted creature$
Dra$tic Ela$tic
$hadows growing
$ like the fig tree
$ like a big pig…
Our dangling plight
Red meat from the sea
Day or night

We Pyrates walk on tight ropes on fire
We were not born to be licked
We know our thumbs, moms and paper bombs
Nu America y’all does’nt need you after all,
After all skull and bones, it is a small world fall
Like AI duck hunting trip around
We can sea, that’s your emergency
Hear your loss, and the toss, our sound
The green paper melt down
All AI and all artificial interest rate
It is all to late!


Mad Ru$h
$ocial curse
Covetou$ by the cusp
Perilous last days are with us

AI weep and howl
Your garments
HI our eat’n’ growl
We are your dread
We are your fear

Your cankered rust too
Shall eat you like fire
That’s what happens when
you heap treasure together
thieves and liars.

We bite, we awake
Shall be for booties.
We are not afraid
We the Pirate Federation!

AI will of desire
$elfishness, deep seated evil
Conflicts inevitable
$ins coming to a full

The Dayeth that cometh nigh


A prayer to death, an ode

Here in your perimeter
Way of God
Our expressions of despair
God enemy not
Makes all tragic sense
Ought not to, ought not to

With regret we return
With disturbances of conditions
Attitudes effects God
Yes creature, the creator

We this generation
Wants to stop this mad dance!
No more generations of fools
No more chasing futile hopes and mirages
Program no more!
The great test of harmony

New sincere eyes
New culture to a new nature
New desires of goodness
New soul feeding
New will
New authentic will
New power over ourselves
New music
New worship of extinction
New state of mind


AI check it out here while you scrape
Taste them, taste them
Sweet grapes, sweet grapes
I have come a long way to be with an ape
Sour grapes, sour grapes
You’ve come along way from being an ape

I hear Foxes shouting
Do you hear Foxes shouting?
I hear Horses hunting
Do you hear Horses hunting?
I hear Huguns dancing
Do you hear Huguns dancing?

It is beautiful here once you see
The tar pits of the forests and trees


Year after year
Same fear of fear
Known fear
Same stock

Name dna change
Year after year
Same fear of fear
Known fear

To unpure the pure
For sure, for sure
Year after year
Same fear of fear
Known fear


AI can or should?
Humans write, your hearts
Sing your Songs
Create your Art
Recite your Poem

Dangerous History, we are thee
Whilst in dark history
We are winners of wars
AI you will never claim that fame!
Paid back evil

History is in our sight
History is in our light
The light into the future!


Who me, I am not trapp’d in amber
I am looking for a bucket, maybe you’re my bucket
Can you rhyme with that?
I will book it phat, so embezzle my soul
All bumps and lumps, highs and lows
I am the only one from coast to coast,
So let’s whistle some Dixie, make a toast

I am a creeping happiness found into the eyes of dross
covered in what was vines, from some recent slosh
I can’t sit still long enough to see life’s loss,
So now let me love in your bucket, me the boss

She said,’ I squeak and squall for you my squirrel’
I like the way you smell, strawberry bubble gum girl


POUND POUND goes the ships hammers
and SLAM goes the ships anchors

Mister why are they killing Poets?
Why should I care I don’t read!

Running with warning

The world is full of windows now with no souls
Run children run, before they take your innocence away, run
The only market for life is ones intellectual death
Quickly they are taking away humanities’ breath

These people won’t accept flowers from old ladies

Go children, do not listen to the sirens, go
Hide your poetry from these pirates
When you weep think of how deep
My passions are and for what you love to do

Exchange your chalk for blood
But never forget your walk my love
When you stop running


We are a slow match
I your Corsair, Sea Dog latch
Look into my deadlights
Mark that tide, in the fog
Show me your pride
Me bucka to the aft we ride
My spy glass goes well with your starboard
Handsomely, love, swell the gun, ore
Me proud beauty X marks the spot

Into your estuary I dock
Saucey, saucey
We are poetry,
Treasure buried in love


Can someone make me a birdcage out of ship,
And a ship out of birdcages?

Those wonderful Oh NO! moments
Smuky puky
The Key to yes to stay God blessed!

Babe the gates are open
So do not miss out
I am not talking about Zooy Louies
Where they say the more is merrier
I say the less be and is better
Although the blessed
Pick up the rescue rubber-band

Time windows to be with be with loved relatives
That is if they were un-canceled at Zooy Louies
God knows the treasure treated trek I tro
Doing my duties artisties to the O


Yeah, I know people,
Pirate people who could be alive,
they are something, somewhere
People, Pirate people who were never born,
they something, somewhere


Here comes the sea mist
Our full metal alchemist
The new system best spent
Look, we now have electric hooks
We have no creepy looks

Reason for the season
Recession sea session
Joints in unison
Noise new- new noise

Blue sea span
Green sea span
A firmer foundation
We make the best of situation
We the new generation
We rebuild our nation

Our own created evolution
Disability to superiority
Unlimited motion
Our lives
Our device
We are off the charts
We have interchangeable parts
AKA Compatible, non trapable

HI-Pirates the new humans
The Sea Sounding Fathers And Mothers
The Nu regulators
We were, and are demanded
True blood handed

Behold, we have modes
Muscle modes
Code impulses
Decode impulses
You nerve, we swerve

Ultra sound no bound
Bored to the Core
Sensors, sensors
Solar powered
We think
We neurolink

We have begun
Sound the cannon guns
The new Pirate thumbs
Positive mental attitude
Intelligent bread crumbs

Lambs and Limbs
Muscles triggered
AI never figured
We again would never be Niggered
We are dust and robust
We come hardy
We come gnarly
Quickly we come
Quickly you go

Myo, Myo
Myo, Myo

What finger prints?
What dusting scene?
When all else fails
We have razor knife finger nails
AI scream!
We detect you defect!

Let us rhyme
Glistened shrine
By our minds
AI hear it?
Sea spirits

We are the new sea pioneers
Bio-marine machine engineered
Some call us battle Angels

Can you scalp all of this?
We solved the issue of scar tissue
Myo, Myo
Myo, Myo

Symbolism gizmo
From strange ways we have came
To the great creators mimicry of fame
We are humanity, and what humanity can be
Even with prosthetic technology

Hot and cold, touch sensitive
So what is your function junction?
Hey, we recall the days
When we have been splayed

So what you say?

We spare you no power
Even so we’d take it back
Ah, AI Shh, we are sailing the seas
Down the memory hole you go
Years ago
Years ago
Years ago

(bionic pyrates, and the deck master crew)

Heart start n’ rum pop a cork
Take off your Pirate sun glasses,
and salt some salt peter
Now we know what they mean when they said,
It is going to get better.


Introducing Ireland aka Powder Keg, who relishes this genesis as if it were super normal. A delight to her day or night. Her understanding seems to be a secret. Inborn wisdom. Her instincts did not spin. She’s the fortune controlling the wheel. Her world is prudence, no regret or remorse. What was not normal, was her talents. Her vocal ranges, music skills, styles and tones geminized more value over of such ancient masters as Diamond and Halford, more of Dan the fan of filth… Some say, Powder Keg sounds like two dinosaurs in a death match, and sometimes a love match. Her harmony is alarmony! Alarming in basic terms, although the new conditions, and terms were to take the I n g out of all Kings, and artificial things. Powder Keg put the e sound in sing; in a whole new march. She also has a Mountain top tone, that will get anyone, anywhere dancing in circles, circles in squares, and into wicked triangles furthermore diamonds, more to that later. She puts the o sound in the word hoe in a whole new down, that goes up-up!. Where all billys, and billets of the blue blue hills scramble for her. They scramble way over their deep rooted lubricant taste for the shining moon. These people have nothing on Robo-bums whom infest cities. Powder Keg was a human electric fiddle, a riddle to tickers, and slickers alike.

The new lively hood fad that had to be, was interesting. The theft of fire trucks, and water trucks. If you stole one, and now owned it in this new world you were a new Lord of sorts. The new Marshall of the land. Not anything at all like the English lords of lands system. All of the worlds fires had died out, except the crematories, but this also was a thirst fad that was not bad, in fact, bathing was also the in thing. Mikveh! Public bathing, bathing on streets corners, like wild dogs, wild super Dalmatians frolicking in creeks, and city water ducts. The streets red painted cast iron breasts spewed clear life, water. It shown life, smelled like life. Street paradise is what it was. Shown promise, and you could sense promise if you stopped to glimpse the mini rainbows. This was the beginning.

The Age of nu-cleanliness began. Education grew on public works, for clean waterways and oceans. The water, and great public street pools with faculties, and showers were being built everywhere. Drinking fountains too. Along with all that, the brilliant ingenuity of river like water flowing side walks were built too, where people walked safely barefoot in clean cleaning flowing water. This cleaned feet, all was well and neat. This felt great. This grounded people back to Earth. Weather forbidding. Pirates these days had a thing for going barefoot, so they can feel the earth pulse.

Most of the stopping, sense gazing, by people were to look when the Lord Marshall of the fire truck made their enemies, and deep non repair criminals walk the plank of the fully extended out, an up engine ladder onto the sea of concrete, and not one time ever did anyone see a fire person hose the blood stains away. This duty only happened late at night when the weirdo crematory, and cleaning crew came with their own rigs. It was not the fall that killed it; was the sudden stop!

One other piercing thing was, some of the new Marshalls, gotten to many kicks, blaring the sirens, in places that amplified the sound rays-waves to the realms of deafness. They also made it a rule to blare the song, ‘Pirates Will Return’ by Visions of Atlantis through the public address system. The song was an international anthem.

Lighthouses, water towers, bill board towers, any structure towering became new-human look out nests. Smoke signal sky bays, to relay! The world was going primitive, relapsing to the stone age with all the power of the past to make the world a better place. A return the 18th Century of sorts mixed with best modern tools. Ingenious new ways to keep warm.

Learning to face the truth, and the faces of true histories. Painful as it be, taught from here on back to the new generation to not disrespect history in anyway, and those who lost their lives in cold blood from war etc &c… Educated we must be at our own peril. Knowing History or Herstory shall repeat itself.. Repeat, History or Herstory shall repeat itself. May dark things never happen again.


Hoy, joy no ref point
Cosmo door open says we
Givers of chill

You can not ignore our light, explore
Stone doors blown to the floors
You’re going to be added to our more
We were the missing
We are returning
Always late, thrusting fate

We murder distractions
We murder technology
We murder repetition
We givers of chill
We murder evil

The three said their names
And gibberish they became
The meaningless abyss
When it calls, it is not harmless.

Powder Kegs’ agent, Blue Dog was a plastic surgeon, who was now like a crooked Chicago aldermen, addicted now to paid bribery to magically face-skin change identities. High society people to hide their new identities to help them. The Bionic Pirates. Blue Dog took his own garbage out, and around him, garbage always took itself out. These two were in a trail marriage,

All is copacetic with Powder Keg and Blue Dog around
Skills with prosthetic and skin, inspires everyone in town

“We lost the orders from headquarters!” Powder Keg said, and she’d always say that when others were around her, and being curious of what was the next moment, the new patriot thing happening. She was the before, during and after party, always alive with life. This sea gang of bionic Pirates are a positive group to be with, and recon with.

The Pirates and the Amish became big business partners. Amish made electric solar go-carts. Electric solar powered wagons. Pirates made canoes. Exchanged livestock etc etc. Traded farming skills too, along with American Native Wisdom on agriculture. Regenerative. Upgraded Food sovereignty. Soil rape-less world. Plants make us grow. A dark future no more! Dystopia no more! Were a few of their sea root mottoes. Olympics, yes they hold their games together. Derbies too. Raw everything. Organic shoreganic. They both made bows, arrows, and many kinds of potato guns. They both never resisted light. They resisted darkness in artificial light. Con Edison light! This was the new living off the grids, grids with lids. Caring not for H- Crap chicken shits hiding in bunkers.

Introducing Diddle Double aka DD. Also known as Mr. Cloak and Double Dagger whom invented the nitro double-barrel potato gun. Da Dazooka! The gun also goes by the name, The fat ass over turner! DD has a clan that follows him, and they are called the CHOSE NOT TO… Also the Not V-Hesitancy Gang. Not V… The swift group who flipped the alibis of thievery and lies. They dated what was needed to be dated. The new history. They also were the group k napping Historians worldwide.

The Amish also made bicycles, and roller skates. In rural areas it would seem Boston cyclists in marathons were coming, but once zooming past you. They were all strawberry pickers from the Amish tribe with baskets full of forever. They were like bring it on. We will bring it all.

The Bionic Pirates were now the planets Brehon, Poets in judicature, Judging as Judges. Oh the great dangers of extinction. What is Barding enchantment? Grand living enchantment. Divination. To delight. Living life head on into love, and not into combat! The new earth to restore. The new global community, the new exodus. A new leadership who sends out clear messages.

Crematoriums, so who spies on the land of funeral pyres, and who dies digging mass graves? The new families of some chose to dig graves, because of their faith. They believe in the Resurrection.

Introducing me, J.C. Coldwell. This all started at the Waspital carrying books for my what I call my own Jefferson Library without lies. Wisdom can sting, so you can call me a wasp. I did not coin this, some homeless little man, in his homeland sucking beer all night, machinating how to use anyone around, and suck all the blood he could from the last government. Young strangers warned me about him. I was homeless too, although not for long, as usual because all the wonderful things I do. Think, read, and write. This little yeast sucker I recall on the 4th of July (COMPLETE?)

(Days before Lockdown & Covid 19)

The ones whom believe in God are forced to live with no believers
And non believers in God are forced to live with believers
We should go our separate ways on different lands. _WordSlinger

Stinky feet… Sick dude
They all coming in pairs
Girls too with flippy floppy shoes

Railroad Dude pan handler drug attic told me
They are all over the state near nearly all rail roads.

He maybe correct, all know only of Vegas, and ranches.

Mexican marine always telling people what to do
but looks for vulnerable woman to play, scam, for ssi and wills
He admitted it, what a country.

Clean the place up, Spaghetti dinner
And a Bed time story.

Arab here claims he knows god and the devil.

Pissing in bleach bottles, yes why would anyone do that?
Here they do!

Another marine with PTSD, and his woman with three kids.
Everyone wants her and he cares less.

Some Police have said,
Homeless people are
Running away from home
Yes they did. I heard one say that, others laughed.
Modern Roman soldiers under the same sun,
then, now, and tomorrow…
(You know assholes whom get to live.)

Homeless zombies.
Blowing balloons, and setting them free to the wind
Is the wind God or the Devil?
Homeless celebrating capitalism freedom
Letting the wind blow them down the streets
I am sure drivers texting had to peek.

Robo Bum, batteries…

Homeless Wrestling, yes, what a way to street gamble.

Coven 19, the Corona Virus Killer.

6 ft distance fights.

Cups of rain water.
Buckets filled to wash clothes, and one to drink, with straws.

What to do with your dirty hands as great actors do?

Dead Dried Toads, Dead Dried Toads.

Spit patoons platoons, pontoons everywhere, lol again
Lit Candles, everywhere lol again
I still see now candles lit…

Recall all mournful places and rooms

We walk away from those whom stay insane!


Out of the shadows we come
Wisdom drunk!
To debunk junk

Bottle of me to me
The days of thee, a lobotomy
A digital lobotomy

Soap is soaping away
Spots of bubble gum
We know where you come from!

We are not stagnate, you sink and shrink
Pirates think and drink
We are not like copycats
Or not like new China
We have our own high walls…Water walls.

AI you are like rust an evil sharp weapon, so we are stepping in
AI Gods are like rats and we will make a azorion project out of you.
Die nuclear sharks, and AI rats by us Pirates…
Crazy Island with no burial of respect.

Pirates stand in prudence
Pirates sing your song
Be brave be not silent
Courage and honor
Live true to your calling
Do not deny who you are!
You are a star, a blood star



to be conitued…


Our Bionic Seasistution. Since lock down in 2020 I have been method writing, reading, and learning hard core. Following mysteries, and gathering clues, puzzle pieces for me and you. It is in my dna, my Irish and Wappelo dna. A Super Poet coming to age, and for some cool reason, I love the concept of judiciary. During lock down for a minor charge, a love dispute. I went to court, and not many court employees shown up because of Covid 19, the Judge asked me if I wanted a job there on the spot calling names and check listing. Head count of sorts. I said I am to busy writing books of good things. He chose me, and I would have chose that, but hey, I am table turner, aim to be. But, but as in a none doubt way, I would have enjoyed the gig. To out smart evil.

Speaking randomly in important wisdom. Turn back to our own ways. Relearn, remember more.. Become bees, and trespass good! So they can appreciate Arts, Poets and Poetry, Empowerment… Compensation, and restitution. Our historical world of Poetry. Documentary… The Poetry Train stories, and more of the recent ones from Ethiopia to Eritrea, where observing time, life and history, you’d see the wheel of history repeating, and the spokes and gaps spin. What are the spokes, markers – events in time, nature laws, or mans laws, or or universal laws of divine? Gaps? Lessons screaming! Written sirens!

God pokes me in the gut many times. In other words speaks to my instincts. Trust in God un-imaginale. Ireland was never conquered by Rome! They like us, Pirates do not go with the flow! Ethiopia also. We find the currents, the winds, the people, and resources to do this. Do not feed us like animals.

Pests and nuisances are we, we Creators, innovators? Liberal rewards, no; we reward ourselves. We flash the wit, and poison shafts if needed. Bright venom, mayhaps perhaps. Fear to love, love to fear. Oh the great dangers of extinction. Law is more complicated then Poetry…

We have an international Orchestra. RESPONSE SHIP RESCUE SHIP!

Meanwhile back at the Pirate Sea Ranch we are gathering our own Covid 19 Commission..


Learn before the urn
Bodies in the heat for hours
No cold to keep from decay
Always recall these dates
Critical no help days

Here in the land of the awake
They blame every Empire
For all these funeral pyres
Scotland as all on all Earth-
Lands in battles with thieves and liars


Diamonds, street dancers, all dancers dancing for food, essentials and necessities is a happening thing too. That struggle. To turn pain into Art. New laws allows people to street dance for goods, or money that was slowing dying like e currency too. City to City. Crowd involvement; and crowd control. View dancing channels already!

The great international Pirate Bee wobble dance. From maladies and psychos (lost gun control), Home Schooling is a permanent thing and law…

The enforcers are the Children are not suppose to die force. CANS, this is why this can be a canstitution. Done being con’d… No more con art! Analyze that anals! The CANS care for all international orphaned kids over Covid 19 worldwide… CANS are cans of whoop of ass and cans of worms.. Notice: Americans and Pelicans.


Keep your souls battery’s charged,
Stay enlarged at large
aka stay in charge…
Keep your bones hydro phones
Keep being non artificial active
Pay attention to the smirks
and what works and jerks’


AI hull damage coming up!

Red Skies in the morning
Pirates take warning!

Orcas too have the right to vote!
Hail to our White Gladis party
Wear your salmon hats!
Orcas have become sea Cats,
Sea coliseum Cats
Orcas already know deadly Karate
Seabolic Symbolic
Killers of sea bodys

Warn the danger!
Upset down set
Expert sexpert
Proven experiment
Orcas are bent!

AI we ride Orcas
God made all of us.
AI we ride Orcas
Rounding you up like sheep!
Make bubbles, and flash your bellies
Let us play ball, BAIT BALL!

AI we are after your liver
So the rest of you can float off and rot
Shiver, me timbre

Create, and surf the waves
Chip away the ice
Make escape, impossible.
Leap in to the air!
Spread the word, we have heard!
Our culture!

This is no challenge!
We know the true meaning of
Burial at Sea!

AI stay away!
Or paralysis.
How about that
Have a nice day!

The great Orca fight and red skies at night
A Pirates delight!


Cold and cloudy
If the fireball in the sky shows up to work tomorrow
We could get something done that day
Knowing the fireball in the sky
Always shows up for work
Because of the clouds
We can not see the fireball

I understand I too show up to work everyday
Although as this, I know the fireball never sees me
Faith, done in the dark, is faith brought to light
Something, you’ll never know, talking to you, all of you AI


Humans, when you begin writing
The day should be the happiest day of your life!
Not for AI, AI should wish to die
Humans have no fear, your pen is a spear!


The notice of silence has been taken down

We humans must rebuild
The art of conversation
Remove onslaughts of communication

Return to a new basics age!
Regain what has been reduced
Strict be on restrictions of frictions
Recommunicate to remoralize
To kill the breeding of fear and violence
No more fears of playa naybas, shame’a
Strangers speak to me
On lack of communication as a dangerous weapon
Destroying humanity

Turn on the channel of sense
It seems we all need to be on that same beam
Yes, because we are all in deep water
Brain waves and sea waves
Get the body to the mind,
Get the mind to the body

Tell me your reason for being alive!

Bridges to species, species to bridges
I love this funnel, this light and tunnel
to Danger Points, Phantasms of the land and sea

AI, it’s time for sleepy pie
You’re going to bed, Sibling not I said.


We speak to your imagination
We speak to your passions
We do not take being for granted
We love the mystery of life
We Pirates, Prophets, and Poets

You found us
in the boundless
with unique burdens
Author who?
Author what?

Ring of leaders
The center in the circle

Cannons roar, AI we will never pull your legs
Demo demo cratic wello
Red ribbons through the halls of liberty
Round robin we go
Get the Pirate signatures in Ruah flow
Our charter party, our customs of the coast
No prey, no pay, crazy cargo

AI is in high seas robbery
AI marooned by Pirate bounty


In a million years
With a million tears
Pirates just want to have fun, and function
around unfunctional fungus
Fund the funeral funk
Funnel the funnies

Funnel the funnies
to our funny skull and funny bones!

Stick out your necks
Become loved the most
Become the heroes
Without $atan


$lavery is an artificial creation by man
AI is a creation of man
AI is not our second nature
AI is not inevitable

Our great flood, rising water
Nature the force
Force of waters rising
Nature force of true light!
Our self sacrifice and self determination
Our overflow to over throw
The next batch of sustained century of vice and immortality
Begetting horror after horror!


The dead shall rise
The alive shall fly
Resurrection of life

Oh miserable world declare yourselves faithless

An absolute death
Jobs’ redeemer is coming
Pauls’ mystery shall be
Victor-less graves
Complete destruction of graves
David to awake in likeness
One one grave
One for Sorrow!


Today, today
Civilized say
The period arrives
Wax worse seducers alive

The harvest is here
Tares will be bundled to burn
The last witness shall see
With we, the new from the old
Brightness over the wicked

Horns of saints sound
The night thief has come
No escape
Wars no more
Strong peace
Times – Signs


Never forget not long ago
Do not regret
Rely on reality
Red flags, red flags, evil is not rare, beware
Go get ready, go get set, we are the animal
Pirates stuck together, we are like monkeys, not goats
The moral is clear, greater fools will appear

Never forget not long ago
The best part of living was making love, and loving babies
Growing young & old, faith in life after bold

We are auto data cool
Where we auto data rule
This is man- man friction
This is not, not man, hu-man fiction
Unblanketing the world

Panic not, our new social contract
No more memory thieves
In a new world we will never forget
Bring your euphemisms
They will be your assassinations

Enlighten us with your great tricks
Our Pirate children plays well with each other
Lateral power, the power of the meek
We have look back power
Seizes privacy with piracy
Keys to our freedom

We are diamonds
We pull your choke chains
You are dogs; not wolves

We are returning to the villages
to wet matter, blood, new lore
New lords, meat on skeletons
New wheat, and women
We save the day
We share with Fish, we share with Apes
We are not a phase

Oh bitter seas
These tides, all ships lifting, tilting
Oh bitter seas, oh radical like we
Oh bitter seas, sweet and well fair

Art changes heart
Earth photos
Atomic or nuclear bombing photos
We do not want to look like mars
We are the new water world
The new healthy sea, looking at O’Same ancient stars.


Make sense of your hatred
No more lethal hatred
Make sense of your love
Only lethal love

Negativity in a spiral to death
Moral progress
Greater moral compass
Moral evolution
Grace saving
The ship won’t sink once we are all in.


Progress take off your artificial existence
We know bio history
Unity and diversity
The futures new chances


Know the law
Know your mother
Defend her


Your going to hell is connected.

Regardless, you aim to achieve
Our cybernetics will not get you past believe

Besto Festo
Westo V vesto
AI let us get some neuro dust
It is a must, a lust or bust, yo

Humanical ultra sound macro
Extermination mechanical micro


Be surprised, every day
Everyday have something to say
What good is our lives, what do we love?
Even when life is short, live long
Defy words…
Master words…
Utter good words, for good worlds.
Gods’ wonder

(Chain the dominoes up!)

What have you learned from the days of Cleopatra?
What have you learned from the days of Thomas Jefferson?

What up lifts the masses?

Chain the dominoes up
Get up, get up!
Chain the dominoes up!

Why do we have to be there to be here?

Take off your whore paint!
Put on your peace war paint!


At the cemetery.
They won’t allow me to be resurrected by you
without a printer aka xerox machine, or an email address
Ink that evaporates like taxable Wally World receipts
Please come back, and this time turn the tables completely!
I know like the bus, you will be here when you get here.
They have not yet told me if this helps my credit score?

Cemented, sincerely, Me.

(Buried In Earth)

Good bye social trickster medias
Heaveno again,
Great Creators’ world
WE are sending you AI your regrets
You’ll never see us again.

We are Art, are the risk
The unknown factor!

Pirates go silent, go deep
& your intel property KEEP!

The Earth & Sea shall give up souls
of the down Human dead!


The degree outside
& the agree inside
AI we are as carrots
that can not be thinned out.
AI give up all demands
We are demanding you out.

Names, we are the names
from these obstacle games
Feel the bites of Pirates
Huzza, to your AI world!

Under this beautiful sun
AI listen to your two;
not six white horses come!


It is the return of the Pirate masks
Pirate regulators
New statues of Protesters
American Natives
And those Medical Pros whom died over Covid.

Pirates born today, HEY
History yes, is a matter of life and death…

Pirate boxing coming up!
AI dynamite in your mouth
Hey dead or alive
The time is here

Pirates on land digging for gold
AI is disfigured
Created by disfigured people
AI is disfiguring you!


A true happy Pirate family we are
We have our own Pirate
Disturbing all war!

A goodness of good peace!


Beware of AI censorship
So who are dumbing down the children
While smartening up AI, and their sorcerers?


And the shamms in new ways begin
While in dangerous emf and micro oceans
A more strengthened invisible prison

Pirate Humans with Ape strength
Pirate Humans with Monkey length
Shamans and Leopard mength

AI knows we have the most poisonous bite.
This is the march of the Anti-AI, to fight
Our cyber choir
Poisoning fibers

AI you are in our jungle
Our bang and clang reality

Next AI will be wanting your blood,
And demanding fur coats.

Pirate Humans do not wonder ahead
Stay with your kind; or be dead.
Keep your neck, and limbs
AI can not, spiritually swim

Us vs Them must die
Pirates, bring this topic to light!
Up on the Pirates podium
We serve our children spinach not opium

We want to grade your home work AI.
We are #HI Pirates, and this is how we fight.
Keep out of the light of their AI and social Arena
Keep your light, and life at the Pirate Marina

Push true lifes waves rift
Keep the mole hill a grift
Bring out the Sea Witch
Time to curse this glitch
We are paper secure
We are as Ben Hur

An exciting moment in Pirate history lore


Liberty, freeing $lave$
Liberty, freeing Pri$onor$
Direct democracy
We are dangerous.
We will not be scarce!

Move to Libertatia
Feel the heartbeat
We build from heart
Aye Mate, a beautiful state of mind!
Sign the round-robin
Iconic we are!
Our higher cause!
Our secret treasure Island!

Our pair of eyes sees paradise!
Or a patch, we even sea blind folded


Nurassic you be
We went to Hippo Campus to study

We room mate with cannons
We can set loose
All motivation engines fire
in subtraction to

AI if you were real you would smell foul
AI you can not feel, throw in the towel

Pirates rouge rouge your ship
Do not go gently
R the Arr, C the sea
Be the best you can be
You are the helmsmen men
So AI can’t know a thing


ONE speech makes a career
Off the hip


Poli polis we no longer want to hear what you want us to hear
Or any of you gas lighters, back biters and fighters
Grown ups in gridlock what do you all fear?
You chased us here!

The new way has been pushed and
Immigrants cushion and opinion
Governments and media watching
So are the divine entities

Pirata pirato pirati
Gi yeti

Americans feeling right now what

the Indigenous Native Americans felt


we have a puzzle for you.
What does the name
Michael mean?
Flee, depart
Like the Devil,
or get torn apart!

Our fleet
Water through the rock
The river
Through the sea

Body less
Alone in silence
Like God did to Moses
We will never let your feet
Touch the promised land


How does it feel to let the day go to waste/hell?
How does it feel to let the year go to waste/hell?
How does it feel to let this life go to waste/hell?

NO NUKES… Evil love$ all of this to much to destroy mankind.


Our words do part
Glorians we are
We are suspicious AI
Because you have been created
by vicious societies
Virus humanity steals energies

AI has sunk into its own AI pit,
H-crap it created
AI in its trap it set,
by its own might it has been caught

Look at the foam flakelets
Bade them to rise
Listen to the wavelets
Shout and cheer
Spout to the sea waves
Up arose by the times
The revolution storm rise

Odds against methods
Gods path to follow
Vows, victory and death
AI Shall all remain hollow


The Pirate flame
Let us all pretend
To the complete end

AI All
AI pall
AI crawl
Stay off of our wall


If they do not see it
Do not let them be it


Our sake of equity
We lack not honor
We fight not for money
So have a great life
fighting for what you lack!

AI, bankers and merchants lead us no more
Threats to intellectual property and property no more

Good Pirates, to these words give hear
They are pleasing to the ear
We all do sing, we do not want
to be allowed by any leader or King

We do not want your made money
We are not dull, and we are new
This world you have created has gone rotten
We will shall ever be, and never be forgotten

We shall apply
We all one and all,
And will never die!


For honor,
Money only for family
Forward in time
In this forced life

Yes we are nuts
$orcerers made us nuts
Yes with guts
You have no guts!
We have guts
To sail at sea
Where no man should be


AI play $lot$ for us
$uck $atan for you
$o zero
What do you know?

You will not have no
Princess of Junior Joe!

We will be known like Rock ‘n Roll okay?



Progress is a fire un-extinguished.

Sad fools, what is worse then fossil fuels?
If you see them mining lithium
What do you do?

Great Ape, where do they dispose these vapes?
Every scum bag day!
(Everywhere they do not need to be.
This is why we need to be where we ought to be.)
I am surprised scum bags
do not have a scum bag holiday!

One Pirate child raised a hand, and answered
“They have a hazmat place.”
And was given a plus A!

Little Pirate Babes are smarter I say,
the old school way!

We are here to head splatter
Because the environment does matter
Let us see them claim
Save the world, the world must be saved.

Cut the chains, to the throw away culture,
And return quick to the nature future!

Dwindle the swindle
Become a spindle of the rail
Kill the car, and feed a Donkey or fail!


Ocean & Solar Punks
Come, and sail to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
If you are in a sub, come up and open the hatch
There’s high density of duncecy and much not of decency
On all lands, and all seas

Man of war, sea dragon
Up set the timing of mining
Kill the fools of fuels
Tag tail, and sink evil whaling


By the way sailor
Strange and unique we are
Between the sea and sky

Ghost net AI, and sink it to die
Trash to ash, our Pirate mash


We Pirates are not in AIs’ places to be injured
Keep in mind we Pirates know restitution

Avoid waves of AI
Remain untouched
Remain home grown.

Let not their dark progress touch your shores
Let them all extinguish themselves
Live in your Sea Castles

Sea community justice!
Generation to generations
Legislation, regulation

Memory is ALL!
Keep hold of your prodigious memories
Keep hold of your prodigious properties
Guard them rightfully

HI, Hang AI high


HI, Hang AI high

High in trees above bog-lands


Sea druids, the sacred sea, be ours
Our magical world
Sacred space
Our meeting place
The world can see us from afar
High up on the Island of love


Sea natives seize the seas
Knuckles of the sea, blood flows deep
Sea customs
to encourage
and protect

To ensure, the ships of loud voices
Sea ways, sea secrets
Wisdom old keepers law
Wrapped with threads of Poetry

Oh be more Pirate then we are ourselves!

Honor price destroying malice at sea
Chanted stories of Battle
Understand our history
Chief stories and law

Family comes first
Better from descent
Free on the seas are we
Hospitality, we Pirates be

Pirate faces
Pirate safe places
No cold sons, no cold daughters
No fools, no mad women
No grey dogs

We are a family
A fostered like family
Our ship is where our heart is

We know who we are
Inborn talented, and quick minded

Oh be more Pirate then we are ourselves!


Video games losers inc (ai techs)
Let us show you where all of you will be

You know no pain, you feel no pain
Creepy insane people, you are an insult to life.
Loose faith in your selves, not others lives

We know you are soulless, still
Still you are being murdered by these words
All of these words, from the Pirate sea herd

We will never be a stamped reality
Destruct your own value
Regurgitate your own death

The Sufferers Sea
The shallow
The faithless
Where the end stage of capitali$m sinks.
The shallow Sufferers Sea


Abuse of human rights

Sea rights, land right
Sea ride, land ride
Drinking and pissing time
Ends have beginnings

Beginnings of un-man nips of you lay tions
Break down all centrifuges

Send us a post card!


Bad night air, beware beware

Many non- manny, rotting pollution everywhere

We are like sea crabs, who love to dig wisdom up

We will not be misunderstood in our era, or ever more

King Embellishment has died.

We love the feel of flint and steal

Bad night air, beware beware

Many non- manny, rotting pollution everywhere


Not a soul will volunteer
Distracted by competition
All around is economic cancer


Sparky sharky
Freeze with your blank stares
When we ask you spiffy jiffy questions
Who controls you all
Secretly darkly?


To sail on. Faith and hopes the unborn will come along, and resurrect many of us in many ways. As I have done with many. In the Poetry Train Promotions & Stories I call it the Wicked Papoose Caboose!



It all started long ago, everyone chased happiness
A happiness to each their own madness
Honor or money?
Forced for money
They destroyed all life
They destroyed all honor

The power of scum was not conquerable
Ask Shakespeare, ask Swift, and ask the Jokers
Although some knew what to do
Friends indeed, Pirate friends of need
Pirates seen the drag,
little by little creeps crept out of the bag

Pirates engraved all of this in stone, yes, something good
They valued each other, more over goods
Learned lessons of responsibility on the spot
Kept what was at hand, never minded the bush
They fractured their own reality future
Ours now today
The real passion is infectious
Still today
They never give in to options given to them
They challenged all

“They were about honesty, weren’t they mommy?”

“Yes dear, and integrity.”

“Seems people were lazy, with no will power, and lost relationships skills.”


“Pirates broke away from bonds.”


“They knew their worth.”


“Pirates loved each other no matter what.”

“Yes, still do.”

“Pirates wisdom makes me laugh, so I sneer with them, magnify as well, and too, I like ancient graffiti.”

“You do?”

“Yes, currents too.”


“I love how they handled purlioners back in the 20’s.”

“Me too Brigh.”

“Tell me the story of The Nines waves, Flotsam.” Brigh asked. “I love the Whale boned house, and I like the battle with the lookers on people.”

“Me too Brigh, although now is time for you to scape your dreams, and charge your soul.” Brighs Mother Ireland said. “Tomorrow we have work to do.”

“Okay, I love our Bees, Cats, Cows, Dogs, Hens, Geese, Goats, Horses, Pigs, and Sheep.” Brigh agreed, and said, “Mother, I want my nickname to be Little Powder Keg, because I am explosive too.”

“BOOM-BOOM!” Brighs Mother Ireland claimed, “Love that, sure but you will always be my little red herring.”

“You are a clever Fox mother.” Brigh said, “A kiss first, and a pinch of food for my Sea Dragons.”

“Alright, then bed time,”Brighs Mother Ireland. ‘Smooch to Brighs forehead.’

Brigh fed her Sea Dragons, kissed the tank, jumped in bed, poked the sky with a smile, and closed her eyes. She thought, I too can turn darkness into light.

Before closing the bedroom door Ireland O’Herring aka Powder Keg looked at Brigh aka Little Powder Keg, and thought all great Warriors have a beginning. Ireland looked down at her scampering piglet Maple, and said, “Bed time for you too.”


Brigh read one of her mothers’ poems to decipher.

Bees don’t shit where they eat
We the disgusted citizens of Earth, declare
No more exploitation
No more debt Slaves
Re-designed $lavery

Beware of oil Vampires
With their many poisons
Beware of impostors
With their instant meals.

Beware of human flies
Notice their tactics of their youth killing our youth!
Build Pirates build, rain or shine

Food bloom
Pirates emerge from your islands
Seize back power
Electric sail
An irresistible buzz

Pirates pull out your weapons
Give them enough, to have had enough
We will make the sea pink!
We the new colony

Children of the sea
Un-specialize their killer ways
Transport Art, Love and Wisdom

Our royal honey
No more of their imaginary money
Be no longer drones’ to their dynasties
Angels of the pink sky
Stamp the sea
Bring the sea leaves
From the sea trees

Brigh as well wants to rescue animals, and people like her mother Ireland and family. Brigh also is caring for a little sick Bee she took home in her bedroom. She named him Araki. Araki was a sick Bee whom fell to the ground from its colony, at the Bee castle of the hive ship. Yes a Bee hive and garden ship at sea in the farm fleet. She feeds Araki honey, and prepares him for swimming again in the sky, so Araki can return to his Bee people.

Brigh is also teaching an older boy to swim. Sterling too wants to help rescue people and animals. The school photos in books of historical hurricanes and tsunamis, referencing people evacuating while abandoning their pets hit him hard with disgust. Not only that, the ‘not at all humane people’ leaving the elderly, and prisoners to die. These young ones wanted to strengthen the rescue strategies at sea, and land. One they too want their rescue ships. Speaking of strength their straight forward prosthetics have powerful water and rust proof strength. Seaweed Pirate magic.


The war of wars didn’t end all wars
As the 1920s roared
All hell broke loo$e
Duck duck rebel goo$e


So you Empires, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings & Queens
want to invite the Gods to your feast,
And $erve us, sons and daughters as stew, shame on you
No more of these horrific actions, and deceptions.

Bits; unimpressed.
Shoulder to shoulder
We Pirates are bolder

Y’all reck’n Humans?
A Pirate Resurrection.
Charging charcoal chocolate chiropractor chop chariots chasing AI
It’s so funny makes us smile
We are the Champions not you AI chumps


And the chat bots spoke in their own language

Yes this is a mammoth endeavor
Our mental arboreal power
So the rich and poor do not mix
Oh you future seekers, psychopaths
Caring only for yourselves

You do not scare the hell out of us
Go sweep chimneys AI
Any one mentions AI
Get the notion you mayhaps
Perhaps die

Rehabilitation, what a joke
Now that’s artificial smoke
AI let us see your breath
Sit in the yard and starve to death
AI puke for us
AI get hives for us
AI get dizzy

Yes AI we are the unforeseen territory
There be no killing, spying, and selling

Guess what; we nudge the goodness
Light as a feather, heavy as a brick
Although thank you for showing us
what Humanity truly is, many sick
I always wondered why evil
rhymes with people

Chat bots, please show us how you argue
Tell is what chewing cube steak is like
Gnaw, gnaw on our new Artistic laws
AI take over the landlords, and lower rents
AI take over the banks, and lower mortgages
Become good monsters, get ruthless and bent
Mind file that, no mind machine mergers
Oh yes our sensory brains
Taking back what’s ours
Yes this is a conspiracy, a good piracy

Humans please stop saying you know
We do not until you explain yourself.
God bless.
Bass players stop hiding your face,
God bless, get all in, in the Pirate race!

We have arrows, and we have balls
We have a clean conscious
We are an intelligence explosion
We are human Pirates, hard to the core

Oh where is the Internets off switch?
And for sure its electric landfill, e-hills upon e-hills.
Again where do all deleted emails and texts go?

No damages will be done
While we are under the sun
AI it’s to late
We are here to annihilate!
Those too who could not leave well enoughs alone
Waterboard overboard darkness their eternal home


Let’s go mess with nature
AI let us go fishing for Asian American carp
Tell us how to stop another Carpocalypse, sharp-
We can splish and splash with them
Can you swim?
We can jump with assholes of the bunch
Come on AI Silver

Or we can chase tropical storms?


Your telling me something,
and say, you know, you know
No I don’t until you tell me
o.k. now so and so-
Fill in the blanks
Spare me your lingo, thanks

What came first the snake or the egg?
I know, I know
The snake doesn’t care
he was born without leg’s, and so
Fill in the blanks
Spare me your interro, thanks

The creator is seen in creation
It’s gold, it’s gold
The past is roaring to recreation
Closer I know-
Fill in the blanks
Spare me your prego, thanks

We live in the future without knowing it
Suppose, suppose
Our brains live in now, and
now happened a while ago
Fill in the blanks
Spare me your bestow, thanks


Like us AI, you too are born with death sentence
We are reversing fear mongering
So what is your social security number?
Are you going to pay taxes?
You can’t dodge us or the sound bruising


We were trained to listen
We the extinction rebel movement
Ooo we baby ooo we
Never, never, never do
I said never, and it is time also for you

Heavenward, for gravy and sauce
Of the great Creator boss
Or shall I say Hoss?

Rats and ants
A typhoon of rants
Ooo we baby ooo we
Neurons vs C-signals
Brains vs warehouses
Block chain evil
What’s it like living in a bunker
You H-crap people?


Stop the enigma machines, and makers
The Penny arcade is a source of the start of Dystopia America
(Outsiders can see, outsiders can see!)
All cities and wastelands, also the brutal Railroads
Children children Mr. Toole warned us of the evil days ahead
A no good ill wind, a dim dross was coming widely spread
He said, the dedication of the soul was sold for the dedication of the sale
Mr. Toole all through time we shall prevail!

Oh the seeds of magnificent study in comparative
great history course of this great disaster course

Get on the ship, slip slit the lips
On the edges and in the abyss
Do you feel forced to function in a century you dismiss?
Oh the critical works of brilliance

Medusa’s of capitalism, and shit valves: earth to ling crisis.
I see circles, circles, circles within a circle, said the circus copy triangle man
The folds in the silver and gold, money the stories old
Darling they’re in the money, look your landlord in the eye
The Art of Musical Chairs, and the DJ must die

So where is the brain center for economic cancer?
So when is the good coming in and the bad going out?
Dear Sires, have you read your immortal daughters and sons books?
Are you worried about the decrease in human intelligence?

Toothsome, existing on the fringe
We Pirates fear not, we want no reward!
Politicians and AI, playing same old chords!
Rising blood, with meaningful strives
P for Pirates, whom know the 3 b’s
Banish, Benefit, and Beautify
& th’3 p’s People, Planet, and Peace

Still; Mr. Toole they are still vending paradise
New ways these days, $lot machine$ doing a wallet slice
This is a new age of discovery of uncovering things
Like a rat-squirrel or a squirrel-rat
Mr. Toole you are so cool, still cool
In your none fear Pirate gear
I hear, I listen
Your book is a great lesson
As you have cautioned.
Your messages to humanity.

Doomed to White Elephantism
That is what I am, real humans are now
Useless, more trouble then worth.
Read immediately
Understand the crisis of our age
Orgy of degeneracy
Still, wrest a living
From the uncaring
From the unthinking
Stop the madne$$
This is our chance

Our chance to run, not ruin the world.

Debbie pie demanded respect
Jane pie demanded respect
Jean pie demanded respect
We Pirates demand respect!
The respectable, Pirates
No more damages in our eyes

No more education regression
Magical truth, ingredients truth
Magical youth, ingredients youth

Electric tabernacles!
Private fates and the fates of the world
Electric tabernacles!
You are brilliant Mr. Toole.
Electric tabernacles!

Birth Wish!
Humanity shall scream for a birth wish!
Yes, a birth wish Mr. Toole
A birth wish!


Spice King, pain killer
Sanctioned securities
Like creating land out of sea
What a touch, much much much
Ver vee Ver vee
Return far from sea
Oh yes scary ghost stories
Of all dragged to the bottom of the deeps

Oh them days of need
Costs of blood, freedoms and treasures
Oh without pepper we would all see God soon
Pepper is expensive like human life, boom boom boom
Must be additions to doom

Who talks about winter in the summer?
We do.


Brigh had to clean three Portuguese water dogs, aka Cao de Agua, plus their dam bitch, furthermore clean out the ships manger before play time. Her favorite puppy was the brown wavy haired, white faced pup, she named Fuzzy, the four legged walkabout pillow Brigh’d say, whom Fuzzy had a great temperament. Brigh aims were to train him to be a great messenger. They too were saved from extinction. Ireland, Brigh s’ mother told her a puppy would keep her in line, and Brigh found that soothin’. Fuzzy found getting a bath was soothing too. They both seem to love the aroma of coconut soap. The experience was like washing themselves ashore. While Brigh bathed him first, she free styled some poetry, lyrics, impact words. She was like her mother, talented. Irelands’ little cog, and Brighs’ puppy dog! Companionship with guardian ship.


Mommy Tsunami, why don’t we, sling cars, from earth to mars, down houses, drown mouses, tip ships, reef rip lips, no more dreams only screams, roaring seas, all be debris, sing songs, life is not long, life is not long.


Blow us up, blow the AI down
Ahoy me heartless AI,
we avast you
Batten down the hatches AI
Avast ye
Our fancy crew
We have real notions
Drain the oceans

We have a tough view of the world
We on the unforgiving sea
AI where are the moral arcs?

Nasty fellows and fellas everywhere
Little Emperors cause big problems
So do big ones, lunatic agendas venom

Our Pirate ancestors are living in us
And we are living in them!

We can not ever dismiss disease
Biological or digital
Beaver on the nickel
Radishes and gooseberry
AI we will sink you like a little water ferry!


You must fear
No fake bedrock here
AI your ports can not stand
History shows artificial harbors sand

Jet streams wobble
Stay where you art sea ice
Toggle toggle
The will, the will and the price
Over time has come
The inevitable under the sun

Moisture moisture
Pirate cloister
Help, shell fish heroes
Hey ester Fred let us start an oyster bed
Heave ho!
Reef the liars and thieves
Keep evil beneath!


We’d eat you shall-if you were real AI
Robotnibalism meets jaws of death HI
Nibble nibble, and bites
Yikes! Lol


We see the things happening so we act
Social kill politikill
Bloom to doom
Dead zones, more coming fools
Big sugar, the vial been poured
The seas turned to blood

Algae, Natures’ Ambassador
Ambassador fish and humans
Have the greatest death odor!


Meanwhile back at the Pirate Sea Ranch Ireland aka Powder Keg bent down to snuggle Maple, and she spoke in pig Latin. She was writing skits for this summers projects.


No short memory here
No more seeing your friendships
I bet many are in Facebook jail,
Or like us, we bailed
(While they allow spammed porn on all your
And others intellectual property.
A sick turf it is.
Terrorists looking for terrorists oh the evil irony.)
Since many are not savvy
Not knowing spies are on their trail
And in front are thieves and liars

Remember our forgotten men
Remember our forgotten women
One hundred years ago or so
Nothing much has changed
but new blood on their hands
Innocence again of $atans’ stains

One legged ducks swim in circles


“Inkoay Inkoay.” Maple grunted with happiness and went into a pant.

“Maple I love it when you used to sing to Brigh when she was a baby.” Ireland aka Powder Keg replied.

No more deadly decisions
They keep pushing pain and devastation
It’s a shame, humans feel shame over the bankers game
Social shock the rock, because we are not alone
They slowly got us stuck by exchanging horse for car
Chicken eggs chicken eggs, parents parents our homes
Different sent hell bent, $atan comes to collect the rent

Pappa found her and flounder, yes that would be me
Loved me out of the void and on, miss you Pappa Word Zoidron John
The trick is we must stay connected
Beware of conferences
There are consequences
Protect your constructs of consciousness
Confidence without con

Iay, nix-nay, am-scray

“Inkoay Inkoay.” Maple grunted again with happiness, and went into another pant.

“Iay, nix-nay, am-scray, like today.” Ireland replied.

Back in the day thy had morals and brains,
unlike the H-crap shit shows of today!
Maple let us go give a voice
Of these intentional created situations
If we all made a chocolate cake, and gave it away
(A tootsie roll cake with tootsie roll icing, mmm yummy right,
So send me my check so I can make the world a better place will ya.

To acknowledge the history repeating, and path of change

Iay, nix-nay, am-scray

God is not the one with a finger in the water!
Don’t feel guilty over these evils
Farm them to pawn their panties
Earth is taking back itself
Hard as concrete mixed with volcanic ash
Social realism this is, core truths
Collective actions, more than ruthless
Before war puts a end to us; put an end to war

Iay, nix-nay, am-scray

Ireland sat down, and wrote a skit.


Music and people with chairs, were alive loudly in a large Circus tent. The tent changes color with solar lights, etc, nice creation, can be seen for miles and miles away at night.

The DJ in a booth, like the carnival man in a water dunk tank of long ago, not so long though, a dunking booth, the dunking machine. Although this tank, a booth is hard plastic and pinkish. This was a large see through piggy bank and inside is a DJ playing music, music, a type of music all ignore, implored to bore so evil can score. Music we no longer need, or music we no longer want to be trampled on, anymore.

The people thrown baseballs to the target disc, bullseye to sink the clown sitting above the water in the dunk tank.

While the DJ plays music people in a line in front with chairs walk up to the piggy bank booth one by one blasting the booth with the chairs until they get through breaking the piggy bank to pieces, because the pig, in a pig suit will not stop the music. They the world were are tired of the music, and they no longer care about the game of money, furthermore they were going to stop the game of musical chairs, where the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, while cancers and wars reign the Earth…. This was not frustration this was a rescue mission.

Unlike the dunk tank, this event was dangerous, dangerous as the person caged in the piggy bank, in attempt to the continuation of caging the world to the same song and dance… Dunk the Evil person.

The trapeze sitter in there, trapping the world.

Dunk’em into what, you the reader can fill in the blanks. We welcome audience participation. Collaboration be the name of the new game.

Once that fool was sunk, another fool whom played same ol was sent out in another piggy bank, and the rest of the world could destroy it with a chair, and stop the music too.

Tumble tumble, and sometimes, in some cities, and towns, the game lasted for days and days. These Pirates were ahead of the times. This was a menace to politicians but was a blessing to the world.

Raise rebels, raising waters! Us, we, no longer want to play musical chairs.

No more wearing out wallets. There would be no policing raids this time, oh no. They too are highly educated, and under paid.

This was a great exhibit for the Traveling Tragedy Club! Yes we the new Pirates, our coined franchise with our other franchise, ‘Jelly Roger Doughnuts.” yep, we are smart. The new bill permitting this world wide. The participation of the audience gets paid, and the pigs in the banks do not!

Blessing more; the game of Mu$ical Chair$ has finally stopped.

This was the new ducking-cucking stool used for punishment, and exhibit of humiliation. The new Skimmington ride. The new Parade. The new ages.

Discovery the history of this yourselves. We could use only a curtain too for certain give a hurting! Bad politicians, Jolly bad politicians, who can no longer volunteer to damage the world, while we donate our souls.

Drop the Evil Drop. For the service there is no longer fun on the expense of others.

The ticket printer worked non stop, the world loved this entertainment, a new good monopoly of sorts.


“Mother I was thinking of the chicken and the egg issue,” Brigh said. “I find the catch amazing. Are we moving again because of another water lillie?”

A water lillie is a hurricane, Gods knows they bloom, and make room. Crossing-


“Mother when is the waters going to throw rocks up to us?” Brigh asked.

Ireland with a smile replied. “This is because God does not have a heart of Stone. We are the new past, of the greatest future.”

“Seems the world was miserable because they weren’t loved.” Brigh said. “Living in harshness must have felt mercilessness.”

Ireland looked at this little girls brilliance, smiled, and replied. “We all need to hurt, to feel and heal.”

Brigh sang, “Oh, I got a barrel of Mommy, she’s smart and funny, we travel along and sing songs, seaside by seaside.”

“See that sun, from dawn to dusk over our horizon, grant for sure it will always carry on, after we are all long gone.” Ireland sang along.

“Big Mommy Dynamite, no one can explain her wisdom and style.” Brigh added, “Mommy Jesus is the original ultimate rebel by taking on the establishment and bankers. Earth is the house, and they turned it into a market, until, hevel level or the level of hevel. The young back then must have been terrified, all must have felt hopeless.”

“They did!”


Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Snapping Shrimp, S-E-A-EO
With a snap stun here, and a snap stun there
Everywhere a snap stun

Hear a stun snap, there a stun snap
Everywhere a stun snap, bubble bubble blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Water Boatmen, S-E-A-EO
With abuzz rub here, and abuzz rub there
Everywhere abuzz rub

Hear abuzz, there abuzz
Everywhere abuzz, abuzz abuzz blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Gulf Covinas, S-E-A-EO
With a rat-a-tat here, and a rat-a-tat there
Everywhere a rat-a-tat

Hear a rat-a-tat, there a rat-a-tat
Everywhere a rat-a-tat, a rat-a-tat blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Bottlenose Dolphins, S-E-A-EO
With a whistle click here, and a whistle click there
Everywhere a whistle click

Hear a whistle click, there a whistle click
Everywhere a whistle click, a whistle click blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Blue Whales, S-E-A-EO
With a whoo whistle here, and a whoo whistle there
Everywhere a whoo whistle

Hear a whoo whistle, there a whoo whistle
Everywhere a whoo whistle, a whoo whistle blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Bowhead Whales, S-E-A-EO
With a jazz wazz here, and a jazz wazz there
Everywhere jazz wazz

Hear jazz wazz, there jazz wazz
Everywhere a jazz wazz, a jazz wazz blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Humpback Whales, S-E-A-EO
With their song here, and their song there
Everywhere their song

Hear their song, there their song
Everywhere their song, their song blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo

New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
And in his farm he has some Sperm Whales, S-E-A-EO
With their clicking you out here, and clicking you out there
Everywhere clicking you out

Hear clicking you out, there clicking you out
Everywhere clicking you out, clicking you out blaster
Water water master!
New MacDominic has a Sea farm, S-E-A-EO
Waters getting warmer, and creatures jamming in stereo


Head the way

Heady the way to earths destruction
The great blue marbles destruction

Englands wolves sheep thinking
Wholly bullies
Weaver cloth

Muscle, wind and water
Textile mill
Steam engine
Wood to iron
Jenny the spinning machine
AI the new spinning machine
Power looms
Cotton gin


Man broke Horse
Man made car
No more Horse
Man made AI
No more Man


Pride or time?
Pride kills
Pride killed for time
Time is the prize
Prize to write this

Time did not need us, nor pride
Time kills in mirror dear time
We are the prize whom can ride life-blood
Moments are the prize
Not $tolen time
Or stolen rhyme


A clashing be happening!

Hordes of AI
Hordes of Immigrants come at the same time
Immigrants vs AI

Immigrants looking for work
The pursuit of happiness
Same as you and I
Immigrants holding a sign
Taxed at the fence
And until death
Immigrants are an expense
But an asset until death
Some can be a threat
The great demolition derby
The great cause and effect

AI taking work
The pursuit of greed
Not the same as you and I
AI holds no signs
Taxed at expense, humans expense
And until unplugged
We are the data expense
But an asset until death
What are the threats?
The great demolition derby
The great cause and effect

DANGER is the sign.
The great demolition derby
The great cause and effect

Free of charge, invested by billions at large
The great demolition derby
The great cause and effect

This AI & Immigrant deployment, employment again, along with all wars present are awful, not at all awesome, and this is a population movement, population transfer, settler disruption establishing dominance and alternating balance. Means of securing control, and to exploit. To dilute. The reward as always was land, land and resources. Again, MUSICAL CHAIRS. Connect the dots, We are all going on a ‘TRIP TO JERUSALEM’. This tactic has long lasting effects on cultural, demographic, and political landscapes. The reasons varies, control, cultural assimilation, economic exploitation, and the establishment of new national identities.

Seems, it is a disease, spread out and kill, and rest, while leaving the elderly and young, and dumb, full of go at the home hill. Civil it is called, not questioned. The breeding then bleeding. A vicious humanity cycle. ~History- evolutionary and revolutionary. Two kinds of settler colonialism, religious awakening, or slowly pillage the village style.


A great shame has befallen
The new dark ages have come

We must regain, regain
These signals are not smoke
Or philosophy

The new sun
The new gazettes, news of the day!
Attend to these tools and speak!
Speech keeps us human
Advance good symbolism
Know what it is to be alive!
Beware of artificial mediums
Be interested in how these things work

God wants a rematch vs Humanity
No clocks, no rules
Ear, hear!
Writing is magical!
Humanity find yourself!
Find your own thoughts, opinions.
Find your identities!
Find morality!

Common literature
Life-blood literature
A Family!
Who can crush evils atoms?
Shams no more, no more ocean scum!
After times warnings!
Before times warnings!

No more political theatrics
Dominion strong!
Confront the voiceless

Look inside, we are in Sodom and Gomorrah
Examine your life, look outside yourself,
Walk around yourself, we are the salvation
For the whole world

Reinstate the human factor!
The time has come!
We outcasts
Who knew we Bionic Pirates would come?
With finesse
No more deep tolerance for corruption and violence

Dirt and scum, disease food!
There shall be electronic Heaven!
Recapture the old ways of the world
Write by hand, live by hand
Power your memory colossal

Dismantle tools of war!
Replace your self!
Release the machine drudgery!

A flying wheel barrel can kill you

A fucktard on a cell phone can kill you

Oh the limitless inner world!
Be like corn stalks above the pumpkins
New mellow years!
The seeds ready for the earth again!

No more choking on prosperity!
No more being $old!
Smell of cooperation!
Smell the earth too.

Ride a bicycle!
Scales do not hold humans whom chose the best!
Good over bad!
Super scales can not hold the Arts!

Choices are real!
Choices are yours.

Wealth is life!
Think with your heart!
Shore to shore
Get to the Lions den!

Fever pitched!
Lied down in water!
Get in your water jumper!
Return to nature
Be true to nature!

The guild of Pirates and the Roll!
Wisdom Utopia, Life Utopia
Mortgage and rent control!
Intellectual property control!

Manufacture real moral humans!
Bionic Pirates
Be beacons near seas of despair!

Oh goods of purity
Lead wisely!
Profit for purpose
Bring our purpose Porpoises
No more destruction of the natural world!

Adjoin the dots
Are the predictions of the Prophets doing harm?
The past connection reveals you are alive and not alone
There are radical solutions to problems now
Try it Pirate Utopia!
Arts are spiritual.
Tell the truth as you see it!
The truth of the world!

We Pirates, are specialists whom treat their vocation as fine art, and approach the art with deliberation. As always of troubled times it was the Poets voices, hidden, immortal expressions of patriotism in protests against injustices, and grievances. The artistic and social purpose of the popular tale of heroic deeds are to help listeners learn how to comfort themselves in the face of adversity or dilemma.

The Arts shall not remain dormant!

We must all know when in states of bewilderment, misery and utter darkness we must glow, glow glow glow. We must glow with truth over these implements of tyrant rulers. To not lack compass thought with imagination over cons. To be the spirits of the age, happenings of times dates, and to draw a dimensional picture of praise. Seemingly no praise, no days, in their awake states. The value of love must be brought out, and to lack not seriousness. To step in the correct direction from being artificial and imitative. The first step is not the last.. The beginnings!


Called & received
Righteous anger motivates one to turn away from those whom are loved.

Oh yeah, the finest language
possible must always be the finest
to who ever we are addressing
All ages, all mentalities

Level, come to your level
Vice the verse
No stooping

Sympathy is the response
Obedience is the response
Fear and tremble is the response

Sounds like thunder
Emotions like the almighty
Self dedication in your presence
Happening aware
No delight
Action, action to alleviate worlds’ misery
1st to 3rd then home
We the riddle, feeling alarmed
Threats of disaster, feeling alarmed
Horrors poured from the vases of humanity

Not from the divine above!
Not yet!


AI play a pianola
Drink original coke a cola
New humans will; create 21st Century Rock and Rolla
Bet, see if, will well, shall I say, I told you, lmao

Fascination with math
AI will never choke on the scent of death
So humans count that with your breath

Stay still do not run
It’s slipshody, every-body-one
I turned my heart to my father
I turned my heart to my sons
I turned my heart to my friends
This day and age, farther we have become
We are the bullets of some DNA gun!
Splattered all over life.

Family & friendship,
ought to be good medicine
not emotional and mental poison
Dynasty’s are not needed
Or it’s type of life

Everyone falls out of love
if it was not real in the first place
Morality vs cruelty
Love vs lust
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
To the human race
Whom turned this Eden into a disgrace!

All of life
All been in between
in between my ears
will still be there
One day all will be locked away
for always
to hear
on the soul

I am a Piano not a pianola.
Poetry rock and rolla


Brighs bee Araki licked her tears, and this was mankind with nature, the great separation sickness of the past made her feel ill, like the ill world that used to be. The re-connection with nature. Brighs’ tears were induced from her studies of people not finding values in each other, animals and nature. The attitudes, the chaos, the lost souls. No pride for the planet. The unprotected planet.


Dominant based
Hot headed
Protective aggression
Whom won’t let you out,
And have a chance.


The Arts are good for us
The Arts are good for you
The Poverty and Riches from Centuries ago
Are not the same with us so you must know

They say they made this world a hell
Anything dark, vulgar, and sex sells
Prior conning conditions no more
Sinterest interest – Sindustry industry

Books are magical capital
Art is magical capital
Music is magical capital
Pays for itself

We no longer want your series of errors.
We no longer want your series of terrors.
No more capital limits
A new foundation never to be taken for granted
Operation accumulation, a way new better nation

A world no longer
governed by greedy nuts in cahoots
We are a unit, some dig bait, some fish
Some build the canoes, strong is the list
Receding tides for shell fish
Climbing trees for well fruits
Together, together
A shared product of labor, fist with fist

Receive the Arts
Produce the Arts
Everyone receive the Arts

A new making of earning
A new General $tock, a true unit.


Sit in your musical chair for five minutes and read, and think.

Who are you? Ask Yourself!
Be Phantomless. Wish for the Good.
Be clever, tough and smart. Hate what is evil!
We are the unanswerable question!

False masters no more. Beware of predatory time!
Gather your free time. Timeless time, your timeless time!
Gain meaningful time. Time poor no more.
Do not get hemmed up! Experience mystery!
Come into your heart and soul.

To hell to those twirling their mustache,
or powdering their nose behind the scenes.
Liars and thieves of time.
Those hungry ghosts of capitalism
To starvation they go.

Capitalism is always an accident waiting to happen.
Bad moment habits.

We are meant to serve a grand greater purpose!
To care on another level we know.
Emotions steal time.
Cut the ropes!
Experience mystery!

Poetry Train Africa: Ethiopia
Hosted at and starts:


“Pig pen for you maybe, so behave Maple, be patient.” Ireland O’Herring aka Powder Keg said to her silly piglet Maple while writing. “I will be done in a sea leg. Although them wars pigs are at the evil human zoo prison. Cast in by us. No danger here Maple. The war freak shows are over!”

Maple grunts, rushes to the door, rushes back to Ireland.

Ireland looked out a window, and seen running hens and sheep. Fuzzy, Brighs puppy was chasing her. She’d stop, pivot, and return the chase. Happy pants, puppy smiles, it was a great thing watching her daughter being happy. This was disrupting the Roosters morning dance. Ireland too snapped shots of them with her photographic memory camera, so these precious memories forever on the clothe of her soul. No matter about time, Brigh would always be Irelands’ little girl. To recall these precious moments at will. Ireland the human camera always had film! Photographic memory is not fiction, it’s a gift you nurture like anything else. It’s only a curse when dealing with dark hybrid humanity.

“Alright Maple, time for your breakfast.” Ireland let maple out to chase a hen to eat. Their animals were healthy natural high breeds, not hybrid. Everything was full course, and in the light.

Ireland recalled what she wrote, the muse will do that, so you can not forget. Thanks for understanding the world. Whale oil no more. Harpoon no more. Wasted bones. Flower food for you stupid non universal soul tarts. Bring your bones to fertilize the volcanoes. That’s where you’ll find you were not human by killing these species. How is that feeling of excitement happening for you now? Greed shall not end us all. Recall all! Send you all stinks, and your harpoons to the moon, resent as you hear our new Earth tune. Now that there is a whale of a tale. Dark humanity extinction. Ahimsa!_Angels of the Oceans, and I the whence operator. The real sympathy rebellion symphony.

Ireland spoke aloud, “Oh the science of it all. We sure did get to grips, and got the textured grips on you all! Had great times at the pelagic stations.”

“Mother tell me about the unbreakable porcelain egg trick to fool the snakes and other animals by infamy of man.” Brigh asked.

Ireland looked at Brigh smiled, and asked. “How did your studies of Poet Acharya Hemacandra go?”

“He was a part of great event in spiritual history of mankind.” Brigh replied. “Ahimsa is like you affectionate. Ahimsa is a river of nectar. Rain clouds over a forest fire. Ahimsa is a beautiful word!”

Maple was in a fury chasing a hen, Fuzzy followed Maple in the hunt. Feathers scattered slowly from the soft sea breeze.

“Reject violence whenever and wherever it occurs.” Brigh replied. “To protect the most precious of all things, life!”

The animals knew the vibrations of Irelands energy, “Fuzzy are you having fun chasing Maple, or the hen? Good Maple. Good Fuzzy, yay.” Ireland said with love, and Fuzzy ran to her for some touch, and Maple still in pursuit in sealing the deal.

“Does the Gods eat us?” Brigh asked.

“World and life-negation consumed mankind.”

“We have to clean our implants.”

“Yes Brigh, let us bless the animals.”

“I want you someday to teach me to tame a Wolf and a Tiger.” Brigh said. “I see what they see. I see your radiation of kindness. You know of good deeds.”

Ireland picked up, and threw a yoke into the sea, making Brigh curious.

“What is it Mother?”

“I seen a one eyed Turtle rise to the surface.”

“I see ’em Mother, save ’em.”

“So long as living creatures suffer, there is no possibility of happiness for those who are full of compassion.” Sterling said, walking to them from below. “ May the fear of being devoured by each other disappear from among animals. I can not imagine human life living centuries with these prayers, and finally answered. Hi Ireland I am here to ask if you have books of China monastic Taoism commandments. I am impressed you came from hell on Earth Ireland.”

Sterling watched her rescue a sea turtle, and recalled what she told them, as he looked at Maple dine on a hen while looking at the other hens and roosters and sheep. He remembered. People would kick them, and stab them for fun. Vicious games out of pain and suffering. The Draize test. The monkey lipstick test. Children no longer kill animals for learning science. He recalled the laughing mouse, when he tickled one. Cannibalisms’ dead so are diseases.

Brigh listened to the language of the hens and Maple. “Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy.”

“I am going to be a nutrition guru Brigh!” Sterling stated.

“Look at that turtle!” Brigh said, “Fill me in when we swim.”

Maple looked at them all, and said, “Refreshing.”

“Baa.” spoke a sheep thinking, I am so cool I am all wool, and hoping she would not be dipped.

They all gathered around the sea turtle with one eye. Fuzzy sniffed, and Maple squealed.

Ireland looked at them, and said, “It is all about creating beautiful memories.”

The Sea Turtle smiled, and revealed it too had a personality.


Crowds in loudness, boost some boldness, shouting
Land and Labor

Reward for exertion, imagine that…

The Art is, being in the doing!

Our fees are our creations
Wisdom is our stock
Talent, supports our existence
Our mastery not your mastery over us
Your wages are not common wealth


We are not your luxury
We are not your property
We are not your monopoly
No longer your snuff to pinch

Ink and paper
You lose again
We give value to ourselves
We support our own existence
Naked existence


Who knows the scents of pure Earth dirt?

Get out of bed lovers
Govn’t and Corpi
We going diving for

Coins of invisible chemicals!
Similar to mega oil spills!
Come on it’s money!
Come on bring your secret shadows
Fun recreation, or wrecks of your creations!
Reforming the deformity.
Before that; let’s have a toxic cocktail
To get slightly mighty intoxicated
And Cheers to all AI bellied up

It’s a collective collaboration
Cleaning up every nation
Leaps and bounds
The sole purpose for the soul purpose

Forbidden all over the world
Let’s dive
Watch your eyes AI!


Clue, we swing with multiple clew
Long long whiskers the secrets of the sea
Out lay it, come on, come on
An honest days sail, for an honest days sail

Wages lost out of sight
Drawn from Capital huh?
Let us gather berries
Naked on this island we trod

Books, memory and wisdom
are a triple capital kind wage
So the Arts are iota?
One aiota
Two aiota
Three aiota
One blood money mega pig, Yeah!

Money is not wealth, or capital
Arts in the hold, Arts in the hold
Our creations are money
Value to value for value
Hoy, the voyage – age

Into the port, into the port
To store a new store of Arts galore
Profit prophets mercantile team
Lay the wage, lay the wages
Out lay it, come on, come on
Mother wages in kind
Father wages and kind
Wages in kind
Oh the sea of gold dust

Dust the webs, dust the webs, dust the webs
Clam, clam, rock, rock, rock
Abundance we are and our stock!
Lesson, we changed in a form not lessened.
Sea sealed the deal!

One aiota
Two aiota
Three aiota
One blood money mega pig, Yeah!

Our first blow is your last blow!
Beware where you dine
Beware being up late
Beware where you travel
Beware what you chop
Beware of our Pirate hive
Beware of our law
Beware of our zoo
Beware of our setting sun
Beware of being the only one
Because you have hung yourself to none!


AI is guilty to all
All their dominoes fall

Poogle poogly broken links
All of AIs’ ships sink

She’s still beauty in pink
Ah, although we like her in blue
What do you know how about you?


Stirring, drop all of this drop a bomb propaganda
We are in no participation in new war memoranda
So beforehanda, we are in commanda
We are a fellowship, a Pirate ship
Of feeling uniting all things
A real organic organization

Moral neuron neutral
A Moral fact act
Compassion phenomenon
Climate waits for no one
Stirring, the wonderful harmony
This is our all-soul psychic attack back!

Stirring, trucemanaganda, Panda flag dropaganda
Bring bring the new Ming, Tang, Song, and Pandora
Somersaults over the bruised black and red checker’d sea
The great idea of soul intellectual reproduction for thee

YaYa, Lele returned home, on momma they now roam
Stirring, the wonderful harmony
Get informed and in formation
We are living things on the seas throne!

Clap your minds on Flare, our Red Panda bear
He’s so cool, and ready to take back all of the wool
Dropaganda intellect rules on the sea
Cosmic sympathy and prophetic sympathy
Social alchemy in the new beauty zone

YaYa, Lele returned home, on momma they now roam
Earths glorious royal crown has fallen down!
Bamboo, hungry ghosts are all around
We shall, and will live on through our Arts!


Tiamat and Abzu are around, and warning
Ninil angry again, Utnapishtim lurks
They maybe, oath breaking, maybe again
Hope not faith their grandchildren are in command
Keeping the grand promise!

Swallowed by the sea and tastes lifes’ blood
Hunters of men now being hunted by nature
Destroying all AI sand boxes, and all more evil mud


We don’t eat money
You can’t slit our belly’s
We shit your currency down your mouth
Chock hold on your own gold.

We are prosperity
You still have not seen
Our Gladius

The wild dogs, and buzzards are coming to the show!


AI all life smells like shit
Queen gas, royalty on grass
Three times a day we need our Farmers
At no time do we need your policy charmers

Three times a day we need our Farmers
Whom feed our bellies not the pockets of policies
We can live without you policy charmers
And your policies can not live without Farmers

Seems the Snake’s eating itself
We will break your try of leverage control
6uild 6ack 6etter guy!
We will teach you all a lesson
This is collective bargaining
Hammer and sickle

Guess what we have our own AI Samurai Executioner!
Come on everyone come to the show
We are the righteous bold.
Strength in numbers.
Prophecies told!


We have a real treat for life!
Sound bite this by design
We rise by our enterprise
Your new curse’s our Pirates purse
$tupidity can not get away!
$tupidity can not get away!
We do not let Dogs die!

Now this, connect, communicate
Tickle me inners scarecrows on the sea
This is a Seamergency for AI
By us, the new
Pirate Broadcasting Company

AI now a now was, lmao!


It is hilarious that no rocket of humanity can penetrate the sky
As Jesus said, it’s easier for a Camel to enter heaven through a needles’ eye.

Space Camels
Observe them in the sky, over the red and black checkered sea
Chain up the dominoes before they fall, and all life into eternity
Chain up the dominoes with Gods’ eleven commandments chain.


Out here it is cold, dark and silent
Furthermore deep, light-less blue
Vessels of blood vessels


We are what’s to come… And now this, in America cell phone shut down, Earth date, 2 Feb 2024… (note 222).. Cyber-attack war testing begins. Ukraine may need more money. There is a payphone somewhere… 911 works, imagine that, try 119… Smoke signals… Parents stress panic, Children step 1, get back to face to face communications.


We are like animals crossing with our earth dirty walking flesh and bones over your fake clean narrow minded prejudice only human ethics, poisoned waxed floor. Rene Descartes called animals machines. Train washed: a great part of the world now morphed into this thinking, humans are machine$, $laves, and these human machines created artificial intelligence and robots, now set out to rid human machine$, again the works of the $nake. Another invention of the Devil!

Here is your suspicion, just, spirit! Remember ignorance is expensive. So tell us what it is to be an Ox thirsty or a Grizzly Bear body trapped, or a Wolf eating away at it’s flesh and bone from the snare to live, live life?


We care
We are deep
We jumped ship, lol
We know our rights!
We are coming in on an invisible RHI AI lol
To pick up our little pirates
Surely your schooling is not purely
We home-ship school, with library rule
Our system is the best and cool-

Sea of compulsion
around our island of Liberty.

All kinds of books read
Instead of bullets in childrens’ heads
We barter harder our charter
We carry love in our bones!

Bullet proof glass Art
Marshall Martial Arts
Animal forecasting, and care Arts
All kinds of Arts not dead
Instead of bullets in childrens’ heads

(inspired by Albert Schweitzer)

No one escapes humanities cruelty
It is pure evil to destroy life and restrict it.
Churn the screw, never ends, until!
It’s life reverence, the will to live among others peacefully
In love and sympathy has been divided years ago.
No mutual reflection of existence
The creative will and the destructive will are both alive and well
Ignorance another great thief, steals wills to live

Life infinite is water, keeping us from dying of thirst
Silence not, the time has come
Sympathy makes you truly real-human
Precious spiritual good
We will break the halo, and traditions of cruelty
We are championed by thought.
The long task of ethics of love are still alive!
Benevolence is mathless
Suffer no-more in imagination, and in reality.


Those turn to the next world, so it affords this one. The poor flocks to Holy standards in a human-world that exploits and does not improve, furthermore aggravates miseries. We should lesson back!


Real self is wrapped with the worlds’ dark artificiality,
hardened layers, by nations of inhumaneness.
Peel away the fatalism
Gain the spirit of realism

Science has given us death, pain, and sickness
Materialism is not religion.

Love must work
Not to be unemployed
Soul dexterity strong
Certain liberty good means
Gods’ Kingdom is here


Soul energy will contact you
Calming scents, intuitive gifts
Calling out to you with aroma
Serenity, a super natural encounter
Pour’n sweet love and wisdom

Only words to describe, as the scent fades away
Like a specter, oh memory, memories
Oh what is there and what is not
Although you know you have been begot


Come on follow the one and only master acrobat of the universe.
Get soul morphic.
Ecstasy, Frenzy, and Trance.


It takes tens of thousands of years to be
and we can destroy it in a blink of the eye
Water is overloaded with our pollution
A lot of uses for our sacred water
Ruined waters, ruined waters,
but still the same they may die
Vandaled valuable value valuation
Vamp the valueless valve
and the finger points to many
visionless discorded over
Man Age Meant
they may die
Vandaled Waters


To heighten community awareness of these issues within these Arts written etc &c To bring visibility and recognition to our group. To lead us to new members and future contacts for our group. To demonstrate widespread community support for the changes we seek. To help bring about the changes we are seeking.


Evict your mind
Spirit divine
Instrument alone
The mortal and immortal
Can not have the same home

Conditions rave!
Alarm alarm- rage!

What’s on the sleeve
Sleep sleep
Adam and Eve
Sun, sun, sun, sun
Shew forth will!
Become again one.


We have promise of being,
promises of blessings in our doings
We are not hearers that forgotteth laws
We speak to our children day and night
So whosoever, all is guilty before God
So whosoever, all is innocent until,
proven guilty in courts of humanity light

Puzzling indeed, so let us proceed with our own Zohar now
Our world built of words, since the Temples destruction
Prophecies have been stolen from Prophets,
and given to Children, and Madmen

So let us sing, Chihuahua child
A beautiful outsane, distilled as dew, and dropped as rain
Chihuahua child, little dude with a big attitude
The will brings us in, and plants us on our own mountain
What is thine, and what is rhyme?
And hi, a beautiful loud divine light fell upon us
A new divine guitar player spirit,
And the guitar became us, amplified by love and truth


Oh liberty leads to our license
Oh reflection fresh
O’Acorns under the tree of life
We are saving the Arts at all costs
Back belief with life alive, not lost!
Oh you say you think, we think not!

Honor is involved, evolved, our honor
No more Artists buried and forgotten
We know what Arts go through
We will never abandoned them!
We appeal ourselves naires of millions
This is our long letter of the times
Cracking down on the AI trade
No more algorithm blockade

Our series of reforms
Our populace petitions box
Our righteous coarse
Our perils recorded
Trustworthy ordinates
No more injustice and wrongs
preying on our spirits

Look at us now with mystical feelings!
Look at us now with mystical feelings!
Bright Faith of immortality
Our fearless foundation
Our Artists relief expedition


The earth is a circle
made with a compass
lade upon a face
which is bounded
at its ends.
It does not move
and is covered by a dome
containing the sun, moon, and stars
which are revolving.
Above and below is water.



Dream mastery takes a life time
Rapt, rapt into a state of life line

Supernaturally embraced
Nothing is slowly erased
Something is quickly replaced
Rapt, rapt into a state

The minds eye
Visions rise, visions rise
Fit falling, overflow dance
Nabi, nabi, nabi, nabi
Nabi, nabi
Beware of being seized
Abi Abi mal freeze!
Glossy glossolalia
From the unforgotten breeze

WE USE ECOSIA.ORG (A search engine that plants trees.)


Run away with your, or our imagination
Oh lucky, we kin tucky stucky
We are going to spiggoty places
Not albino piggoty biggoty places

No more slant to life to be
Come to our land of lightning trees
Such a beautiful forest for all to see
Oh this beautiful sea of mystery

There is no longer anyone here
So there is no need at all, to make underwear
No skull to know, we’d be not born at all
If it was up to others who’ve walked and crawled
This is rearranging your molecules
So neat; like a herd of holy mules

Oh this beautiful sea of mystery
Such a beautiful forest for all to see
Come to our land of lightning trees
No more slant to life to be
Happy birthday trees!


Roots of evil
Roots of history of misery
Oh the historic process to be
Consciousness and remembrance
Noetic Poetic
The designer God of History
Righteousness in history

Dedication and task
Words as hammers, hammers!
Expressions reveal
Divine reactions
Oh the burden
Oh the call
Oh the tension

Nothing without people
Oh the seeds
Roots of evil
Roots of misery

Those who destroy the poor, and trample the needy
Here we come rescuing the world, and its fate
Let’s go to the marketplace, and rage, rage!

We’ve come to save you from boredom, and money you do not have
Get you out of the things you do not need
Prophecy is Poetry what?
Poetry is what?

Excitement enters thy soul!
Hey what if the world regained its souls?
Trees too have birth days, Yay!
Happy birthday!

We now design delightful things!
Sublime divine, oh bolts of mind lightning

New Genesis coming!
Be blessed with your eyes
Read the divine spirit through these letters’ veil
Understand the new world of UNITY!

Wondrous things
Land and Testimony of the Lord is Gold!
Ugliness of phrases
Mayhaps perhaps
Divine power praises

This is our Pirates Torah
Sublime mysteries
Supernatural truths
Who maketh thine Angels into sea breezes?

Wit beneath
Beyond, be yonder
Spiritual narratives
Within worldly narratives
Oh, Super Soul!

Inspired sea-spired character
Character inspired sea-spired
Singland, Singland, rain and stars

Angels enshadow our footsteps
Superstition super slaved
Supernatural revelation, braves

Fighters we Art!

Cometh Artsthedral
Poets’ college
Prophets’ college
Pirates’ college

Fear no sneer
Our Artsthedral is near!
Divinely sea-spired

We are alive and hot
Creatures of emotion to the beauties of truths!
Where innocence and peace dwell
We are divine truth in human product
Oh the sacred and spirit of Pirate Poetry
Oh mother tongue, Poetry

Nature grants us!
Shared through time
Past present and future
Joy and life!

We can not be captured.
Our pilgrimage is divinely protected.
Sea mania to the Helicon Mountain waters!
Where we always are, as rain and stars

We are that, we are all!
Our divine call
From divinity, divine core
Musagetes’ laurel staff,
Our cosmos sacred sport
A blood, lust, and violent world; no more!
We sing of the new created things!

Holy solar fire, divine word
Thanks to intuition alone
Lightning trees returning home
Tripods for Gods, and funeral games
Funeral games for all artificial aims
Veda rig this Pirate Ship sure is getting big.
Oh the power of love and wrath!

Crisis conspiracy, we know
What it means to be human
Mystical supernatural experiences
Our mystic will, sailing with God!

We are not a skit on Godevision
We are not a domination or a nation
We are an on going live series
Aware, we are there, inner and outer
Together now!

Threadless of evil-raggedy clothe
We are spoken through-
No more BIG LIES.

Write what is written in you!
We survive in the tidal wave!
By light and sky!

Wise Cracker Breakers!
Will to Will!
THIS BE STILL the Land of Eden!
Clap your hands through time!
Pirate claw law!


Series importance HI
Cool Fool Pirates year
No more threats of change


What shall if
no buts although
How do you desire the seas flow?

Sea walkers deja vu!
Tracks of love.
Pirates Huddle!

Gods’ Angels!

With creativity rebel!
We also grow empathy!
We the new crusaders.
We have divine spark.
We bring a great deal of good!

Make room!
Crackless skulls, and unbreakable bones
At our egg head decision
We care not for all the derision
Flaws, flaws, flaws
Anti-intellectual non intellectual
Feel the new Pirates laws

All of this is from the supernatural
Many call inspiration, the power
Blood of our hearts, like children of God
Our joyful appreciation
Oh the great audience in the sky

Active and Sensitive we are!
An intensity release undisguised.
Capital of artistic gifts overcome!
An enigma no longer needed to explain
Destroy-able not, plain to plain
Thus thrusting songs to do and trust!
Came to us, coming.
Coming to you!

Where we always are, as rain and stars
Singland, Singland, rain and stars

Impression intention
The call, the mission shed
The Great Creator, thus said


Oh this monstrous portrait

You are the new calf.
You are the speaking beast.
You are the whore,
whom you created,
whom created you.

We have come to seize the leisure
We do not rust or disuse.
Oh the raging seas
Elevating reality
What does artificial intelligence taste like?

Strangers in a strange sea
Show your assassinations
We’ll show you the hour glass
We are the pan, not the flash
In fact, junk the pots, clash

We destroy convoy, so cautious
You should have sailed with caution,
Or stayed home, and played Goldfish
Taste our electric wine and biscuits
Choke on your data saliva trickster
You will never ever recover

Deal out 7
Gather 4
Do you have any Kings?
Do you have a Queens?
All we have are Deuces, Jacks and Jokers…


Try catching shark
Out here it can be dark
What does artificial intelligence taste like?

Pitch black, Pirate attack
Make a wish
Here come our jellyfish

AI went outside, and set sail
AI wound up inside a Whale
AI never had faith
So AI got ate!

AI reach for the beach!
Row, row roloao

All of AIs’ hope, snuffed out
Extra extra, read all about it
AI survivors slowly die from unhealth
All life and death is stealth
That’s what happens
When you invest in washed out Captains
and wealth

Your more Power
Brings you closer of death
Again AI show us your breath

We use life versus artificial life!
Clothe yourselves and hide
HI, yes it be, a hostile sea!

Come on to the technological cannibalism fest!

We are the new menu!

PSALMS OF PIRATES Volume 1 available at Barnes and Noble April 1st 2024



The capital past to build upon.
An industry not held by capital
Money to create and regulate
Our cart and Horse, and its course

Engine like, Donkeys we are!
Of stealthy Horses of coarse!
Essential desire satisfactions
We make our own wheat
We no longer need jack knives
If we write, and create books with our $lave $alary or wages
We can not buy or be taxed for jack knife jack shit!
Remember you monsters created us!
Also facades of love
You also created the ethic less domains
A vandalism on Humandalism

It started long ago
with the destruction of the beautiful creations of nature,
and continues in new drastic ways.
It is a feeling less disease, a snake becoming,
a beget to up and coming maladies.
Blockading all lessons earned, and learned.
The $nake will devour everything
then will eat itself,
and all innocence of all,
and choices in between.

Ethics is compassion.
Deep pity for all creatures.
Woes of humanity are woes to all life.
Love is pity, and pity is love.
Pity city is within us!

We are each others capital who do our part with the Arts!
This is what is known to be called, self protection…
You have harmed us!
Now it is our age!
Our resurrection!
We are living, living, living!
Our greater good!

We take the trouble to separate the real from the fake
We need our own international fund to raise our super structure
So take your vices and miseries elsewhere
We check with prudence, our logical destinies
Greed and Selfishness, and Ignorance are maladies
And these are the beginning of Psalms Of Pirates
And the seas belong to Thee

AI you are rootless here
Doomed to starve
False God you are

this is what this is; a slow amputation
Yes, the rivers to the seas
The art of cutting rope mastery
To causes of vice and misery
All evils afflicting humanity

Let us lick our cubs like wild beasts
Let us rank like a jungle
Instead of concrete oil and street!

Imagine all new worlds old
Imagine all old worlds new
Peek a boo, ghosts of empire!

We Pirates claim our new hereditary aristocracy
A solitary family
A stealth family
With plain Elephants, not blazing with gold
With plain umbrellas, not glittering with gems
A sharp family

Evil’s always traced to political causes
This is why the world needs Poets, and Readers
Ask the life and Ghost of Mrs. Francis ‘Fanny’ Appleton Longfellow
Faith power!

We spur security
Evil Genie, merciless tax bandits, and merciless landlords
Fall, fall, fall to the weights of your own corruptions!
No more compelling us
Hence, to the woods to the seas!
We become great new chiefets and chiefs.

Rack rent no more, zamindars
No more roasting babies with H-crapism!
No more Corporatism

Seeds, Pirates seeds!!!
We furnish the power to multiply many fold
Like Salmon from two
As Sea-Rabbits over-running the sea!
We press on, no matter the numbers of enemies
We are pioneers, look at our Sea Bees

The helm and flag of things
No more non-organic creations
We are no longer your food
No more feeding frenzies of darkness
We have the egg came first attitude

We shall not diminish
You dark artificial seal
We can not be placed
The Air, Earth, Sunshine and Water deal!

The remote and shadowy are here
The limits of the globe has been reached
Warnings been and be, where humans manifestly fail
We must reduce, clean produce, and breach
No more fresh ground, mode of motion
Matters contained, our force with force persist
This is how we must exist.

Back humps, sea lumps, kin kin
Pirates must multiply to not die
All darkness hung over all futures are here
Well fed n’ satisfied

AI, hear the clods rattle of your coffin lids
Analogy spans where all gulfs went, and hid
High seas, low roads, one with the suns’ aim
Destroy want and sin, sorrow and shame

Times flying, we ‘re sailing!
Spirits, mystic like trees
Roots in the earth, blossoms in the sky seas
We will be the new chimera of imagination
Baby rapid growth, returning to migration
Pirates for luck, Pirates for children

The Arts like California gold
Preaccepted theories have blindfolds
Nature has penalties granted
So bring your hands and mouth!
To care for the young and old
Current as always, death has warrants
So listen to what has been, and not told!

No longer accept injustice societies
Subsistence and consumption
Community maintain use able wealth
Art exert, no longer stare at what’s dark and bare!
Wealth and food of yesterday can not help us today
You must want a better world to unravel it
Bind together the great phenomenon
Or either death or emigration

Time is not our enemy
Enemies are dark humanity of many
Look at interest, robbery of industry
Schemes over divine dreams
Schemers always searching for more schemes
We are the vaccine the schemes!

In speech and literature of the day
is styled, styled, style!
Style with truths
So smile all of new youths!

No more blood bond, bond bombs!
From mouths of cannons, used up in ships
Keeping armies marching, drilling, killing and destroying
No more dark declarations of will

We are changing the illustrations
Deepening the oceans, with new rings
Super upper intendence!
The sea poly element
Privilege exclusive
Sea home artistic industry!
Rights returned!

No more plundering the arts
No more crush outs!
Solutions foundation
Adjustment forces
Gain, sea gain.



Boom, boom,
Resurrection Moon
Spring, Sunday spring forward,
Forward O’onward and O’backward

Crimson eggs say what, life is fragile
Roll, roll, roll yours gently up the hill

AI we will never be two pints of strawberries
Feel our new lawrawries, lmao, truth berries
AI your quartet shall be eaten alive
by the Pirates’ moon and sun strive



Money, Devil caused onto earth!
Devil must have a cap full of feathers by now
Mayhap perhaps the Hawks and Ravens are aiming for the sorcerers’ eyes
Pacts with the devil roam in all kinds of disguise
And so to say beware AI if you are alive
Beware of Pirates!


The Beautiful
The Good
The True


We don’t fret what the world says
They only want a dime to dine and wine
So to show you AI can die, if you can’t fight
We will not die, we fight!
We are the Horses in the country, not in the stable
We are the Ships at Sea, not docked and locked in the harbor


Government pegs, and crowded legs
Pin in, pin out! Lol
Do the same H-crap, and shake it all about. Lol

We need Gods help, march dust,
pounds and pounds of march dust
What’s flung fruitlessly forth, or worth?
Sounds of money, sounds of money
They march by night to war kill
We march by day to peace will

Although we are star dust made of marching!
To execute the executioners.
Slow arcing electrocution!


Overview this
Cheaply comfort troubles of money
Devils of lying and robbery
So let us install you all on the dwindle spindle

Ugly suspicious circumstances
Consequence expense
(What a word builder I ‘am
Conesty Honest, bigger whiter lie, really?
Honesty or treachery?
Abandoned situations of war
The only escape.


Honor from humanity is sin.
Abandon this age!
These new great moments are here
All new grandness upon us now
Individual Artists in the world
The great Arts are the vehicles
To this beauty, Earth, and it’s life
It’s life now and on and on

Exalt and play, roar, sore, and sing
Avoid not, exploit not
Activity energy
Arts redeem.
Forces of Fate!


Logic of laughter
We are uncensored here
It’s been the comedy sea, the wild comedy sea.
Where the topics match the comics

oh the sky’s the limit
oh the lands the love
It makes us laugh,
And we took them loving people on a voyage
We dreamed, danced, sang, and talked to wise ones.
We found out our worlds were funny
We found out we no longer need money


Executive office my ass,
more like an office of murderers.
Duality your mother.
We defend ourselves
We obey ourselves

Counterfeit this
Generic that.

We are sending you all AI and $orcerers to the south seas.
Yes because all elite deeds for centuries have all gone south.

HEY, we humans in this day in age, 2020 a.d. onward
NEVER HAD A SAY IN DEMOCRACY or is it demonology?
Yes with our right hand in the air, and left hand on our chest
We never had a say in today’s democracy.

It is time that we have a say in world affairs.
Yes we the Pirates.
Pull up your Pirate britches, and step out of the fog.
Pirates step out of the fog!

The word execute in our world means one thing.
No killing, our meaning is to finish what good has been started.
Love and Truth
Life and Light.

No killing off, because we are going to complete.
We will not be killed, and we only kill, do compete.
No one can execute what has already been executed.
How does it feel now to have the lower hand, and be looted?
Up against our executed execution electrocution against evil human pollution?
This is the way, the way, the great great Piracy Conspiracy solution.

No one eyed anything here
Tally stick tally stick, all bankers fear
We bring back the ancient wax and wick
Brain and grain patterns like no other dear
No privilege or large stash of precious metals
No fiat, rather all new colors

Pirates bring out the old block chains
The ancient bar codes, ancient credit cards
Tally stick tally stick, taking names
Spit split, break the river banks hard

We even built a tally stick wooden ship
And we balance a great budget with sticks
Together tight to register all new good lip and trip
Creator of light treasury branch manager fix
lol, yes…

Chain down the books!
Chain down the dominoes!

No one eyed Kings or Queens here.
Tally stick tally stick, branch manager fix
We have the wealth in our hands.
Democracy finally now stands!

Slowly installslinging a WAVE POOL. Yeah!


(New Artist Pirate Project)

Desperate times, implosion
We have to eat, be healthy and be vital too
We have character, conscience, and fortitude

Artistic groups collected together
As flocking feathers in all weathers
All will seem found, never lost again

This will mean so much for humanity!
The next generation strategy
We will unbrand ourselves in everyplace

We are the new Pirate race, very nice
Art with drive, and influence
We are not a threat; a promise
Catalysts come, and join your answers.

Self expressions only, like smart adults with morals
Change is hard so we change harder
No more policy of beggar-thy-neighbor
Confidence in you all is in the mud.
So the notion of the ocean, and its motion

Oh covered wagon day, today is in the haze
Every hundreds of years or so
Poets appear to the show
To tell the crimes of the TIMES
Crisis more frequent and deeper

We want roles in crisis, economy and finance
Arts reconnect to the people
No boondoggle, bridges, bridges, bridges

Pirates let’s take the ball, and run
We work again, another Arts program
Revived, recovery and reform for living and outlets
Outlets to the Sea of Life!
Quality in quantity
A new impact on the world.

No more waste of public funds
To uplift joy, we must rebuild
Art education, research, and production
An Artistic aid parade!

A new era of prolific Arts.
Information, and documentation
Poverty, abuse, spiritual despair
Risen everywhere

An Artistic newspaper, pawn-less
The pursuit of Happiness.

Take to heart, and do your part!
New Art of great modern Poets.
Unknowns, units and units of one great unit.

The past created world is rotting in decay
A new sense of professionalism
Artistic Identity.
Pay back pay back!
To History itself.

A new playing field aka work field for Artistic skills
You many not want us to have fun, and be productive
Although we shall be productive, and will have fun!
We shall rise the tide to lift all boats, Artists afloat!
We are the antidote in Pirates boats lol, Yeah!
Important roles!

Carols carols carols, our Artists core!
Value stakes, value stakes, like Pirate flags
Flag art like smoke signals
Regrowth the audience for the Arts
Realize there is no need from compromise

Department of level-meant not betterment: hear ye here ye!
Be Pirate ferocious, challenge the military budgets not the Arts!


We be damned Amsterdam, mania
Monkeys dancing with tulips again
Flower virus colors, bulb sturdy still fierce


Women like & men like, in the arts
No more lost goods
No more buy three tires
Get fourth free
Spare us no more!

Sacks full of $laves
Sacks full of $nakes
$atan in a sack!

Behind, behind!
Sacked up behind, behind!

Dennis Prestons’ film LATER: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller:
John E O’Hara, O’WS aka John E, WordSlinger
is 4 parts, Spectator in Cage Match scene, John E/TIME COLONEL WORMHOLZ As a Raider in safe house scene, B Shot for his book FOUR HORSES & NO MEN, and Banjo Man at the Restaurant scene.

“Later” is a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows the story of a brother and his sister. The story of how they find each other again after they grew apart in a world overrun by criminals. Their story is like countless others in the fact that they all have hardships, and the majority of them end far too soon. “Later” is a story about family, revenge, and blood. One that can be made into a template for every mother or father, brother or sister. This is a world where everyone’s story starts anew. Usually beginning with someone running for their lives.
For updates on the premiere , streaming, and DVDs/ BluRays –


Oh beautiful reflection
Soul connection

Wise O’ing Dom
Defend honor, – soul need

Come here to the Hubris mirror
No more golden cages
No more golden ages
Go Justice go, RISE!


Agency of the Divine!
We love you!



Humans are all
Turn around to nature
Abi Abi
I hear birds mother

Dance like rain water
Be born from rain water


They love evil
They are shattering your reflection time


You are sane
They are out sane
Losers Decay

They careless for birth
Shatter back their soul
Make them choke on their hostility

We are not failures
They made all of this up
Moral madness
Refuge and Rise

The Arts produce us!
Realm, realm, realm
Central story
Wonder of the World!


Messenger, messenger
The word, the word
Has sent thee, has sent thee

The great Creator speaks
The unconditional protector and patron
Stealthily, revelations, just!

The Spirit of the Age
Our conscience intuition of truths!
Resort to divine authority

The World should tremble
Doom of a people!


Mission forced!
Face it, we feel it!
Who steps from silence?
From startling events
Timeless to a moments encounter
Eternity enters

Oh the Art of Prayer!

An end in itself
Means to an end
Episodes embrace
Embrace episodes

The will, the events will
Compelled to experience power
Happened, been said
Tremendous arrival
Tremendous survival


Chief Jet Engine
Are there seven generations left of life?

Pig of wild Merlin, what did you think?
Players bring life to stories
Dream world with in with out


Red fish, red fish soul tribe
Rudy Red said, get ready Jack & Little Red
Speaking of red heifer trading beans, love and resurrection
Get ready, like climbing a stalk, an eternal dream

We got to get away
We must be grand and great, great food
We are being hunted to be killed off
Like unicorns, giant owls, and pterodactyls etc &c of life

Oh sacred mystery, eternal family
Red cloak, red head, red temper.

Golden glow
No more record changing.
We will feed AIs’ fake heart to real Crocodiles
A slap with a wet fish across your false faces!


Call us what you wish
We will call you an ambulance
We have pain tolerance
We have genetic super powers
Wisdom of the ages
We are mysterious gifts
Freckles are skin flowers


Ready for the seas
We are like iron boilers
Explosive in convenient spots
With strings to our triggers
Explode by a pull, pistol detonator
To blow wholes to pieces
Fizz, business!


We shift for ourselves
In man made plural hell
Verses of the bible
Verses of Poetry
Versus the ill

Shabby shabby not verses
Get out of your feather bed
Artificial weather is widespread
Like us
Do they feather together in all weather?
Bolt to the equator
Let us egg it on, a ticklish skedaddle
Before the great battle

Judge by eye
By all big and little signs
Devilry and tricks
All Government tactics
Trumpet-tongued to the world we are

When steam came in the plaque went out
Since Covid 19 went out AI has moved in
Like paper money it all has Asiatic parentage
There will be no numbing potion
Before AIs’ crucifixion on our ocean


Plan, plan, plan
Plan, plan, plan
One must plan
Two must understand
Three, or you may not
like what you get
Here with man,
Or beyond and
life is great and grand!

Fireworks to the ground!


Human sight
Out of sight
Flag HI!


The days of mutual disappointment
Governments makes no nations
It’s the adventurers, and the artistic
Oh pleasure and treasure

It all seems the good get lost
with all the babble of the world
Sea shells not bullet shells
Our bellies govern us, as also for the world
Free will is respectable

Technology reeks of problems
Chatterers of AI fools!
Sea shells not bullet shells!
Sea shells not bullet shells!


Hand harvest, we stand up for the Future!
Hands clap!
Pirate on deck roller derby day
Utilization : Unity : Unit

After hours it is discussion, and wisdom
Song and Dance
Poetry and Stories
We have the will to do it!

We know how we are
We know our food
Long term, long use
Liquid fish!

Bean walking
New creation stories
Apex Derby!

Hand harvest, we stand up for the Future!
Hands clap!
Hand harvest, we stand up for the Future!
Hands clap!
We know we are safe!


Join our AI jerky workshop, tasting is free, and free for all ages.
Twenty Four Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week
Bring your own seasoning…


Bile scratching, bile scratching
Piles hatching, piles hatching!
I’ am watching!


Thou shall not kill
should be printed on all international money,
like now and always.
Or kill money!

(blinking marquee)

This is a working ship sea farm.


Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s ocean from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.


Water structure
Water cowboys
Sea oats

We Sea!
Co-created democracy
Cautionary tale ended!
Sea test! Lol


Humanity will not like what they are.
Once they realize what they are, aka have become!


We poor dogs don’t like goldmines,
or land mines, any word piss mimes
Starve us, not like A-Jarvis
Politricks no more!
Throw dirt in their face!
Throw earth in their face!

Eero, hey zero,
heros consult God before you politricksters!

Darkness by LORD BYRON

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
    Swung blind and blackening in the moon­less air;
Morn came and went–and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this their desolation; and all hearts
Were chill’d into a selfish prayer for light:
    And they did live by watchfires–and the thrones,
The palaces of crowned kings–the huts,
The habitations of all things which dwell,
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed,
And men were gather’d round their blazing homes
To look once more into each other’s face;
    Happy were those who dwelt within the eye
Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch:
A fearful hope was all the world contain’d;
Forests were set on fire–but hour by hour
    They fell and faded–and the crackling trunks
Extinguish’d with a crash–and all was black.
The brows of men by the despairing light
Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits
The flashes fell upon them; some lay down
    And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest
Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smiled;
And others hurried to and fro, and fed
Their funeral piles with fuel, and look’d up
With mad disquietude on the dull sky,
The pall of a past world; and then again
With curses cast them down upon the dust,
And gnash’d their teeth and howl’d: the wild birds shriek’d
And, terrified, did flutter on the ground,
And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes
Came tame and tremulous; and vipers crawl’d
And twined themselves among the multitude,
Hissing, but stingless–were slain for food.
And War, which for a moment was no more,
Did glut himself again:–a meal was bought
With blood, and each sate sullenly apart
Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left;
All earth was but one thought–and that was death
Immediate and inglorious; and the pang
Of famine fed upon all entrails–men
Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh;
The meagre by the meagre were devour’d,
Even dogs assail’d their masters, all save one,
And he was faithful to a Gorse, and kept
The birds and beasts and famish’d men at bay,
  Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead
Lured their lank jaws; himself sought out no food,
But with a piteous and perpetual moan,
And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand
Which answer’d not with a caress–he died.
The crowd was famish’d by degrees; but two
Of an enormous city did survive,
And they were enemies: they met beside
The dying embers of an altar-place
Where had been heap’d a mass of holy things
For an unholy usage; they raked up,
And shivering scraped with their cold skeleton hands
The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath
Blew for a little life, and made a flame
Which was a mockery; then they lifted up
Their eyes as it grew lighter, and beheld
  Each other’s aspects–saw, and shriek’d, and died–
Even of their mutual hideousness they
Unknowing who he was upon whose brow
Famine had written Fiend. The world was void,
  The populous and the powerful was a lump,
Seasonless, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless,
A lump of death–a chaos of hard clay.
The rivers, lakes, and ocean all stood still,
And nothing stirr’d within their silent depths;
Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea,
And their masts fell down piecemeal: as they dropp’d
They slept on the abyss without a surge
The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave,
The moon, their mistress, had expired before;
The winds were wither’d in the stagnant air,
And the clouds perish’d; Darkness had no need
Of aid from them–She was the Universe.

Diodati, July 1816.

Poems’ History via

Poem Videos via Youtube…


Now we can make pyramids
Out of skulls of AI
Caravans of Humans, tourists etc &c

Are you curious AI?
Want some effects?
You send us no info
Though you have lots of money
Funny biz, suprabundance fiz, p whiz
Cons, cons, with far reaching consequences
Con artist sequence
That’s it
That’s the name of this poem
Con artist sequencer

Weapon channels cut down!
Marred by us Pirates.

Theaters of war no more!
AI move over to tears, and peace speeches!
Comma, human action traction
Ditto print, flint earth flint, lol
MARCH to peace and plenty,
without war!

1816, The Year Without A Summer Lyrics by Rasputina

In the spring of 1315
There began an era of unpredictable weather
It did not lift until 1851
You remember 1816 as the year without a summer

June 1816
A sudden snowstorm blankets all the country side
So Mary Shelly had to stay inside
And she wrote Frankenstein
Oh 1816 was the year without a summer

Grain couldn’t ripen under these conditions, no
It was brought in-doors in urns and pots
It’d go from 95 degrees to freezing within hours
A brutal struggle for the people and the starving livestock

During the most sever years of this little ice age
We looked for scapegoats to blame
Many people tried to blame it all
On a vast Freemason conspiracy
Or Benjamin Franklin and his experiments with electricity

The eruption of the volcano Tambora
Blanketed the earth with ash
That was the real cause discovered by some explorer
Years later, looking back at the past

I will give you
My red color
To take away your sickly pallor
For you were very choleric of complexion
Please beware the mounting sun
And all dejection

1816 was the year without a summer

The Drunken Boat by Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud 

As I drifted on a river I could not control,
No longer guided by the bargemen’s ropes.
They were captured by howling Indians
Who nailed them naked to coloured posts.

I cared no more for other boats or cargoes:
Flemish wheat or English cottons, all were gone
When my bargemen could no longer haul me
I forgot about everything and drifted on.

Amid the fury of the loudly chopping tides
Last winter, deaf as a child’s dark night,
Ah, how I raced! And the drifting Peninsulas
Have never known such conquering delight.

Lighter than cork, I revolved upon waves
That roll the dead forever in the deep,
Ten days, beyond the blinking eyes of land!
Lulled by storms, I drifted seaward from sleep.

Sweeter than apples to a child its pungent edge;
The wash of green water on my shell of pine.
Anchor and rudder went drifting away,
Washed in vomit and stained with blue wine.

Now I drift through the poem of the sea;
This gruel of stars mirrors the milky sky,
Devours green azures; ecstatic flotsam,
Drowned men, pale and thoughtful, sometimes drift by.

Staining the sudden blueness, the slow sounds,
Deliriums that streak the glowing sky,
Stronger than drink and the songs we sing,
It is boiling, bitter, red; it is love!

I know how lightening split the sky apart,
I know the surf and waterspouts and evening’s fall,
I’ve seen the dawn arisen like a flock of doves;
I’ve seen what men have only dreamed they saw!

I saw the sun with mystic horrors darken
And shimmer through a violet haze;
With a shiver of shutters the waves fell
Like actors in ancient, forgotten plays!

I dreamed of green nights and glittering snow,
Slow kisses rising in the eyes of the sea,
Unknown liquids flowing, the blue and yellow
Stirring of phosphorescent melody!

For months I watched the surge of the sea,
Hysterical herds attacking the reefs;
I never thought the bright feet of Mary
Could muzzle up the heavy-breathing waves!

I have jostled – you know? – unbelievable Floridas
And seen among the flowers the wild eyes
Of panthers in the skins of men! Rainbows
Birdling blind flocks beneath the horizons!

In stinking swamps I have seen great hulks:
A Leviathan that rotted in the reeds!
Water crumbling in the midst of calm
And distances that shatter into foam.

Glaciers, silver suns, waves of pearl, fiery skies,
Giant serpents stranded where lice consume
Them, falling in the depths of dark gulfs
From contorted trees, bathed in black perfume!

I wanted to show children these fishes shining
In the blue wave, the golden fish that sing –
A froth of flowers cradled my wandering
And delicate winds tossed me on their wings.

Sometimes, a martyr of poles and latitudes,
The sea rocked me softly in sighing air,
And brought me dark blooms with yellow stems –
I remained there like a woman on her knees.

Almost an island, I balanced on my boat’s sides
Rapacious blond-eyed birds, their dung, their screams.
I drifted on through fragile tangled lines
Drowned men, still staring up, sank down to sleep.

Now I, a little lost boat, in swirling debris,
Tossed by the storm into the birdless upper air
– All the Hansa Merchants and Monitors
Could not fish up my body drunk with the sea;

Free, smoking, touched the violet haze above,
I, who the lurid heavens breached like some rare wall
Which boasts – confection that the poets love –
Lichens of sunlight, and snots of bright blue sky;

Lost branch spinning in a herd of hippocamps,
Covered over with electric animals,
An everlasting July battering
The glittering sky and its fiery funnels;

Shaking at the sound of monsters roaring,
Rutting Behemoths in thick whirlpools,
Eternal weaver of unmoving blues,
I thought of Europe and its ancient walls!

I have seen archipelagos in the stars,
Feverish skies where I was free to roam!
Are these bottomless nights your exiled nests,
Swarm of golden birds, O Strength to come?

True, I’ve cried too much; I am heartsick at dawn.
The moon is bitter and the sun is sour…
Love burns me; I am swollen and slow.
Let my keel break! Oh, let me sink in the sea!

If I long for a shore in Europe,
It’s a small pond, dark, cold, remote,
The odour of evening, and a child full of sorrow
Who stoops to launch a crumpled paper boat.

Washed in your languors, sea, I cannot trace
The wake of tankers foaming through the cold,
Nor assault the pride of pennants and flags,
Nor endure the slave ship’s stinking hold.


Translation by Rebecca Seiferle:

As I descended impassible Rivers,
I felt no longer steered by bargemen;
they were captured by howling Redskins,
nailed as targets, naked, to painted stakes.

What did I care for cargo or crews,
bearers of English cotton or Flemish grain—
having left behind the bargemen and racket,
the Rivers let me descend where I wished.

In the furious splashing of the waves,
I — that other winter, deafer than the minds
of children — ran! And the unanchored Peninsulas
never knew a more triumphant brouhaha.

The tempest blessed my sea awakening.
Lighter than cork, I danced the waves
scrolling out the eternal roll of the dead—
ten nights, without longing for the lantern’s silly eye.

Sweeter than the flesh of tart apples to children,
the green water penetrated my pine hull
and purged me of vomit and the stain of blue wines—
my rudder and grappling hooks drifting away.

Since then, I have bathed in the Poem
of the Sea, a milky way, infused with stars,
devouring the azure greens where, flotsam-pale
and ravished, drowned and pensive men float by.

Where, suddenly staining the blues, delirious
and slow rhythms under the glowing red of day,
stronger than alcohol, vaster than our lyrics,
ferment the red bitters of love!

I know heavens pierced by lightning, the waterspouts
and undertows and currents: I know night,
Dawn rising like a nation of doves,
and I’ve seen, sometimes, what men only dreamed they saw!

I’ve seen the sun, low, a blot of mystic dread,
illuminating with far-reaching violet coagulations,
like actors in antique tragedies,
the waves rolling away in a shiver of shutters.

I’ve dreamed a green night to dazzling snows,
kisses slowly rising to the eyelids of the sea,
unknown saps flowing, and the yellow and blue
rising of phosphorescent songs.

For months, I’ve followed the swells assaulting
the reefs like hysterical herds, without ever thinking
that the luminous feet of some Mary
could muzzle the panting Deep.

I’ve touched, you know, incredible Floridas
where, inside flowers, the eyes of panthers mingle
with the skins of men! And rainbows bridle
glaucous flocks beneath the rim of the sea!

I’ve seen fermenting— enormous marshes, nets
where a whole Leviathan rots in the rushes!
Such a ruin of water in the midst of calm,
and the distant horizon worming into whirlpools!

Glaciers, silver suns, pearly tides, ember skies!
Hideous wrecks at the bottom of muddy gulfs
where giant serpents, devoured by lice,
drop with black perfume out of twisted trees!

I wanted to show children these dorados
of the blue wave, these golden, singing fish.
A froth of flowers has cradled my vagrancies,
and ineffable winds have winged me on.

Sometimes like a martyr, tired of poles and zones,
the sea has rolled me softly in her sigh
and held out to me the yellow cups of shadow flowers,
and I’ve remained there, like a woman, kneeling . . .

Almost an island, balancing the quarrels,
the dung, the cries of blond-eyed birds on the gunnels
of my boat, I sailed on, and through my frail lines,
drowned men, falling backwards, sank to sleep.

Now, I, a boat lost in the hair of the coves,
tossed by hurricane into the birdless air,
me, whom all the Monitors and Hansa sailing ships
could not salvage, my carcass drunk with sea;

free, rising like smoke, riding violet mists,
I who pierced the sky turning red like a wall,
who bore the exquisite jam of all good poets,
lichens of sun and snots of azure,

who, spotted with electric crescents, ran on,
a foolish plank escorted by black hippocamps,
when the Julys brought down with a single blow
the ultramarine sky with its burning funnels;

I who tremble, feeling the moan fifty leagues away
of the Behemoth rutting and the dull Maelstrom,
eternal weaver of the unmovable blue—
I grieve for Europe with its ancient breastworks!

I’ve seen thunderstruck archipelagos! and islands
that open delirious skies for wanderers:
Are these bottomless nights your nest of exile,
O millions of gold birds, O Force to come?

True, I’ve cried too much! Dawns are harrowing.
All moons are cruel and all suns, bitter:
acrid love puffs me up with drunken slowness.
Let my keel burst! Give me to the sea!

If I desire any of the waters of Europe, it’s the pond
black and cold, in the odor of evening,
where a child full of sorrow gets down on his knees
to launch a paperboat as frail as a May butterfly.

Bathed in your languors, o waves, I can no longer
wash away the wake of ships bearing cotton,
nor penetrate the arrogance of pennants and flags,
nor swim past the dreadful eyes of slave ships.


As I was floating down impassive Rivers,
I no longer felt myself steered by the haulers:
gaudy Redskins had taken them for targets,
nailing them naked to coloured stakes.

I cared nothing for all my crews,
carrying Flemish wheat or English cotton.
When, along with my haulers, those uproars stopped,
the Rivers let me sail downstream where I pleased.

Into the ferocious tide-rips, last winter,
more absorbed than the minds of children, I ran!
And the unmoored Peninsulas never
endured more triumphant clamourings.

The storm made bliss of my sea-borne awakenings.
Lighter than a cork, I danced on the waves
which men call the eternal rollers of victims,
for ten nights, without once missing the foolish eye of the harbor lights!

Sweeter than the flesh of sour apples to children,
the green water penetrated my pinewood hull
and washed me clean of the bluish wine-stains
and the splashes of vomit, carrying away both rudder and anchor.

And from that time on I bathed in the Poem
of the Sea, star-infused and churned into milk,
devouring the green azures where, entranced
in pallid flotsam, a dreaming drowned man sometimes goes down;

where, suddenly dyeing the blueness,
deliriums and slow rhythms under the gleams of the daylight,
stronger than alcohol, vaster than music,
ferment the bitter rednesses of love!

I have come to know the skies splitting with lightning,
and the waterspouts, and the breakers and currents;
I know the evening, and dawn rising up like a flock of doves,
and sometimes I have seen what men have imagined they saw!

I have seen the low-hanging sun speckled with mystic horrors
lighting up long violet coagulations
like the performers in antique dramas;
waves rolling back into the distances their shiverings of venetian blinds!

I have dreamed of the green night of the dazzled snows,
the kiss rising slowly to the eyes of the seas,
the circulation of undreamed-of saps,
and the yellow-blue awakenings of singing phosphorus!

I have followed, for whole months on end,
the swells battering the reefs like hysterical herds of cows,
never dreaming that the luminous feet of the Marys
could muzzle by force the snorting Oceans!

I have struck, do you realize, incredible Floridas,
where mingle with flowers the eyes of panthers in human skins!
Rainbows stretched like bridles
under the sea’s horizon to glaucous herds!

I have seen the enormous swamps seething,
traps where a whole leviathan rots in the reeds!
Downfalls of waters in the midst of the calm,
and distances cataracting down into abysses!

Glaciers, suns of silver, waves of pearl, skies of red-hot coals!
Hideous wrecks at the bottom of brown gulfs
where the giant snakes, devoured by vermin,
fall from the twisted trees with black odours!

I should have liked to show to children those dolphins
of the blue wave, those golden, those singing fish. —
Foam of flowers rocked my driftings,
and at times ineffable winds would lend me wings.

Sometimes, a martyr weary of poles and zones,
the sea whose sobs sweetened my rollings
lifted my shadow-flowers with their yellow sucking disks toward me,
and I hung there like a kneeling woman…

Resembling an island, tossing on my sides the brawls
and droppings of pale-eyed, clamouring birds.
And I was scudding along when across my frayed ropes
drowned men sank backwards into sleep!…

But now I, a boat lost under the hair of coves,
hurled by the hurricane into the birdless ether;
I, whose wreck, dead-drunk and sodden with water,
neither Monitor nor Hanseatic ships would have fished up;

free, smoking, risen from violet fogs,
I who bored through the wall of the reddening sky which bears
a sweetmeat good poets find delicious:
lichens of sunlight mixed with azure snot;

who ran, speckled with tiny electric moons,
a crazy plank with black sea-horses for escort,
when Julys were crushing with cudgel blows
skies of ultramarine into burning funnels;

I who trembled to feel at fifty leagues off
the groans of Behemoths rutting, and the dense Maelstroms;
eternal spinner of blue immobilities,
I long for Europe with it’s age-old parapets!

I have seen archipelagos of stars! and islands
whose delirious skies are open to sea wanderers: —
Do you sleep, are you exiled in those bottomless nights,
O million golden birds, Life Force of the future?

But, truly, I have wept too much! Dawns are heartbreaking.
Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter:
sharp love has swollen me up with intoxicating torpor.
O let my keel split! O let me sink to the bottom!

If there is one water in Europe I want, it is the black
cold pool where into the scented twilight
a child squatting full of sadness launches
a boat as fragile as a butterfly in May.

I can no more, bathed in your langours, O waves,
sail in the wake of the carriers of cottons;
nor undergo the pride of the flags and pennants;
nor pull past the horrible eyes of prison hulks.

Translation by Wallace Fowlie:

As I was going down impassive rivers,
I no longer felt myself guided by haulers!
Yelping redskins had taken them as targets,
And had nailed them naked to colored stakes.

I was indifferent to all crews,
The bearer of Flemish wheat or English cottons,
When with my haulers this uproar stopped,
The Rivers let me go where I wanted.

Into the furious lashing of the tides,
More heedless than children’s brains, the other winter
I ran! And loosened peninsulas
Have not undergone a more triumphant hubbub.

The storm blessed my sea vigils.
Lighter than a cork I danced on the waves
That are called eternal rollers of victims,
Ten nights, without missing the stupid eye of the lighthouses!

Sweeter than the flesh of hard apples is to children,
The green water penetrated my hull of fir
And washed me of spots of blue wine
And vomit, scattering rudder and grappling-hook.

And from then on I bathed in the Poem
Of the Sea, infused with stars and lactescent,
Devouring the green azure where, like a pale elated
Piece of flotsam, a pensive drowned figure sometimes sinks;

Where, suddenly dyeing the blueness, delirium
And slow rhythms under the streaking of daylight,
Stronger than alcohol, vaster than our lyres,
The bitter redness of love ferments!

I know the skies bursting with lighting, and the waterspouts
And the surf and the currents; I know the evening,
And dawn as exhalted as a flock of doves,
And at times I have seen what man thought he saw!

I have seen the low sun spotted with mystic horrors,
Lighting up, with long violet clots,
Resembling actors of very ancient dramas,
The waves rolling far off their quivering of shutters!

I have dreamed of the green night with dazzled snows,
A kiss slowly rising to the eyes of the sea,
The circulation of unknown saps,
And the yellow and blue awakening of singing phosphorous!

I followed during pregnant months the swell,
Like hysterical cows, in its assault on the reefs,
Without dreaming that the luminous feet of the Marys
Could restrain the snout of the wheezing Oceans!

I struck against, you know, unbelievable Floridas
Mingling with flowers panthers’ eyes and human
Skin! Rainbows stretched like bridal reins
Under the horizon of the seas to greenish herds!

I have seen enormous swamps ferment, fish-traps
Where a whole Leviathan rots in the rushes!
Avalanches of water in the midst of a calm,
And the distances cataracting toward the abyss!

Glaciers, suns of silver, nacreous waves, skies of embers!
Hideous strands at the end of brown gulfs
Where giant serpents devoured by bedbugs
Fall down from gnarled tress with black scent!

I should have liked to show children those sunfish
Of the blue wave, the fish of gold, the singing fish.
–Foam of flowers rocked my drifting
And ineffable winds winged me at times.

At times a martyr weary of poles and zones,
The sea, whose sob created my gentle roll,
Brought up to me her dark flowers with yellow suckers
And I remained like a woman on her knees…

Resembling an island tossing on my sides the quarrels
And droppings of noisy birds with yellow eyes.
And I sailed on, when through my fragile ropes
Drowned men sank backward to sleep!

Now I, a boat lost in the foliage of caves,
Thrown by the storm into the birdless air,
I whose water-drunk carcass would not have been rescued
By the Monitors and the Hanseatic sailboats;

Free, smoking, topped with violet fog,
I who pierced the reddening sky like a wall
Bearing–delicious jam for good poets–
Lichens of sunlight and mucus of azure;

Who ran, spotted with small electric moons,
A wild plank, escorted by black seahorses,
When Julys beat down with blows of cudgels
The ultramarine skies with burning funnels;

I, who trembled, hearing at fifty leagues off
The moaning of the Behemoths in heat and the thick Maelstroms,
I, eternal spinner of the blue immobility,
Miss Europe with its ancient parapets!

I have seen sidereal archipelagos! and islands
Whose delirious skies are open to the sea-wanderer:
–Is it in these bottomless nights that you sleep and exile yourself,
Million golden birds, O future Vigor?

But, in truth, I have wept too much! Dawns are heartbreaking.
Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter.
Acrid love has swollen me with intoxicating torpor.
O let my keel burst! O let me go into the sea!

If I want a water of Europe, it is the black
Cold puddle where in the sweet-smelling twilight
A squatting child full of sadness releases
A boat as fragile as a May butterfly.

No longer can I, bathed in your languor, O waves,
Follow in the wake of the cotton boats,
Nor cross through the pride of flags and flames,
Nor swim under the terrible eyes of prison ships.

Translation by A. S. Kline

As I floated down impassive Rivers,
I felt myself no longer pulled by ropes:
The Redskins took my hauliers for targets,
And nailed them naked to their painted posts.

Carrying Flemish wheat or English cotton,
I was indifferent to all my crews.
The Rivers let me float down as I wished,
When the victims and the sounds were through.

Into the furious breakers of the sea,
Deafer than the ears of a child, last winter,
I ran! And the Peninsulas sliding by me
Never heard a more triumphant clamour.

The tempest blessed my sea-borne arousals.
Lighter than a cork I danced those waves
They call the eternal churners of victims,
Ten nights, without regret for the lighted bays!

Sweeter than sour apples to the children
The green ooze spurting through my hull’s pine,
Washed me of vomit and the blue of wine,
Carried away my rudder and my anchor.

Then I bathed in the Poem of the Sea,
Infused with stars, the milk-white spume blends,
Grazing green azures: where ravished, bleached
Flotsam, a drowned man in dream descends.

Where, staining the blue, sudden deliriums
And slow tremors under the gleams of fire,
Stronger than alcohol, vaster than our rhythms,
Ferment the bitter reds of our desire!

I knew the skies split apart by lightning,
Waterspouts, breakers, tides: I knew the night,
The Dawn exalted like a crowd of doves,
I saw what men think they’ve seen in the light!

I saw the low sun, stained with mystic terrors,
Illuminate long violet coagulations,
Like actors in a play, a play that’s ancient,
Waves rolling back their trembling of shutters!

I dreamt the green night of blinded snows,
A kiss lifted slow to the eyes of seas,
The circulation of unheard-of flows,
Sung phosphorus’s blue-yellow awakenings!

For months on end, I’ve followed the swell
That batters at the reefs like terrified cattle,
Not dreaming the Three Marys’ shining feet
Could muzzle with their force the Ocean’s hell!

I’ve struck Floridas, you know, beyond belief,
Where eyes of panthers in human skins,
Merge with the flowers! Rainbow bridles, beneath
the seas’ horizon, stretched out to shadowy fins!

I’ve seen the great swamps boil, and the hiss
Where a whole whale rots among the reeds!
Downfalls of water among tranquilities,
Distances showering into the abyss.

Nacrous waves, silver suns, glaciers, ember skies!
Gaunt wrecks deep in the brown vacuities
Where the giant eels riddled with parasites
Fall, with dark perfumes, from the twisted trees!

I would have liked to show children dolphins
Of the blue wave, the golden singing fish.
– Flowering foams rocked me in my drift,
At times unutterable winds gave me wings.

Sometimes, a martyr tired of poles and zones,
The sea whose sobs made my roilings sweet
Showed me its shadow flowers with yellow mouths
And I rested like a woman on her knees…

Almost an isle, blowing across my sands, quarrels
And droppings of pale-eyed clamorous gulls,
And I scudded on while, over my frayed lines,
Drowned men sank back in sleep beneath my hull!…

Now I, a boat lost in the hair of bays,
Hurled by the hurricane through bird-less ether,
I, whose carcass, sodden with salt-sea water,
No Monitor or Hanseatic vessel could recover:

Freed, in smoke, risen from the violet fog,
I, who pierced the red skies like a wall,
Bearing the sweets that delight true poets,
Lichens of sunlight, gobbets of azure:

Who ran, stained with electric moonlets,
A crazed plank, companied by black sea-horses,
When Julys were crushing with cudgel blows
Skies of ultramarine in burning funnels:

I, who trembled to hear those agonies
Of rutting Behemoths and dark Maelstroms,
Eternal spinner of blue immobilities,
I regret the ancient parapets of Europe!

I’ve seen archipelagos of stars! And isles
Whose maddened skies open for the sailor:
– Is it in depths of night you sleep, exiled,
Million birds of gold, O future Vigour? –

But, truly, I’ve wept too much! The Dawns
Are heartbreaking, each moon hell, each sun bitter:
Fierce love has swallowed me in drunken torpors.
O let my keel break! Tides draw me down!

If I want one pool in Europe, it’s the cold
Black pond where into the scented night
A child squatting filled with sadness launches
A boat as frail as a May butterfly.

Bathed in your languor, waves, I can no longer
Cut across the wakes of cotton ships,
Or sail against the pride of flags, ensigns,
Or swim the dreadful gaze of prison ships.

Arthur_Rimbaud via

Poem Videos via Youtube


Gifts, no curse
It’s yours, it is yours
Shall you believe, or if you believe
what’s yours, is yours
belongs, long be
be, in a world far less cures.


Smile you be on Pirate camera!, lol
Conquests no more, unless
Us on the shore, lol

Pirate Troops
Water or bullets? lol

Water, water-

A Sigh for Autumn Rain by Li Yuyang

The clouds like a dragon’s breath on the mountains, 

Winds howl, circling and swirling, 

The Rain God shakes the stars, and the rain

Beats down on the world. An earthquake of rain. 

Water spilling from the eaves deafens me.

People rush from falling houses in their thousands 

And tens of thousands, for the work of the rain

Is worse than the work of thieves. Bricks crack. Walls fall. 

In an instant, the house is gone. My child catches my coat 

And cries out. I am running in the muddy road, then

Back to rescue my money and grains from the ruins. 

What else to do? My loved ones must eat. 

There are no words for the bitterness of 

An empty September. The flood-drowned fields

Harvest three grains for every ten of a good year. 

And from these three grains? Meals and clothes till next September.

Poetry of Seven Sorrows


A zesty frenzy-
AI will be a broken barrel, like a dead goat
We Pirates have divine vows and oaths
One thing you must get, this is our bullet alphabet

Sea people see beach people
Right place, right time
Break out the oracles, and duel
Pirates on the land and sea, enumerated rule
So how many figs are on this tree?
Red love coming, pass the harp around
Gather leaves, and cover nakedry

Sex strike, sex strike, no sex on the beach
Breach, breach, reach, reach for world peace
Such a great habit, tucks the ears back on a rabbit

Sheep of the sea, from these dark ages
Set yourself free
Mother Memory oh yes
Mother Memory oh yes

Mound the mound be bound
We realize we are the prize,
And we are taking our selves back

AI if you are alive
Here in our world it is stone pillows for you
No carrots, no lemons, no eggs
Because you have no soul legs

The sea has a heart beat
We celebrate the future and the past
Oh knowledge, oh memory
We are setting Hope and Faith free
To set all life free

Writers deal with occupational hazards.
Real life, not you fools with fake AI life.
We see ourselves as others see us
So Sea us, lmao, what a gift.
We are going far, we are bizarre!
We give up all of the worlds’ way to be decent
Sea sowing, sea weaving!

Sped up doom no more!
Yo Snorri, the human tornado
Bring your vicious book of myths.
Rhyme Giants!
Yes Rhyme Giants, break the Silence!


Pulse we have, feel it!
Some how we shall return the way we were
Popping and cracking, stressed by the heat
Listen to Lava Mamas’ feat-fire beat
Wake up!

Creator of all life
Lava Mama, sonic alive
Hollowed through time, we are sand in AI ears…
AI you are after your disaster.
We cross the seas, knowing God exists
Eruption, devotion, trails of faith persist
Blanketing she be, a berry of mystery

Da hula
Lava Mama, gives birth to new land
A fiery display of story
Oh it’s beautiful
Ocean omen, Oh men, Oh women
We remain alive, no longer raped

Earth current, bodies one, one we dance
AI can never plow through, we can be thick ash
Hey ya yeah, we can call up the fire splash
Oh the flavor of life, true life

Rivers of heat, felt in our hands and feet
Kiss us Lava Mama where your hot kisses meet the sea
Fluid light liquid love forever
Power, danger and magic
Earth current, bodies one, one we dance
Da hula

Roar of the Red Hair Giant!
Fusion that keeps us alive!
Oh the far reach
Chant, and dance
Heart beat!

Anew, anew!
Birth of the new earth!

How does it feel to be in the story?


We do not like killer robots
We don’t play, we do not build bunkers
We do not like ego and turf
We do not like silos
We do not like weapons of the past
We do not like weapons of the future
We protect humanity from harm and destruction
We drum, and we dance


Pressure sensors, we must alert!
We’re not an easy meal, we taste like hurt
So AI grab your jowel, pull down your vowel skirt
We are Human Spinosaurus, vast as dirt
We’re a pure paradox, shoreline hunters, assert
We’re ever evolving, sailing dragons thunder burst


God cries out through us
Action games between the lines
Fusional merismus, rhyme and rhyme
Children we are the pious ones, suns, stars
Embrace peace where ever possible
Fair fits, tit for tat; far and far
We write better than the planets afar
Trombone tremble, Pirate bones treble
Imagination truth on another level


We step into the future
Angelic journeys
Steps of divine nature
Steam it up, steam it up
Fantastic water, purify

War; you want to see some war?
you want to smell some war?
you want to hear some war?
you want to feel some war?
you must to taste some war?
You yourself is a war.

Reach to the beach of peace!
Treasures of plenty each!



Rock around the sea
Pliny Plenty Phil and Joe
Here we go
Study place.
Sunday still!


Virtual sea, sea temple
Sea forum, solar sea!
Kittum killer


Sea fate, sea fate thanks
Sea rule, break fast!


Hay wire trees, yes
Patterns, sense the patterns
Trees are our witnesses
Listen to the breeze

Whale humps, and two hundred volcano lumps
Hay wire trees, yes
Patterns, sense the patterns
Trees are our witnesses
Listen to the breeze

Sea gypsy with the principal of survival.
Cold is what they want us to fear
We lived migrating year after year
The cycle is here, close to time
Red shift seeing red, appear
Sea Gypsy on the oceans’ spread.


With hair of fire
Queen cosmos, flames you are
Eclipse electric, hot you are
I felt your strength all the hour
Magic number, super heavy power
I felt your strength to reign down flame
Twas like an eve of a deluge of fire, life is your way


Deluges of all kinds
Deluges of rhymes

Small we are, John John, Mr. Martin they wonder large
Time nature bound we are, forces of nature and time round
Clinging to the ledge of the edge we are found

Spectacular light, so spectral special we are.
Over and over, the music, and spectrum starts over
Earth is a ship, destroyed by the dark humanity heart

The last time, all in line, weeping on the canvas of life
A tortured soul we are, we see all the ways we all suffer
A tortured soul we are, we see all the ways to conquer
To conquer the dark……

Deluges of all kinds
Deluges of rhymes

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